Colonial Newsletter

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Hopson's 5th Grade Explorers November 2014

Happy November Parents,
This month your 5th graders will be exploring America's beginings! Over the next serveral weeks your students
will complete several projects that will help them identify the colonial regions, industry, climate, and daily life of
the 1600's. Most of the exploration will be done in class, however we will need your suport to complete our final

Mark Your Calendar
Monday November 24, 2014 - 6pm
Colonial Days Parent Presentation

At the end of this unit your student will
create a comercial about their colony.
They may choose to dress up in costume
to make their video. Students are also
encouraged to dress up for the parents
night presentation Thanksgiving week.
Please help your student create a
colonial themed costume. The Salvation
Army is a great place to find cheap
pieces to make costumes. Feel free to
contact me if you need help or have
questions about making costumes.
Ask Your Students About.......

e-mail or text me @
What is a colonial region?
What were the orginal English
Why did people move to different
What were the different industries in
each region?
What kinds of differences were there
between people in the colonies?
(exmples; religion, culture, slaves,
Natives, economic differences)

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