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Ohayou gozaimasu~!
Basic Information
Japan is located in Eastern Asia, on the island
chain (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu)
between the North Pacific Ocean and the Sea
of Japan.
Meaning of Japan is Land of the rising Sun.
Capital and the largest city: Tokyo.
Population: 127.360.000
Area: 377.944 km
Currency: Yen
Government: Constitutional monarchy with
parliamentary government.
Japanese flag represents Sun without rays and
its called Hinomaru.
Religion: Shinto and Buddhist 84%, other
The longest river Shinano/Chikuma (367km). It flows from
Nagano Prefecture to Niigata Prefecture.
Four largest islands take about 97% of the land area.
More than 70% of Japan is consisted of mountains including
more than 200 volcanos.
There are around 1.500 earthquakes every year.
The highest mountain Mt. Fujiyama (3.776m). Its located
on Honshu Island and its an active stratovolcano.
Japan has no borders.
Japans literacy rate is almost 100%.
Evidence of human inhabitance dates back 10.000 years.
Japan has never been a subject to colonial rule.
In 1891 Japan adopted Western style government.
Ethnic groups: -Japanese 98.5%
-Koreans 0.5%
-Chinese 0.4%
-Others 0.6%.
Major Cities
1. Tokyo (worlds largest city)
2. Yokohama
3. Osaka
4. Nagoya
5. Sapporo
Its located on the Eastern side of the main
island, Honshu.
This city is considered an alpha+ world city.
In 2010, Tokyo was named the second most
expensive for expatriate employees.
Tokyo was previously known as Edo.
The density of population in Tokyo is 5796
per km
Japan is poor with energetic resources and raw materials.
Big importer of oil, gas, bauxite, metals, wool, fat and meet.
On littoral of Japan is made an industrial zone long 1000 km,
from Tokyo to Nagasaki.
Japan is a big exporter of motor vehicles, semiconductors and
office machinery, cotton, silk and synthetic textile.

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