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DeneenAUSL/NLU Lesson Plan Template

Name: Bethany Crocker Time: 9:40-10:05 AM

Subject/Topic: Writing/Guided
Date: 9/10/13

CCS: L.K.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. a. print many upper and lower case
SWBAT: recognize their first name and copy it onto their paper.
SWBAT: follow step-by-step directions to draw a picture.
- SWBAT: label their picture using beginning, middle and ending sounds.
Assessment / Exit Ticket: Teacher will use student product to determine if student used the correct letter formation, wrote their first name correctly
Vocabulary/Key Concepts/Word Wall: picture, label
Materials / Technology: ELMO projector, white paper and pencils for each student, white paper and marker for teacher, name tags for each student
Modifications / Accommodations: Use highlighter to trace name and date for students who struggle with this task.

Do Now
Silent, short, pen to paper, complete w/out teacher direction, preview or review


Opening (30 seconds)
The Hook, Preview Objective, Connection to Prior Knowledge.

I need to make sure everybody is ready. Show me you are ready to begin by sitting with your hands folded and your eyes on me.

Middle (IWY)
I Do Direct Instruction (5 minute limit)
We Do - Guided Practice
You Do Independent Application by students

Teacher will . . . Student will . . . CFU
I do ( 1 minute):

1. I will say, When I say go, write your name on your paper. Use your nametag to help you. If you
can write your first and last name, do that. If you can, thats ok. When you are finished, fold your
hands and I will come around with a sticker.

You do (4 minutes):
2. I will walk around a put stickers on papers as students write their names.

We Do (5 minutes):
3. Now we will write the date. First, make a circle and a line that comes down. We made a 9. Now you
do it. You can look at the board for help.

4. We will write a dash --, just a straight line across. You do it.

5. We will write a number 10. Just write a 1- (Use one poem) and a zero (say zero poem). Then make
another dash

6. Last, we need to make a number 13. First a one (say poem for one), Then a 3 (say poem for 3).

I do: (1 minute)

1. Students listen at a level zero.

2. Students will write names with a pencil, then fold hands to
show they are done. They will do this at a level zero.

3. Students will write a nine and fold their hands.

4. Students will make a dash and fold their hands.

5. Students will write a number 10. Then they will make a dash.
Then they will fold their hands.

6. Students will write a number 13.

We do (guided practice): (10 minutes)
1. Today we will draw a picture of a kid. First, we will draw a circle for the head.
2. Next, make two straight lines underneath the head for the neck.
3. Then, make two lines that curve and then go straight down for the arms.
4. We need to make a stomach for the kids. This part of our body is called a torso. We will make two
straight lines to make the torso. Draw a line across so that we can separate this part of the body from
the legs.
5. Next, we will draw two legs. We will make two lines for each leg.
6. We will draw two shoes. I am going to make shoes that look like ovals.
7. Now, our kid needs a face. We will draw two ovals for eyes, and circles in the middles to make eyes.
8. Next, I will make a line that goes down and comes up just a little bit to make a nose.
9. Then, I need to make two lips so I draw one curved line, and another curved line underneath that
10. Last, I will draw hair. Remember, this is not a picture of you, just any child. So you can make the
hair look however you want. I am going to draw a ponytail in my childs hair.

Label the picture (5 minutes)

1. We are drawing a kid. Lets chop out the sounds in the word, kid, k-i-d (motions with arm). What
is the first letter we hear?
We do (guided practice):
1. Students will draw a circle for the head.
2. Students will make two lines for the neck.
3. Students will make arms
4. Students will draw a torso.
5. Students will draw legs.
6. Students draw shoes.
7. Students will draw eyes.
8. Students will draw a nose.
9. Students will draw a mouth.
10. Students will draw hair.

1. Students respond with the letter name.
2. Students write the letter K.

2. K- Lets make a K together. First, make a straight line down, go to the middle, slant line up, go to the
middle, slant line down. Now you do it.
3. Next, I, what letter is that?
4. To make an i, we make a short line, then put a dot on top, Make sure there is a space between the
line and the dot. Now you do it.
5. The last sound we hear is d. What letter makes that sound?
6. We can write a d by making a curved line like an o, then making a straight line up, and going back
down again to make a curved short line.

3. Students respond with letter name.

4. Students write an i

5. Students respond with letter name.

6. Students make a letter d.
You do (@ Bats): (5 minutes) Now, fold your hands and show me that you are done drawing your
picture and writing the word, kid so that I can give you a sticker. (Praise student work as I pass out
stickers). When you get your sticker, put your picture in the middle of your table.

You do (@ Bats): Students fold hands and wait at a level 0, then
put picture in the middle of the table.
Exit Ticket

End (30 seconds)
Summarize & review content. Preview next days lesson. Homework

We will practice writing our name for homework tonight.

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