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Honda of Spring Service 888-928-4346

Brake Flush Special

$99.4 - !rive ou" #rice$$
%egularl& - $39
17350 North Freeway, Houston, TX 77090
When it comes to safety on the road, your Honda car or trucks !rakes are the most critica" #art of the $ehic"e% Honda recommends
replacing the brake fluid every three years and ne&"ectin& to do so can resu"t in s"u&&ish !rake res#onse, the corrosion of !rake
#arts and e$en com#"ete !rake fai"ure% ' !rake f"uid chan&e is a"so crucia" !ecause this "i(uid is "ike a s#on&e% )t a!sor!s water ri&ht out
of the air% This causes the !oi"in& #oint of the f"uid to decrease, which resu"ts in #oor !rake #erformance% '$oid ha$in& to #ay for an
e*#ensi$e !rake re#air down the "ine%
+ffer $a"id unti" e*#iration date% ,imit one -1. certificate #er #urchase% /ou#on must !e #resented #rior to #urchase% /annot !e com!ined with any
other ad$ertised #rice, #romotion, discount, cou#on +0 ,oya"ty /ash% /annot !e e*chan&ed for cash% Not $a"id towards a #re$ious #urchase% 1oid
if co#ied or transferred% 1oid where #rohi!ited !y "aw% +ther restrictions may a##"y, #"ease see dea"er for detai"s% 1a"id on Honda mode"s on"y%
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