Calibration Manual Reva

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Whalley Precision, Inc.

28 Hudson Drive Southwick, Massachusetts 01077

Phone: (413 !"#$1400 %a&: (413 !"#$1"""
/a2e: -it3e: 4ua3it5 'ontro3 Mana6er
Whalley Precision, Inc.
28 Hudson Drive Southwick, Massachusetts 01077
Phone: (413 !"#$1400 %a&: (413 !"#$1"""
Note: -hese are the ca3i7ration 8rocedures 9or carious ins8ection
instru2ents: however, ;ha33e5 Precision *nc< reserved the ri6ht to outsource
an5 and a33 ins8ection e=ui82ent to =ua3i9ied vendors at ;ha33e5 Precision
*nc< discretion<
Whalley Precision, Inc.
28 Hudson Drive Southwick, Massachusetts 01077
Phone: (413 !"#$1400 %a&: (413 !"#$1"""
Table of Contents
'a3i7ration Procedure 1
.utside Micro2eters ;P$01 2
Dia3>?ernier 'a3i8ers ;P$02 3
Sur9ace P3ates, .8tica3 'o28arator, Master Si@e +3ocks, ,ockwe33 -ester
;P$03 4
Aa6e Pins ;P$04 !
De8th Micro2eters ;P$0! "
*ndicators ;P$0" 7
Micro$Hite, Master Hei6ht Aa6e ;P$07 8
Micro$Hite 'a3i7ration %i&ture ;P$08 #
*<D< Micro2eters, *ntra2ics, Aroove Aa6es ;P$0# 10
-hread Aa6es ;P$10 11
?ee +3ocks ;P$11 12
(n63e +3ocks ;P$12 13
'enters ;P$13 14
Sine P3ates ;P$14 1!
(n63e *rons ;P$1! 1"
Dia3 +ore Aa6es ;P$1" 17
Whalley Precision, Inc.
28 Hudson Drive Southwick, Massachusetts 01077
Phone: (413 !"#$1400 %a&: (413 !"#$1"""
Calibration Procedures
Revision N/C
1 Aenera3 ,e=uire2ents
(33 too3s and 6a6es, which are used to assure 9ina3 con9or2ance o9 su883ies to the
custo2er, wi33 7e ca3i7rated at interva3s out3ined in the ;ha33e5 Precision *nc< 4ua3it5
'ontro3 Manua3<
2 0nviron2enta3 'ontro3s
;hen too3s or 6a6es are ca3i7rated in house such ca3i7ration sha33 7e done when the
ins8ection roo2 te28erature sta7i3i@es 7etween "8$72 de6rees %ahrenheit<
3 .ut o9 -o3erance 'onditions
(n5 si6ni9icant out o9 to3erance conditions 9ound durin6 the course o9 ca3i7ration wi33 7e
so noted in the ca3i7ration 9i3es< *22ediate eva3uation as to the 8ossi73e i28act on 6oods
9urnished to the custo2er wi33 7e 2ade 75 the =ua3it5 contro3 2ana6er<
4 (de=uac5 o9 'a3i7ration S5ste2
-he =ua3it5 contro3 2ana6er on 9or2 wi33 8er9or2 8eriodic audits o9 the ca3i7ration
! 'a3i7ration Sources
(33 outside ca3i7ration wi33 7e 8er9or2ed 75 a re8uta73e 6overn2ent certi9ied su883ier<
" Stora6e B Hand3in6
(33 ins8ection too3s wi33 7e hand3ed in such a wa5 as not to adverse35 a99ect the condition
o9 the e=ui82ent<
7 '3eanin6 B Pre8aration o9 -oo3s
(33 too3s wi33 7e c3eaned with a3coho3< +urrs or nicks wi33 7e re2oved with an (rkansas
Whalley Precision, Inc.
28 Hudson Drive Southwick, Massachusetts 01077
Phone: (413 !"#$1400 %a&: (413 !"#$1"""
Calibration Procedures: Mechanical
Calibration Procedure: WP-!
