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Ulana Bounnak
Published by
High Tech High Media Arts
2230 Truxtun Road, 3rd Floor
San Diego, CA 92106
Copyright 2014 High Tech High Media Arts
All rights reservedno part of this book may be reproduced in any
form without written permission from the publisher.
Table of Content
Chapter 1
Te abandoned building
Chapter 2
It was just a dream
Chapter 3
Whos Louie?
Chapter 4
Sunower Cafe
Chapter 5
Te Opening?
Chapter 6
Who did it?!
Chapter 7
Grand Reopening
Chapter 1
Te abandoned building
t was a dark Tuesday night in Manhattan. I was coming out
of my last class, it was pitch dark, all the lights on the cam-
pus were turned o for some reason. Maybe they thought all
the students went home. It was only me and some other stu-
dents coming out of lecture room, and we were the last class
going home before they closed the gates. We all exchanged our
goodbyes and went home. For me, my apartment was only just
couple blocks from New York University. While I was walking
to my apartment I was looking at the moon in the twilight. I
was gassing into the dark sky, and thinking about what I had
done that day. I remember I ate a tuna sandwich for lunch,
it was okay, I guess, it didnt have enough mayo. But every-
thing after that blew out of my mind. I was so exhausted from
school, I just wanted to lay down and fall asleep in my tempur
pedic mattress.
Every time I walk home, I would notice this abandoned build-
ing on the corner of my eyes. I never really noticed it because
I would walk as fast as I could to get out of the darkness, but
today the building really caught my eyes. Te building looked
really dark and terrifying, but I saw something shining out of
the building. I walked towards the building to see what is was
and it was just a glass reecting the moonlight. As I kept look-
ing at the building it looked like it was burnt down from the
past. It had a weird and scary vibe to it, it felt like someone was
looking at me from a distance. Te walls were falling apart,
the windows were broken with glass all over the streets, and it
smell like old burnt wood. I was creeped out so I kept walk-
ing. As I was walking I had a weird feeling that someone was
following me. I kept looking back but no one was there. All of
a sudden the moonlight was shining and someone appeared
right in front of my face, it had startled me. It felt like I had
a mini heart attack. After that I was feeling nervous. Te guy
had a white beard that was really well cut. Te weird thing was
that he was balled, his head was really big that it looked like he
knew everything. His eyes were an ocean blue, it was hard to
see them because it was too dark. His nose was a weird shape,
it was as shape like a broken shard of glass. His mouth slowly
opened and a whaling sound came out. Nothing else did. Ten
I knew he wanted to ask me something, but with a blink of
an eye he was gone. I was beyond scared and, I started to run
home. Good thing I was only one block away from my apart-
I live in a small apartment in the center of New York City. It is
always busy with cars going around picking up and dropping
o people. It gets really crazy and chaotic. Nothing but sirens,
chatter faded as people passed by. When I got to the door, I
just remember that I left my keys on the kitchen counter. I
was hoping that Rose could buzz me in. She is my roommate,
a quiet mousy girl. Rose has lava red hair, with pale skin and
cheeks so red that it always looks like shes blushing. I think her
parents named her rose because of her cheeks. In contrast to
her hair and skin, her eyes are a clear light brown that you can
see your reection if stared in them just long enough. I held my
thumb to the buzzer for ve minutes, waiting for her to answer.
Whom is it???
Its me, Drew. As if she didnt know. Can you buzz me in,
please? Te buzzer made a weird noise and sounded like it
was slowly wearing out as if it was underwater.
As I got to my apartment door, I knocked twice, the door
opened in front of me. Behind it was a tall scrawny man
wearing a t-shirt for some band.
Hello Drew.
Hey, Charlie, how have you been? Charlie is a guy that
is dating Rose. Tey been going out for six months now. It
doesnt really bother me because Rose and I are just really
good friends, and I do not want to risk anything because our
friendship means the world to me.
Pretty good, and you?
Good. I didnt really like Charlie for some reason, he gave
out a weird vibe.
Tat was the end of that conversation. I mean he is a pretty
cool guy, but I do not really know him very well, because he is
never around. Rose popped in the room and the atmosphere
started to feel less sti.
You left your keys on the counter there. She sounded an-
noyed, but she knows it will happen again.
Yes I know, thanks for reminding me. I looked over at
Charlie and he was too busy on his phone.
