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Identity Theft Webquest

Part I Use the Justice Departments website to learn more about identity theft.
1. What is identity theft?
Identity theft is when someone wrongfully obtains and uses another persons personal data in some way that
involves fraud or deception.
2. Define the following ways thieves might steal your identity
a. Shoulder Surfing
Watching you closely to when you punch in your credit card number on your phone or when you are giving
your credit card information over the phone.
b. Dumpster Diving
Going through your garbage cans to get your personal bank or credit card statements or checks.
c. Via the mail
Receiving preapproved credit cards in the mail.
d. Spam Emails
Unsolicited emails that promise some benefit but request some identifying data.
3. To avoid being a victim of identity theft, it is recommended that you SCAM what does this stand for?
S- Be stingy
A- Ask
C- check
M- maintain
4. Explain what one part of SCAM means.
Check your credit reports frequently- more than just once a year.
5. What groups do you need to contact when you find youre the victim of identity theft or fraud? [Hint - there are 7
specific bureaus/organizations + 2 more generic companies and institutions]
Federal Trade Commission, by telephone 1-877- ID THEFT, by mail to the Consumer Response Center (FTC), postal
inspection service, Social Security Inspection, Internal revenue service, and Equifax, TransUnion or Experian.

Part II For this assignment, you will read a story of one persons experience with identity theft and use the internet to
further your understanding of what happened to the person. Questions where you will need to research the answer
online are indicated as such.
Article -
6. Why was Joe Tremba confused when he received a collection letter about a past due credit card account?
He was confused because he has always paid his credit card in full each month and only had once credit card.
7. What does it mean to be assigned to a collections agency? [Look up online]
That the person who is looking for their money will assign you to a collection agency who will come looking for your
money instead of the credit card company or the person who gave you the loan.
8. How has this identity theft affected Joes life?
He is now not able to buy a house and has to wait until he can get this cleared.
9. What does it mean to opt out of credit card offers that arrive in the mail? [Look this up online]
It just means that you will not be opening up a new credit card and this does not improve or hurt your credit.
10. How many people are victims of identity theft each year?
11.1 Americans are victims each year.
11. What is the average amount stolen according to the Javelin Identity Fraud Survey Report in 2010?
The average amount stolen each year is $4,841.
12. When must suspicious credit activity be reported so creditors can efficiently track fraudulent purchases?
As soon as you find out but preferably as soon as it starts happening.
13. What are the 3 big things you must look for when reviewing your credit report?
Accounts that do not belong to you, personal information such as names, addresses, exc. that do not belong to you
and outdated or incomplete information.
14. What steps should be taken when you are the victim of identity theft?
Placing a fraud alert on your credit report, filing a police report and filling out an identification theft complaint with
the FTC.
15. What is a fraud alert with the FTC? [Look this up online]
The fraud alert will make it harder for an identity theft to open more accounts in your name and when you have this
a business must verify your identity before it issues credit and the alert will stay for 90 days. Every 90 days you can
renew it and it allows you to get a free credit report every month from the three major credit companies.

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