Revision N/C
*te2 /o2enc3ature: .utside Micro2eter
(ccurac5: <0001 ,an6e: (33 Discri2ination: <0001
Measure2ent Standard: Master Aa6e +3ocks
/ote: Aa6es not con9or2in6 to this 8rocedure wi33 7e withdrawn 9ro2 use and sent 9or
re8air or scra8< (cce8ta73e 6a6es wi33 have ca3i7ration stickers a99i&ed to the 6a6e<
1 ?isua3: 0&a2ine the 2icro2eter 9or o7vious da2a6e and 6enera3 condition, re8air
as necessar5< '3ean anvi3s and s8ind3es with so3vent< *ns8ect anvi3s and s8ind3es 9or nicks
and 7urrs or disco3oration< 1se a hard (rkansas stone to re2ove 7urrs or nicks<
2 Set 2aster 73ock into 9our hei6ht ran6es, <2!0 a8art, 7e6innin6 at the 3ow ran6e o9
the 2icro2eter and endin6 at the hi6h ran6e< 'heck readin6s at the 9our di99erent hei6hts
and on various 3ocations on the anvi3, readin6s 2ust 7e within <0001< %or 0$1C
2icro2eters, the 9irst readin6 wi33 7e the @ero settin6<
Whalley Precision, Inc.
28 Hudson Drive Southwick, Massachusetts 01077
Phone: (413 !"#$1400 %a&: (413 !"#$1"""
Calibration Procedures: Mechanical
Calibration Procedure: WP-"
Revision N/C
*te2 /o2enc3ature: Dia3>?ernier 'a3i8ers
(ccurac5: <001 ,an6e: (33 Discri2ination: <001
Measure2ent Standards: Master Aa6e +3ocks, .8tica3 'o28arator
/ote: Aa6es not con9or2in6 to this 8rocedure wi33 7e withdrawn 9ro2 use and sent 9or
re8air or scra8< (cce8ta73e 6a6es wi33 have ca3i7ration stickers a99i&ed to the 6a6e<
1 ?isua3: 0&a2ine the 2icro2eter 9or o7vious da2a6e 83a5 and 6enera3 condition,
re8air as necessar5< '3ean rack and 9aces with so3vent<
2 %or outside 2easure2ents set 2aster 6a6e 73ocks at three hei6ht settin6s usin6
9u33 ran6e o9 verniers< Measure 9irst the @ero settin6 and continue to 2easure the 73ocks<
Measure 73ock at three 3ocations on 7ea2, a33 2easure2ents 2ust 7e within <001<
3 %or inside 2easure2ents 9o33ow 8rocedure in ste8 two (2< +ut 83ace 6a6e 73ocks
inside 6a6e 73ock ho3der and take 2easure2ents 7etween two (2 e&tended 6a6e 73ocks<
4 P3ace verniers on the o8tica3 co28arator restin6 on 1$2$3 73ocks and s=uare o99<
Measure wear on 7ea2 and s3ide< Sur9ace wear 2ust not e&ceed <001<
Whalley Precision, Inc.
28 Hudson Drive Southwick, Massachusetts 01077
Phone: (413 !"#$1400 %a&: (413 !"#$1"""
Calibration Procedures: Mechanical
Calibration Procedure: WP-#
Revision N/C
*te2 /o2enc3ature: Sur9ace P3ates, .8tica3 'o28arator, Master Si@e +3ocks, ,ockwe33
Hardness -ester and the 'oordinate Measure2ent Machine ('MM
(ccurac5: )a7 *ns8ect ,an6e: Discri2ination:
Measure2ent Standard: />(
/ote: Aa6es not con9or2in6 to the 8rocedure wi33 7e withdrawn 9ro2 use and sent 9or
re8air or scra8< (cce8ta73e 6a6es wi33 have ca3i7ration stickers a99i&ed to the 6a6e<
1 Sur9ace P3ates, .8tica3 'o28arator, ,ockwe33 Hardness -ester, Master Si@e
+3ocks and the 'oordinate Measure2ent Machine ('MM wi33 7e ca3i7rated on a 5ear35
7asis 75 an outside source and wi33 7e certi9ied and tracea73e to the /ationa3 *nstitute o9
Standards (/<*<S<-<<
Whalley Precision, Inc.