Hey, can I talk to you in private? I whispered to her. I was
still a little freaked out by that guy that came up to me.
Of course, what is it? She seemed very curious.
We walked into the kitchen while Charlie was sitting on the
couch talking on the phone.
What is it, Drew?
When I was walking home and I passed by that abandon
You mean New York Grand? I looked at her in a weird way
because I didnt know it was called that.
New York Grand?
Yeah the abandon building, one block from here.
Why is it called the New York Grand? It sounded strange
because from looking at it, it didnt look grand at all.
Who knows? She shrugged. But what is it Drew? What is
bothering you? It looks like you saw a ghost.
Charlie came bursting into the kitchen, his face looked like he
was worried about something., I have to go now Rose He
gave me a weird look, like I was stealing Rose away. But then
he put a smile on his face. It was nice to see you Drew, good-
bye now. As if he liked me, I felt like he was only saying it to
be nice because Rose was right there. He was started to walk
away, he came back like he was worried about something.
Hey, Rose can I talk to you please?
Sure. She was talking him to the door and he was whis-
pering something in her ear. Her react looked like she was
confused or that she is being lied too. Ten I just looked away
and went to take a shower.
Chapter 2
It was just a dream
t was nice and quiet, all of a sudden I was in the streets at
the same place of when that guy came up to me. I started to
look up at the abandon New York Grand, then the same guy
was coming out of it, the guy that came out of the moonlight,
then I started walking towards him, but it was never ending. It
felt like I wasnt moving at all, he went back into the building
and I demanded that I wanted to talk to him. Ten I heard a
ringing sound in the back of my head. It was too loud that I
jumped out of bed all sweating and thiry. Ten I realized it was
my alarm piercing my ears.
Te next day I was walking to school, I stopped in front of the
New York Grand, it doesnt look that scary in the sunlight, it
just looks like a building that was burnt down and just needs a
lot of xing to do. Ten I kept walking and I saw Rose going
to her rst class. I remember her telling me she wants to be a
therapist. I can see that. She is a good with listening to other
people problems and worries. I bets she could do a whole lot of
good one day. As for me I am in the business world, of trying
to have my own business or being a really good businessman.
As I was walking towards her Charlie beat me to her, so I just
passed by them, walking a little faster than usual and avoided
their gaze.
Chapter 3
Whos Louie?
ll I was thinking about was how boring the class was.
Tere was only a couple students in the class, and most
of them were falling asleep, some were just zooming out and I
was one of them. All I could think about was the man from the
other night. Te way his eyes looked at me, was like he wanted
me to talk to me or something. It was bothering me because
I wanted to know who he is, and why didnt he? Come up to
me that night. I remember how tense and anxious his face was,
I couldnt focus the on the presentation on marketing that my
teacher was giving. All of a sudden everyone started packing
up, it was time to leave. I was still in my own world thinking
about what had happened.
Drew...... Drrreeeewwwww.... DREW! I snapped out.
Class is over. Te teacher demanded. I stood up and just
walked away slowly and quietly. When I was walking out, I saw
Charlie talking to Rose as if he was in trouble, he was wearing
the change clothes as yesterday as if he didnt get home yet. She
just walked away from him because she seemed like she was
getting irritated from him. Rose just turned around headed the
other way to her next class.
I couldnt stay at school anymore, I started to walk around cen-
tral park, I sat down looking at the trees and listening to the
birds as they were singing to me. As I was sitting on the bench,
this guy sat on the other side of the bench, He looked familiar.
I turned the other way so he wouldnt think I was just staring
at the guy. I was just focusing on how the birds singing. I was
about to get up then I hear someone trying to talk to me, it
was the guy.
It is such a beautiful day, isnt it? He was trying to start a
Oh, yes. It is. Te sun was in the middle of the sky shining
really bright in between the trees. But I only agreed with him
because I was trying to be nice. I wanted to leave but he keep
trying to talk to me like as if he had a lot of time to spare.
As I was slowing standing up I heard a voice. Wait! I looked
Hey, I just moved into town and do you know where the
Sunower Cafe is?
I looked at him, because the sunower cafe is just across the
street from my apartment.
Yes, it just down two blocks from here, Ill be walking down
that way if you would like to join me. I said to be polite.
Tat would be great! My name is Louie by the way.
