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As everything has its limitations, this study too is not an exception. During the survey few
limitations and constraints faced. They are as follows:
Unavailability of enough secondary data.
Information regarding only a specific branch.
Time constraints.
Validity of report fully depends on the information provided by the concerned authorities.
Knowledge about a specific department.
Reluctant of employees to involve the students in core and confidential activities.

This report has all the detailed information about the different departments of the bank which
includes the customer service department, remittance department, treasury department, credit
department and share department that could be very helpful to determine the major tasks
performed by them.

The report will also be helpful for the students and individuals who seek for the information
about the banking activities and the services provided by it. This study also helps to understand
the scope of banking sector in the Nepalese market.

For the preparation of this report, mainly two sources have been used:
Primary source
Studying the work methodology and processes in the organization.
Regular discussion with the employees of the bank.
Discussion with customers about their relation with the bank.
From the queries with the bank employees.
Secondary source
Brochures and prospectus of the bank.
Annual report of the bank.
Internal record of the bank.
Other material provided by the bank
Articles published in the newspaper
Website of the bank

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