28 Hudson Drive Southwick, Massachusetts 01077
Phone: (413 !"#$1400 %a&: (413 !"#$1"""
Calibration Procedures: Mechanical
Calibration Procedure: WP-$
Revision N/C
*te2 /o2enc3ature: Aa6e Pins
(ccurac5: D<0002 ,an6e: <011$<!"2 Discri2ination: <0002
Measure2ent Standard: Master Aa6e +3ocks, Hei6ht Stand, <0001 *ndicator, Sur9ace
/ote: Aa6es not con9or2in6 to the 8rocedure wi33 7e withdrawn 9ro2 use and sent 9or
re8air or scra8< (cce8ta73e 6a6es wi33 have ca3i7ration stickers a99i&ed to the 6a6e<
1 ?isua3: 'heck sur9aces 9or scratches, chatter 2arks, 7urrs, and corrosion< 1se a
hard (rkansas stone 9or re2ovin6 7urrs and touchin6 u8 6a6e sur9ace<
2 Set hei6ht 6a6e with 6a6e 73ock set, 8ass 8in under indicator and co28are
2easure2ent< Must 7e within D<0002 o9 di2ension 2arked on 8in when 2easured over
7oth ends and in the 2idd3e<
Whalley Precision, Inc.
28 Hudson Drive Southwick, Massachusetts 01077
Phone: (413 !"#$1400 %a&: (413 !"#$1"""
Calibration Procedures: Mechanical
Calibration Procedure: WP-%
Revision N/C
*te2 /o2enc3ature: De8th Micro2eter
(ccurac5: D<0003 ,an6e: 0$12C Discri2ination: <001
Measure2ent Standard: Master Aa6e +3ocks<
/ote: Aa6es not con9or2in6 to the 8rocedure wi33 7e withdrawn 9ro2 use and sent 9or
re8air or scra8< (cce8ta73e 6a6es wi33 have ca3i7ration stickers a99i&ed to the 6a6e<
1 ?isua3: 0&a2ine the 2icro2eter 9or o7vious da2a6e and 6enera3 condition,
re8air as necessar5< '3ean anvi3s and s8ind3es with so3vent< *ns8ect anvi3s and s8ind3es
9or nicks, 7urrs and disco3oration< 1se a hard (rkansas stone to re2ove 7urrs and nicks<
2 Set 2aster 73ock into two (2 e=ua3 stacks, at 9our hei6ht ran6es, <2!0 a8art check
a33 rod e&tension< ,eadin6s 2ust 7e within D<0003 o9 6a6e 73ock stacks<
Whalley Precision, Inc.
28 Hudson Drive Southwick, Massachusetts 01077
Phone: (413 !"#$1400 %a&: (413 !"#$1"""
Calibration Procedures: Mechanical
Calibration Procedure: WP-&
Revision N/C
*te2 /o2enc3ature: *ndicators
(ccurac5: D<0001 ,an6e: <030 Discri2ination: <0001
Measure2ent Standard: Master Aa6e +3ocks and Master Hei6ht Aa6e
/ote: Aa6es not con9or2in6 to the 8rocedure wi33 7e withdrawn 9ro2 use and sent 9or
re8air or scra8< (cce8ta73e 6a6es wi33 have ca3i7ration stickers a99i&ed to the 6a6e<
1 ?isua3: 0&a2ine indicator 9or an5 da2a6e, then 8h5sica335 test the indicator 9or
8ro8er action re8eata7i3it5< 0&a2ine the indicator ti8 under 10& 2a6ni9ication 9or 93at
s8ots< Aa6es not con9or2in6 wi33 7e re8aired or scra8ed<
2 Mount indicator to hei6ht stand, usin6 2aster hei6ht 6a6e run indicator over set
known va3ue set indicator to @ero< Movin6 the 2aster hei6ht 6a6e in the 83us direction
at <000! incre2ents 9or <000! indicators and <0001 9or <0001 indicators< ,e8eat the
8rocess in the 2inus direction, the indicator 2ust re8eat in 7oth directions at each
incre2ent on the dia3<
3 -rave3 indicators, usin6 2aster si@e 73ocks 8er9or2 the sa2e 8rocedure as in
section two (2<
Whalley Precision, Inc.