Drew. I leaned forward as we locked hands together.
It is very nice to be meet you. We shook hands, he had a
strong grip, as if he was very happy to see me.
We began walking, we started talking about where he came
from, and why he moved. Louie was from Vermont, he said
he was raised and born from Vermont. He lived in a small
town where everyone knew each other. He moved to New
York because he said was wanted to live in the city.
Where you live? I was curious.
Im staying with a friend.
We kept walking and we were passing by the New York Grand
abandoned building, we stopped to look, then I was starting
to remember the guy that came up to me last night.
I was walking around here last night and I was looking at
this building. It is very interesting to me. Louie said.
Tat is weird because I was walking home last night and this
guy came up to me, but I really couldnt see his face because it
was too dark. Ten it clicked to me, Louies green eyes came
to my sense, and it was Louie.
I think it was me! Did I walk away from you?!
Yes! Why did you walk away?! I was so frightened, I was
thinking about it this whole day!
Im sorry, I didnt mean too, you see I was looking for the
Sunower Cafe, and I was embarrassed, so I walked away.
He started to talk really fast as if he was hiding something but
I ignored it.
Ten we kept walking.
What ever happened to the building anyways? Louie asked.
It was a big hotel called the New York Grand, and I heard it
was burnt down. I dont know why though.
Oh, I see. So Drew, what do you do for a living?
Well I go to NYU, and it is my last year and I will be getting
my degree for business next year.
What I bright future you have! What kind of business would
you want to run?
I wouldnt mind anything, I just would like to manage my
own business. But enough about me, what did you do before
you came to New York?
Well me and my family had a family restaurant and I was the
Oh so you like cooking?
Yes I love to cook!
What ever happened to the restaurant?
Everyone in my family started to move away, and we kept
losing customers, and we lose our business. I noticed he was
holding something in this hand while he was telling the story, I
didnt know what it was, and I kept trying to look. Soon after,
we came up to my apartment and the sunower cafe was just
across the street. I pointed to the cafe, Louie looked to his
right and saw the cafe. He looked happy to see the cafe, but it
looked like he didnt want to say goodbye. But I had to go, I
was exhausted from school.
Well this is my stop and the Sunower Cafe is right there.
Oh, wheres your stop? Louie questioned.
Well my apartment is right here.
Oh, you live here? Well thanks for walking me to the sun-
ower Caf, I really appreciate it. Ill see you around. We
both exchanged goodbyes and headed home.
I started to wonder why he wanted to go to the sunower
Cafe when I was walking up the stairs to my apartment room.
Ten when I got to my room, I saw Charlie leading against
the door, waiting. I think he was waiting for Rose. He saw me
walking up.
Have you seem Rose by any chance? Charlie asked.
No, I think she still has one more class, why? Whats wrong?
It looked like something was bother him.
Nothing, nothing, may I come in and wait for her?
He pushed through the door and forcefully sat down.
I felt awfully awkward, did you want a drink or something?
No, Im o.k.
It was quiet for ve minutes, as we were sitting down and I
was on my phone read a book. And he was holding some-
thing strange.
Have you ever had a friend that did something really bad
and that friend cant do anything about it? He blurts out.
No, what is it Charlie..? He looked blankly at me.
Did you know that, we barely know each other and I am
Rose is boyfriend and your her roommate. How come we
never hang out? He was trying to change the subject.
Maybe it is because we are both busy, and we dont have the
time to get to know each other. He smiled at me as if we were
becoming closer. Suddenly, that smile faded away as if he was
thinking about something. He was going to tell me something,
his mouth was open but nothing was coming out. It looked
like he was thinking about telling me or not then Rose came in
through the door, and we both jumped up.
Hey, what were you guys were just talking about? Rose asked
Oh nothing. Charlie said.
Charlie ran up to her, and said We werent nish talking. He
looked back at me. At that moment, he took a hold of Roses
arm and dragged her to her room. I decided to head over
mine since I heard squealing and arguing. I just minded my
own business. Ten I started to hear yelling.
Why did you come here?! ............I dont want to talk about
this now! ..............It was all your fault!...... Why did you do
it?............ I want you to go home!..... Ten Charlie stormed
out and slammed the door. I heard a grasp right after. Rose
didnt come out of her room that night. I didnt want to bother
her. It was night time already the moonlight shined through
the windows, and we both went to sleep.
