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M u CV hi n i (Ti ng Anh) - Dnh cho IT (M u 1)

Long Le
Adamstr. 6, 13! "#r$in, %#rman&
'-mai$( $#)cs.unc.#du
***( htt+(,,---.cs.unc.#du,.$#
Objective: To o/tain a cha$$#nging +osition 0or summ#r int#rns in th# 0i#$d com+ut#r
2,!2 - 6,!!( T#chnica$ 3ni4#rsit& "#r$in, %#rman&
Di+$oma +rogram in '$#ctrica$ 'ngin##ring (-ith distinction).
Academic interests
Mu$tim#dia n#t-or1ing( Voic# o4#r I5, con0#r#nc# contro$ +rotoco$s.
6#t-or1 archit#ctur#s( Int#grat#d 7#r4ic#s, Di00#r#ntiat#d 7#r4ic#s, Acti4# 6#t-or1s.
Work experience
8,!! - +r#s#nt( 9#s#arch Institut# 0or :+#n Communication 7&st#ms, "#r$in, %#rman&
7ci#ntist at th# Com+#t#nc# C#nt#r 0or %$o/a$ 6#t-or1ing -ith r#s#arch +ro;#cts in
acti4# n#t-or1s
and in 4oic# o4#r I5.
- D#sign#d and im+$#m#nt#d a so0t-ar# modu$# in C,C<< und#r 3ni=,>inu= that
r#mot#$& contro$s
n#t-or1 d#4ic#s 4ia th# t#$n#t +rotoco$.
,!! - ?,!!( @u$$tim# int#rn at 6o4#dia Inc., "#r$in, %#rman&
In4o$4#d in th# d#4#$o+m#nt o0 an Int#rn#t con0#r#nc# s&st#m.
- D#sign#d and +art$& im+$#m#nt#d a c$ass $i/rar& in C<< that #na/$#s a +$at0orm
ind#+#nd#nt in+ut,

out+ut, and mi=ing o0 audio str#ams und#r *indo-s 6T and >inu=.
- Im+$#m#nt#d n#t-or1 a++$ications und#r >inu=.
- '=t#nd#d 0unctiona$iti#s o0 th# Vid#o Con0#r#nc# Too$ (4ic) und#r >inu= to #na/$#
m#ssag# #=chang# 4ia a m#ssag# /us.
- D#sign#d and im+$#m#nt#d a contro$ modu$# that contro$s th# 9o/ust Audio Too$ (rat)
and th# Vid#o
Con0#r#nc# Too$ (4ic) 4ia a m#ssag# /us und#r >inu=.
1A,!8 - ,!!( Di+$oma th#sis at 9#s#arch Institut# 0or :+#n Communication 7&st#ms,
"#r$in, %#rman&
Im+$#m#nt#d th# Ada+ti4# 5ac1#tiBation,Conc#a$m#nt (A5,C) a$gorithm in th# 6#t-or1
T#rmina$ Too$ (6#VoT). Th# A5,C a$gorithm #=+$oits th# $ong-t#rm corr#$ation o0
s+##ch signa$s to in0$u#nc# th# +ac1#tiBation int#r4a$ at th# s#nd#r and to conc#a$ th# $ost
+ac1#ts at th# r#c#i4#rs.
1,!8 - !,!8( 5r#-di+$oma th#sis at 9#s#arch Institut# 0or :+#n Communication 7&st#ms,
D#sign#d and im+$#m#nt#d a charging and accounting +rotoco$ that -or1s -ith th#
9#7#rVation 5rotoco$. Th# charging and accounting +rotoco$ 1##+s trac1 o0 n#t-or1
r#s#r4#d /& us#rs, r#$ia/$& #=chang#s accounting in0ormation /#t-##n n#t-or1 nod#s,
and 0air$& shar#s th# costs /#t-##n us#rs.
11,!? - 2,!!( 7tud#nt #m+$o&## at D#+artm#nt o0 Int#$$ig#nt 6#t-or1s, 7i#m#ns Inc.,
"#r$in, %#rman&
In4o$4#d in d#sign, t#st, and administration o0 ad4anc#d t#$#+hon# s#r4ic#s.
,!? - 1A,!?( 7tud#nt #m+$o&## at %MD @o1us 9#s#arch Institut# 0or :+#n
Communication 7&st#ms,
"#r$in, %#rman&