28 Hudson Drive Southwick, Massachusetts 01077
Phone: (413 !"#$1400 %a&: (413 !"#$1"""
Calibration Procedures: Mechanical
Calibration Procedure: WP-'
Revision N/C
*te2 /o2enc3ature: Micro$Hite and Master Hei6ht Aa6e
(ccurac5: D<000! ,an6e: Discri2ination: <0001
Measure2ent Standard: Master Aa6e +3ocks
/ote: Aa6es not con9or2in6 to the 8rocedure wi33 7e withdrawn 9ro2 use and sent 9or
re8air or scra8< (cce8ta73e 6a6es wi33 have ca3i7ration stickers a99i&ed to the 6a6e<
1 Micro$Hite set 2aster si@e 73ocks at 1C incre2ents u8 to 12C< ,eadin6s 2ust 7e
within <0002 o9 2aster 6a6e<
2 Master hei6ht 6a6e, set 2aster si@e 73ocks at 1C incre2ents u8 to 24C< 1sin6 <
000! indicator check a33 24 stations, readin6s 2ust 7e within <0001<
Whalley Precision, Inc.
28 Hudson Drive Southwick, Massachusetts 01077
Phone: (413 !"#$1400 %a&: (413 !"#$1"""
Calibration Procedures: Mechanical
Calibration Procedure: WP-(
Revision N/C
*te2 /o2enc3ature: Micro$Hite ca3i7ration 9i&ture<
Measure2ent Standard: Master Aa6e +3ocks<
/ote: Aa6es not con9or2in6 to the 8rocedure wi33 7e withdrawn 9ro2 use and sent 9or
re8air or scra8< (cce8ta73e 6a6es wi33 have ca3i7ration stickers a99i&ed to the 6a6e<
1 ?isua3: 0&a2ine 6a6e 9or da2a6e and 6enera3 condition<
2 -he distance 7etween the two 73ocks on the 6a6e shou3d 7e e&act35 1<000
3 1sin6 an e3ectronic indicator and 2aster 73ocks to insure that the s8acin6 is 1<000
Whalley Precision, Inc.
28 Hudson Drive Southwick, Massachusetts 01077
Phone: (413 !"#$1400 %a&: (413 !"#$1"""
Calibration Procedures: Mechanical
Calibration Procedure: WP-)
Revision N/C
*te2 /o2enc3ature: *<D< Micro2eters, *ntra2ics, Aroove Aa6es
Measure2ent Standard: Master Aa6e +3ocks, Master Set ,in6s
/ote: Aa6es not con9or2in6 to the 8rocedure wi33 7e withdrawn 9ro2 use and sent 9or
re8air or scra8< (cce8ta73e 6a6es wi33 have ca3i7ration stickers a99i&ed to the 6a6e<
1 ?isua3: 0&a2ine *<D< 6a6es 9or wear or da2a6e, 8h5sica335 o8erate to deter2ine
9unctiona3 acce8tance<
3 *<D< Micro2eters and Aroove Aa6es set 2aster si@e 73ocks to known va3ue<
-hen increase and decrease the known va3ue at three 83aces to cover the ran6e o9 the 6a6e
7ein6 ca3i7rated<
Whalley Precision, Inc.
28 Hudson Drive Southwick, Massachusetts 01077
Phone: (413 !"#$1400 %a&: (413 !"#$1"""
Calibration Procedures: Mechanical
Calibration Procedure: WP-!
Revision N/C
*te2 /o2enc3ature: -hread Aa6es
Measure2ent Standard: -hread ;ires
/ote: Aa6es not con9or2in6 to the 8rocedure wi33 7e withdrawn 9ro2 use and sent 9or
re8air or scra8< (cce8ta73e 6a6es wi33 have ca3i7ration stickers a99i&ed to the 6a6e<
1 ?isua3: 'heck 6a6e 9or da2a6e or e&cessive wear, c3ean with a3coho3<
2 1sin6 thread wires check 8itch dia2eter, use 3i2its 9ro2 =ua3i9ied en6ineerin6
Whalley Precision, Inc.
