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Calcium Hydroxyapatite; Ca

Structure consists of calcium surrounded by phosphate and hydroxy groupsA complete
unit cell is not shown here, instead you can see distinguishing features such as: P

tetrahedra, "H groups, calcium
#he unit cell consists of two triangular prismatic subcells forming a rhombic prism with
$ertical sides% #here are two hori&ontal mirror planes, one '(! of the way down and one
)(! of the way down from the top% *n addition, there is a center of in$ersion exactly in the
center of each $ertical face of each subcell%
we see a Ca+ substructure centered
on Ca'% #he three ' atoms are
abo$e the Ca atom; the three ,
atoms, slightly twisted, are below%
#he three ) atoms are slightly
below the Ca' atom in this $iew%
#he six P! units of the unit cell -three in each of the two triangular subcells. are
organi&ed in sets of three in a /pinwheel/ fashion around Ca'% #hey are attached $ia ,
and ) in each case% *n this depiction there are two ) atoms aligned $ertically% ne is
part of the enantiomeric Ca+ unit 0ust abo$e this one
Along each of the three $ertical faces of each triangular subcell there are two calcium
atoms of another sort -Ca,., each with se$en atoms nearby, ma1ing a

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