What Time Is It?: 1. Listen and Repeat

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1. Listen and repeat:

This is a clock. This is a watch.
2. Listen, repeat and then answer your teaher!s "uestions:
Teacher: What time is it?

1. It is one oclock. 2. It is ten oclock. 3. It is eleven oclock.

4. It is twelve oclock. 5. It is five oclock. 6. It is eight oclock.
2. #our turn$ As% and answer a&out the ti'e (i%e this:
o!: "ook at #ict!re n!m$er 1. What time is it?
o!r %eskmate: It is one oclock.
"ook at #ict!re n!m$er 2. What time is it?
o!: It is ten oclock.
). Listen to your teaher and draw the hour hand o* the (o%s &e(ow:
&. It is two oclock.
'. It is fo!r oclock.
(. It is nine oclock.
1). It is seven oclock.
11. It is three oclock.
12. It is si* oclock.
&. '. (.
1). 11. 12.
+. ,ontest$ As% and answer orret(y a&out a(( the (o%s in this (esson. Eah
orret "uestion and answer is one point.
Team 1: "ook at #ict!re n!m$er 1. What time is it? +1 #oint,
Team 2: It is one oclock. +1 #oint,
"ook at #ict!re n!m$er 2. What time is it? +1 #oint,
Team 1: It is ten oclock. +1 #oint,

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