Chapter 4
Sunower Cafe
t was a nice saturday morning, the sun was out there was no
clouds in the sky, and it was just the perfect weather to be in.
Rose was already up in the living room watching tv.
Isnt it a beautiful day? Rose said, while she was looking out
the window.
Yes, we should go walk around central park. It looked like
she was thinking way too hard about her and charlie so I
Tat would be great. I was excited because it felt like we
havent hang out in a long time.
We both got ready, and went for a walk.
So what has been on your mind? I requested.
Just Charlie... I dont know about him anymore.. He wasnt
the same person as when I met him when I was working at
the New York Grand before it got burnt down. I havent told
anyone that because every time I would tell someone that they
would freak out because no one need who burnt down the
place, so they just assumed that every worker planned it. I was
super upset. Te air was full of sadness.
Oh really, why?
He has just been really dierent. Her face looked like she
was about to shed a tear. I feel like I am losing him.
It just got quiet, while we were walking in central park. We
started to bring up how we met, and how we became su-
per close. It is crazy because it happened two years ago. We
laughed and talked for the rest of the day. We sat on the
bench where I sat yesterday, where I met Louie. Oh I met
someone right here, yesterday. I mentioned to Rose.
Who? She was slightly curious.
His name is Louie, he is from Vermont. He wanted to know
where the Sunower cafe was, the one across the street from
our apartment. And I walked him there, because I was walk-
ing home anyways. Louie was the guy who scared me while I
was walking home the other night.
Is that why you were freaking out the other night?! And that
is weird, Charlie has a friend name Louie, and he just came to
town. Rose seemed confused and shocked for some reason.
Maybe Charlie is the friend he is staying with, he told me
We were both getting hungry and we didnt know where to go
eat, an idea spared.
Have you ever been to the Sunower cafe?!
No, have you? Wait, the small cafe that has mosaic top din-
ing tables?
Yeah! And no, we should go try! It is just right across from
our apartment too.
As we were walking back, we were passing the New York
Grand, she looked bitter. She just wanted to keep on walking,
and didnt even want to notice the building.
How was it working there? Was it fun?
Yeah it was fun, I got paid a lot, which is good, I wish it was
still here. I would see all the famous people check in, it was
just an amazing hotel. I could see in her eyes that her dreams
was crushed. We got to the Sunower Cafe, and it was a little
cafe. She was right mosaic blue top and sunowers for decora-
tion. Where we should sit anywhere we want, and we would
have to order where the crasher people would take our order.
Te menu would hanging right in front of our face. It was like
a dessert place. Te menu had honey toast which an option
if you want ice cream or fruit or something sweet on it. Ten
it has crepes with anything type of ice cream and fruit you
would want on it. It was a vintage cafe, which Rose seem to
really like. Once I did my order, and I saw Louie right on my
corner of my eye, on his eyes glued to his laptop. I went to go
sit next to him while Rose was deciding on what to get.
I slowly reached for his shoulder and tapped it.
Hey! Drew! Nice seeing you again. What are you doing
here? Louies eyes widen up when he took a long glance at
Just wanted to check this place out, it is really cool in here...
how did you nd out about this place?
I just looked online, and it is really similar what I had in Ver-
mont with my family business. Tis why I really was trying to
nd this place.
Rose came up behind me, hugging my arm.
Louie, this is Rose, my roommate.
Nice to meet you Rose. Louies eyes ickered back forwards
me then back to Rose while grinning.
So youre Louie, you know my boyfriend, Charlie?
Yes, I am staying with him. Rose chuckled looking down on
the oor.
NUMBER 15! Tat was my number, and I got my food, it
smelt so delicious and mouth watering. Ten I sat back down
next to Louie. Louie was looking at me. Louie was observing
me, he gave me the same face as yesterday.
Louie what are you thinking about?
Dont you want to start a business? Any business? He stated.
Yes.... I was astonished by his memory of me mentioning, I
wanted to own a business.
Why dont ... ummm... He paused and corrected his choice
of words.. Why dont we start one together at the New York
Grand! Ive been looking through it, here on my computer
He shows me the computer, of who used to own the New
York Grand. We should be a team and buy this building
and start a big restaurant! I was thinking about it.He looked
Why would we.. Well...I dont know.. Rose heard every-
thing, and thought it would be a great idea.
