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Sanctified Changing Room

The changing rooms are a limited number of students and

narrow sometimes make the most of our often too late to follow the
lessons with reasons not to change my clothes after learning the sport .
In the locker room that is also a former warehouse , there are many
former table and chairs are just lying so far our space . Replace the other
places such as kitchens and bathrooms often already overcrowded . We
recommend changing rooms plus a number of feasibility and improved
so that we could change clothes comfortably and quickly . Thank you .
Avika Princess Anggraini

Not Like School Bathroom
Fever " Anti Bathroom School " began rampant among the
students of our school . Let alone entering , was already reluctant to pass
. The main reason , Bau . Then when entering it , sometimes we will find
the floor in a dirty , very rarely seen clean . Although it has improved , it
is still not too feasible for us even though physically it is good enough .
Perhaps because of the cleanliness factor , making the bathroom appear
to be less feasible and more seems like a public bathroom , the bathroom
is not like school in general . Therefore , let us all maintain a healthy
school environment ranging from small things to big things to keep us
comfortable and feel at home while in school .
Avika Princess Anggraini

assalamu'alaykum wr . wb .
Dear principal, esteemed ladies and vice principal, esteemed
ladies and teacher educators and educational , as well as that of
my colleagues proud .
on this occasion I will share a bit of knowledge that insha Allah,
can be beneficial for us all , aamiin robbal yaa ' alamiin ..
patient . Allah always ordered his servants to be patient .
patience is a trait possessed by the prophets . trials and tests
given by Allah to say can we skip if we are patient in the face. as
well as the prophets of Allah is given by a wide range of trials
and tests to increase their faith and piety . so Allah more love
and nurture them from the fire of hell , as the word of Allah in
alqu'an ( ) which means " Allah indeed with those who are
patient "
hopefully from the little knowledge I have to say this can be of
great benefit to us all and hopefully be able to improve our
deeds . yaa aaamiin robbal ' aalamiin ...
final word , if there is one word or deed I apologize profusely ,
wassalamu'alaykum wr . wb

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