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Myself, Premanandan Vayal Veettil, is a physician employed as clinical

Assistant Professor in Internal Medicine at Medical College Hospital, Calicut,
Kerala, India. I have 12 yrs of clinical experience in Internal Medicine and
currently undergoing training in Intensive Care in Australia. I have Post-graduate
Medical qualification (M.D.) in General Medicine from University of Calicut,
Kerala, India.

I have already completed THREE years of supervised training in Intensive

Care Medicine in two large teaching hospitals in Australia.

I am currently being trained as ICU registrar at Royal Perth Hospital, Perth,

Western Australia. This is a 24 bedded ICU plus 10 bedded HDA closed unit with
trauma and cardiac surgical patients including transplants. I will be completing
ONE YEAR of supervised training in this unit by Jan. 2010.

I have already undergone TWO and HALF years of supervised training in

Intensive Care at Western Hospital, Melbourne during the period September
2006 to Jan. 2009. Intensive Care Unit at Western Hospital, Melbourne is a 12
bedded unit with multi speciality admissions.

I have also had 3 months of training in Anaesthesia and 4 months of

training in Intensive Care in teaching hospitals in India before commencement of
my training in Australia.

I have already have more than FOUR years of supervised training in

various Intensive Care Units of International Standards. I would like to enrol
myself as a candidate for EDIC leading to certification in the speciality of
Intensive Care.

I hope that my training will meet the requirements for EDIC examination. I
would like to attend my theory part of EDIC at Kulalumpur. I request you to enrol
me as a candidate for EDIC part one Examination so that I can pursue my career
in Intensive Care.

22-11-09 (S/d)

Perth. Premanandan Vayal Veettil

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