Pdca KD Mei 2014

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Kaizen Expert Development


OBJECTIVE : Building kaizen awareness at sales area through socialization and assistant kaizen activities to all
branches and develop 14 Head Office kaizen expert in 2014
Progress, KPI & Evaluation
(YTD March 2014)
Problem Identification Next Action
1. Kaizen Expert Development
HO Kaizen expert : 7 person (Abe, Yuda, Angel, William,
Wilson, Romy & Yessica)
HO Kaizen expert - OJT : 7 person (Malvin, Rakyan, Melisa,
Eko, Dani, Gavin, Aldo)
Dealer Kaizen Expert Tunas - OJT : 2 Person (Wawan, Ove)
Dealer Kaizen Expert Astrido - OJT : 2 Person (Vina, Bela)
Dealer Kaizen Expert Plaza - OJT : 2 Person (Yakub, Reta)

2. Prepare for next review next kaizen expert candidate
Rakyan & Malvin (Estimated W3 Juni 2014)
Prepare for next review next kaizen expert candidate
Wawan & Ove (Estimated W4 Juni 2014)
Prepare for next review next kaizen expert candidate
Vinna & Bella (Estimated W2 Juli 2014)
Prepare Next Review next Kaizen 1st Review
Melisa Eko Dani Gavin Aldo (Juli)

3. Kaizen Expert New Development Scheme
1. Kaizen Expert Development
a. Insufficient ability of
Kaizen Expert candidate
compare to amount of
Expansion Projects Branches
(some of candidate still
need supervision from
Kaizen Expert to manage

2. Need more preparation and
evalution concept for kaizen
expert candidate.

3. Need more competencies
from kaizen expert

1. Kaizen Expert Development
a. Fast learning Kaizen Expert Candidate
with assistency from Kaizen Expert
through strenghtening PDCA sharing,
counseling & give specific task to
candidate related to competency build
(PDCA sharing every week, Counseling
monthly & Evaluate task every support
visit to Branch)

2. Discuss next review concept with TAM

3. Waiting for Mrs Widyawati Approvalnew
development scheme for Kaizen Expert
next knowledge & competencies
KPI Target Actual
HO- Kaizen expert 14 7
Dealer - Kaizen expert 5 0

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