Oh! I loved that place! Rose joined.
It would be great, I gured, you get your business degree
next year, and it will take a year to remodel the place Rose
trying to give me word of advice favoring Louie.
What do you say?... I can be the big chef, they can call me
Mr. Louie and it would be grand!
I pleaded and said yes, and everyone was so excited and had
to celebrate it.
We started planning it right away. How it would look, how
would be set things up everything.
Chapter 5
Te Opening?
r. Louies was open. It was the most fancy restaurant
you could ever imagine. We had fancy painting on the
walls from famous artist. We had the best working waiters
with great attitude. It was just the most perfect restaurant to
be in. We had a Grand opening with reworks, and dancers.
Te food was spectacular. Everyone started to come in from
morning to night, we had long lines where they would stretch
all through town. Months passed by and we are making as
much money as we even imagine. Everyone is in love in Chef
Louies food, that everyone in town would start to crave ev-
erything on the menu. It was grand!
A year past, and everything went wrong..
We lose our business, and everything just went downhill. We
lose Mr. Louies in a big re, we lost everything in the re.
Good thing everyone came out on time and no one was hurt
or injured. Someone had the nerve to burn down our restau-
rant and put us into tears. Who would ever do this? It put ev-
eryone into tears. I barely remember the night that happened.
It never appeared to be a vivid memory.It was a moonlight
night, where the only thing that was the moonlight gleam-
ing and the stars sparkled and glittered through a dull sky. So
beautiful that it is like you have seen the most beautiful thing
in the world. It was a really busy night, we would have angry
customer getting impatient, like angry lions ghting over a
deer. Everyone was working hard, and I was in the front host-
ing customers to their table. I meant this really nice couple
that had made reservations a month ago, and while I was
walking back to get the next reservation I saw a guy wearing
a black shirt and black jeans. I only saw the back of him, he
was walking with one of the waiters that didnt look familiar
to me, but it was really busy night, and I just kept doing what
I was doing.
30 minutes have passed and a smoky smell ran through my
nose, but I thought it was just the kitchen.
It happened so fast that I fainted in the middle of it. Rose and
Louie told me that everyone was running while the re was
expanding so quickly. Louie said he had to drag me out, and
it was too late to get anything. Te re ghters were rushing
to get there and that is all I can remember from that night.
Chapter 6
Who did it?!
hen everything was watered down, Louie and I walked
in to see what had started the re. One of the re-
ghts was walking in the building with us. He told us that it
all started in the mens restaurant with a lighter. Louie and I
were just thinking why was there a lighter? Who would
do this?! All these questions in our head it was so frustrating.
I felt sick to my stomach, it felt like we wasted our time and
money. I was leading against the wall, and slide down and
sat on the oor and put my head in my hands. A big burst
of wind blew in and a piece of a shirt blew next to me. It was
blue and black, it had some kind of band on it and it looked
really familiar, but I was too frustrated to think about it.
I think we should head home it is already 3 in the morning.
We should talk about this later. Louie sounded exhausted.
Did you want a ride?
I think I was to walk it o. We said our goodbyes, and I
started to walk home.
While I was walking I was thinking about the shirt I just
remember who shirt it was! I started to run home, to go see
Rose. As I was running, I ran into to her, and we both fell on
the oor.
Have you seen Charlie?! Ive been looking for him! She was
so worried.
Rose I think you shouldnt see him anymore..
Why?! I didnt want to tell her..
He was the one who burnt Mr. Louies. I dont know why..
but he has been acting weird to me and everyone else. I saw a
shirt Charlie was wearing the day I left the keys in the apart-
She didnt say anything, she was speechless.. After her phone
had rung, she said was an anonymous number.
Hello..? Rose was nervous.
Rose! Its me Charlie, I left town sorry, I am never coming
back, I love you...
Ten he hung up..
We didnt know why, she was in tears, and we had to start all
over again.
Chapter 7
months later..... Mr. Louies Re opened! And it was a suc-
cess! It was the more fancier than before. We had a Re-
Grand opening with even more reworks, and better dancers.
Te food was so much more spectacular. Everyone started to
come in from morning to night, we had long lines where they
would stretch all through town. Months passed by and we are
making as much money as we even imagine. Everyone is in
love once again, that everyone in town and people out of town
would start to crave everything on the menu. It was even more

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