Recepies For Adolescence

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Swati Singh
Nutritionist & Lifestyle Expert
Hyderabad, AP
Objective : To Prepare a recipe which is rich in nutrients
especially in protein, iron, calcium, Vitamin d and Vitamin B
complex which are essential during this age that faces
numerous and sudden physical and psychological changes.
Challenges: To deliver a recipe which is rich in nutrients,
inviting in looks and delicious in taste, as at this age an
adolescent becomes finicky in eating.
Ing#e$ients :
Whole Wheat Flour : 250gms
Till/ Sesame Seeds : 2 table spoon
Boiled Potato : 2 small
Carrot(Chopped ) : no
!nion ( Chopped) : 2 nos
Tomato (Chopped) : 2"# nos
Cumin seeds : tbs
$oasted Peanuts : 50 gms
So%a Chun&s/ So%a Badi (Boiled ' Crushed)" 50gms
Salt : ())ording to Taste
*reen Chili"*inger" *arli) Paste : 2 "# table spoon
+egetable !il ,or Saut-
Serves : 5
. Ta&e /hole /heat atta 0 add till seeds and pin)h o, salt ,or taste and ma&e so,t dough
li&e )hapatti /ith the help o, lu&e/arm /ater. 1eep it aside.
2. 1eep a pan on ,lame and add 2 tbs o, oil0 /hen it gets hot add )umin seeds and
)hopped onions. When it starts turning golden bro/n add )arrot and saut- ,or 2"#
minutes. (,ter sometimes )arrots /ould so,ten then add ginger")hilli"garli) paste and
saut- ,or a minute. (dd tomatoes and )o2er pan ,or 2 minutes0 /e /ant the tomatoes
to release its 3ui)e. Crush the boiled potatoes into small pie)es and add to the mi4ture
also add )rushed so%a )hun&s. 5i4 them /ell and add salt as per %our taste. Co2er the
pan ,or 2 minutes let the mi4ture be )oo&ed and mi4ed properl%. S/it)h o,, the ,lame
and &eep the pan aside.
#. (dd roasted peanuts to the mi4ture.
6. 5a&e small ball si7e pie)es (Loyian) o, the dough. $oll them thin /ith the help o,
rolling pin (bellan). The rolled )happati li&e tortillas are read%.
5. 1eep pan on the ,lame0 on)e it gets hot put the tortillas on it and )oo& o2er medium
,lame on ea)h side until lightl% bro/ned. !n)e tortillas are )oo&ed spread the
2egetable mi4ture on it. 8o/ ,old the tortilla in shape o, hal, moon and )oo& ,or a
9. The nutritious /hole /heat 2eggie Ta)os are read%. Coo& all tortillas similarl% ,or
deli)ious Ta)os.
:. Ser2e it /ith )oriander )u)umber salad and lime 3ui)e.

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