Viva Questions

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1. Differentiate microprocessor and micro controllers.

2. Differentiate RRA and RRC A instructions of 8081.

3. Give the format of PS re!ister of 80"1.
#. hat is the $ump ran!e in 80"1%
". &ist the features of 80"1.
'. hat is special function re!isters%
(. hat is the use of PC)* re!ister%
8. State the function of RS0 and RS1 +its of PS%
,. Give the interrupt priorities of 80"1.
10. &ist the addressin! modes of 80"1.
11. hat are the different industrial applications of micro controllers%. -hat is the
difference +et-een the C.SC and R.SC processors%
Intel 8051 follows which architecture: Harvard or Newman?
What is the difference between Harvard and Newman architecture?
8051 was developed using which technolog nmos or pmos?
Wh 8051 is called 8 bit microcontroller?
What is the width of data bus?
What is the width of address bus?
1! How man memor locations address bus can access "also tell in #b$?
%! &he memor locations that the address bus can access will be of '() or '*) or
+! How much on,chip '() is available?
-! *n,chip '() is also called ..... memor?
5! How much on,chip '*) is available?
/! *n,chip '*) is also called ..... memor?
0! How man bte is of the bidirectional input1output port?
8! What is 2('&?
3! &he original 8051 core runs at how man cloc# ccles per machine ccle?
10! With 1% )H4 cloc# fre5uenc how man instructions"of 1 machine ccle and %
machine ccle$ it can e6ecute per second?
11! What are the four distinct tpes of memor in 8051?
1%! Internal '() is located from address 0600 to ...?
1+! &ell the addresses which can be accessed directl?
1-! &ell the addresses which are bit addressable?
15! &ell the addresses which can be accesssed onl b indirect addressing mode?
1/! &ell the addresses where the special function registers are present and also which
addressing mode is used to access them?
10! (re 78' bit addressable or bte addressable?
18! What tpe of memor is 9rogram )emor? 'ead onl1'ead,write1write onl?
13! :;oes the program memor can be onl used for storing code onl< if not then
how that data is accessed?
%0! What is the address of e6ternal data memor from which it starts?
%1! How the e6ternal data memor is accessed?

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