Present Tense Basic

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Learning a language is all about words but what kinds of words?

If you just learnt how to

say nouns (things) your speech would just be like a big list: cat dog book air teeth bucket,
not very interesting. To really make a language work for you, you need verbs (doing words).
In English verbs are pretty easy to use there is one form for most do-ers
e.g. I sing, you sing, we sing, they sing
but he/she sings
In German they change for ALL the do-ers. This can be confusing at first but once you
learn the pattern you can follow it for most verbs!
You need to know what the infinitive is (the full verb which you find in the dictionary). This
usually ends with en e.g. gehen, finden, machen, sehen, spielen
I ich spiel e
you (informal singular) du spiel st
he/she/it er/sie/es spiel t
we wir spiel en
you (informal plural) ihr spiel t
you (formal sing/plural) Sie spiel en
They sie spiel en

Some verbs add an extra e before the normal endings above to make them easier to
pronounce e.g. finden becomes ich finde, du findest, er findet
Translate the following into English
1. Ich spiele Golf
2. Wir machen ein Picknick
3. Lernt ihr deutsch?
4. Er macht eine Radtour
5. Spielen Sie gern Trompete ?
6. Singst du in einem Chor ?
7. Sie kommt aus England
8. Mein Bruder hrt nicht gern Jazz

Translate the following into German
1. He plays tennis
2. They are going on a picnic
3. She is learning German
4. She likes listening to rock music
5. We sing in a choir
6. When are you going?
7. My friends play the guitar
8. I take (make) a photo

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