Tuesday 23 October Ro-Uk Conference Norm and Creativity

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Tuesday 23 October

Ferdinand lecture hall
10.00 11.00 Keynote speaker: Jeremy Muday, University of Leeds,
Creativity in the translation into English of Modern Latin American
o! creative can a translator "e and any!ay !hat do !e #ean "y
$creative$ in this sense% &hat constraints are i#posed on that creativity and
ho! does this vary over ti#e and socio'cultural circu#stance% (hese are
)uestions * intend to discuss, usin+ e,a#ples dra!n fro# #y research into
the translations of the Latin -#erican "oo# !riters of the 1./0s on!ards.
*n particular, * shall present so#e findin+s of recent archive !ork carried out
on translator papers and #anuscripts related to the the translations of 0arlos
Fuentes, 1ario 2ar+as Llosa and Jor+e Luis 3or+es.4
11.00 11.50 Co!!ee brea"
11.50 16.00 Adr#escu Radu$ Spoken Poetry: the rules of
social discontent
16.00 16.50 Oaa Co%eau: Creating the Norm: The
American Tradition
16.50 15.00 Ce&a Aca' Ce&a Nad#a: !f ! had have
on the $e"
15.00 15.50 Dobo( Da#e)a$ %uestioning &rammar Teaching Norms:
The Case of the English Tenses

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