In4o$4#d in th# d#4#$o+m#nt o0 th# Mu$ticast Int#grat#d 7#r4#r, a Mu$ticast Addr#ss
9#so$ution 7#r4#r 0or ATM c$i#nts -ith Co7 su++ort.
5rogramming $anguag#s( DTM>, =86 ass#m/$& $anguag#, 5asca$, C,C<<, and Ea4a.
:+#rating s&st#ms( D:7, *indo-s, >inu=, and 3ni=.
Publications (a4ai$a/$# 0rom ---.cs.unc.#du,.$#,+a+#rs.htm$)
>. >#, D. 7ann#c1, %. Car$#, and T. Doshi. Acti4# Conc#a$m#nt 0or Int#rn#t 7+##ch
Transmission. To
a++#ar in the Second International Working Conference on Active Networks
(IWAN2000), To1&o,
:cto/#r FAAA.
D. 7ann#c1, 6. T. >. >#, and %. Car$#. '00iBi#nt# Di#nstGua$itHtsunt#rstItBung 0Ir I5
T#$#0oni# durch
s#$#1ti4# 5a1#tmar1i#rung (in %#rman) in First IP-ele!hon" Worksho!, "#r$in, A+ri$
FAAA. (This is a
r#4is#d 4#rsion o0 th# IMMC6 FAAA +a+#r.)
D. 7ann#c1, 6. T. >. >#, and A. *o$isB. '00ici#nt Co7 7u++ort 0or Voic#-o4#r-I5
A++$ications 3sing
7#$#cti4# 5ac1#t Mar1ing in S!ecial Session on #rror Control echni$%es for &eal-ti'e
(eliver" of
)%lti'edia data* First International Worksho! on Intelligent )%lti'edia
Co'!%ting(I))CN 2000),
At$antic Cit&, 6E, @#/ruar& FAAA.
D. 7ann#c1 and 6. T. >. >#. 7+##ch 5ro+#rt&-"as#d @'C 0or Int#rn#t T#$#+hon&
A++$ications in
Proceedings of the SPI#+AC) SI,)) )%lti'edia Co'!%ting and Networking
Conference 2000
())CN 2000), 7an Eos#, CA, Eanuar& FAAA.

6. T. >. >#. D#4#$o+m#nt o0 a >oss-9#si$i#nt Int#rn#t 7+##ch Transmission M#thod.
(i!lo'a thesis*
(e!art'ent of #lectrical #ngineering* echnical -niversit" .erlin, Eun# 1!!!.
6. T. >. >#. Charging and Accounting 5rotoco$ 0or I5 Mu$ticast o4#r ATM -ith Co7
Pre-di!lo'a thesis* (e!art'ent of eleco''%nications #ngineering* echnical
-niversit" .erlin,
7#+t#m/#r 1!!8.
Honors and Awards
?,FAAA( 'r-in-7t#+han 5riB# 0or #=c#$$#nt graduat#s (a-ard o0 th# 5r#sid#nt o0 th#
T#chnica$ 3ni4#rsit& "#r$in)
1A,!6 - 2,!8( @ri#drich-'/#rt @oundationJs scho$arshi+ 0or ta$#nt#d stud#nts
,!A( 6gu&#n-Dinh-Chi#u high schoo$Js a-ard 0or stud#nt -ith th# /#st +#r0ormanc# in
3,!A( @irst +riB# in th# Ti#n-%iang +ro4inc#Js annua$ Math com+#tition 0or ta$#nt#d high
schoo$ stud#nts
Oter activities
M#ntor o0 a summ#r int#rn
M#m/#r o0 th# Vi#tnam#s# 7tud#nt Association in "#r$in, %#rman&
6gu n( i'/iecNhanh0Co'

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