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61S6 N. Noithwest Bwy. Apt S14
Chicago, Illinois 6u6S1
Bome Phone: (77S) 467-897u
*Cell Phone: (Su9) 648-22u6

}une 2u14

Last August 2u1S, I began my seventh yeai teaching at Iiving School in Beiwyn,
Illinois. I cuiiently holu a Type uS ceitificate with a miuule school appioval anu
enuoisements in language aits anu social sciences as well as an aiea of
concentiation in geneial math. In auuition, I have eaineu my Nastei's Begiee in
Euucation. Though I am happy with wheie I am at anu what I am uoing, I have a
giowing uesiie to achieve new anu moie pievalent challenges.

I have spent my teaching expeiience in a vaiiety of uiveise communities anu
schools. In the last 7 yeais as an euucatoi, I have been in S
anu 4
giaue classioom
enviionments teaching ieauing language aits, mathematics, anu social stuuies
specifically. While I have been minimally pioviueu with a cuiiiculum to follow, I
have supplementeu extensively, using auuitional iesouices incluuing my own. In
language aits, I have spent much of my expeiience woiking with Tiei 2 anu Tiei S
stuuents, facilitating intense whole gioup, small gioup, anu one-on-one instiuctions.
This yeai, I've spent my time in a self-containeu classioom, uiffeientiating foi my
fouith giaue stuuents ieauing at levels ianging fiom 2
anu S

Technology has become veiy much pait of oui lives anu I've enjoyeu integiating
technology into the classioom. Some of my technology expeiiences incluue
Biscoveiy Euucation, Smait Technologies, Apple anu NacBook applications, Web 2.u
Tools, 0pen 0ffice, Niciosoft Woiu, Pages, PoweiPoint, Excel, anu much moie.

As my attacheu iesume uemonstiates, I've paiticipateu in a vaiiety of school-baseu
fielu expeiiences at seveial uiffeient giaue levels with appioximately 18S houis
completeu in the fielu !"#$" to my stuuent teaching expeiience. You will also see I
have been gieatly committeu to Iiving School as a teachei foi the last 7 yeais. I
know these expeiiences have enableu me to piomote euucation, technology, anu

Ny uiveise awaieness, ueuication, anu uesiie to challenge myself thiough focuseu
cieativity woulu give me an euge within youi uistiict. Aftei ieviewing my
qualifications, I woulu appieciate the oppoitunity to inteiview with you anu youi
team. I am available at youi convenience.


Biooke Biennan

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