28 Hudson Drive Southwick, Massachusetts 01077
Phone: (413 !"#$1400 %a&: (413 !"#$1"""
Calibration Procedures: Mechanical
Calibration Procedure: WP-!!
Revision N/C
*te2 /o2enc3ature: ?ee +3ocks
Measure2ent Standard: Master Aa6e +3ocks
/ote: Aa6es not con9or2in6 to the 8rocedure wi33 7e withdrawn 9ro2 use and sent 9or
re8air or scra8< (cce8ta73e 6a6es wi33 have ca3i7ration stickers a99i&ed to the 6a6e<
1 ?isua3: 0&a2ine the 6a6e 9or da2a6e and 6enera3 condition<
2 1sin6 a <0001 indicator check vee 73ock 9or 8ara33e3is2 on three sides< -o
check 9or centra3it5 83ace 6a6e 8in in the vee and take a readin6 and @ero the indicator<
-hen rotate the vee 73ock 180F and take another readin6, this readin6 2ust 7e within <
3 ?ee +3ocks 2atched sets, 8er9or2 the 8rocedure out3ined in section two (2<
-he two (2 73ocks 2ust 7e co83anar and centra3 to one another within <0002<
Whalley Precision, Inc.
28 Hudson Drive Southwick, Massachusetts 01077
Phone: (413 !"#$1400 %a&: (413 !"#$1"""
Calibration Procedures: Mechanical
Calibration Procedure: WP-!"
Revision N/C
*te2 /o2enc3ature: (n63e +3ocks
Measure2ent Standard: Master Aa6e +3ocks, Sine P3ate
/ote: Aa6es not con9or2in6 to the 8rocedure wi33 7e withdrawn 9ro2 use and sent 9or
re8air or scra8< (cce8ta73e 6a6es wi33 have ca3i7ration stickers a99i&ed to the 6a6e<
1 ?isua3: 0&a2ine 6a6e 9or da2a6e and 6enera3 condition<
2 Set sine 83ate an63e to acco22odate the an63e 73ock to 7e ca3i7rated< ,un
the <0001 indicator the 3en6th o9 the 73ock, the readin6 2ust 7e within <0002< ,e8eat the
8rocedure 9or each 73ock in the set<
Whalley Precision, Inc.
28 Hudson Drive Southwick, Massachusetts 01077
Phone: (413 !"#$1400 %a&: (413 !"#$1"""
Calibration Procedures: Mechanical
Calibration Procedure: WP-!#
Revision N/C
*te2 /o2enc3ature: 'enters
Measure2ent Standard: Master Aa6e +3ocks, Master +ar
/ote: Aa6es not con9or2in6 to the 8rocedure wi33 7e withdrawn 9ro2 use and sent 9or
re8air or scra8< (cce8ta73e 6a6es wi33 have ca3i7ration stickers a99i&ed to the 6a6e<
1 ?isua3: 0&a2ine centers 9or 83a5, da2a6e and 6enera3 condition<
2 1sin6 the 2aster 7ar 83ace 7ar 7etween centers to indicate the 3en6th o9 the
7ar< -hen rotate 7ar and check in three 83aces, s=uareness and concentricit5 2ust not <
Whalley Precision, Inc.
28 Hudson Drive Southwick, Massachusetts 01077
Phone: (413 !"#$1400 %a&: (413 !"#$1"""
Calibration Procedures: Mechanical
Calibration Procedure: WP-!$
Revision N/C
*te2 /o2enc3ature: Sine P3ate
Measure2ent Standard: Hei6ht Stand, <0001 *ndicator
/ote: Aa6es not con9or2in6 to the 8rocedure wi33 7e withdrawn 9ro2 use and sent 9or
re8air or scra8< (cce8ta73e 6a6es wi33 have ca3i7ration stickers a99i&ed to the 6a6e<
1 ?isua3: 0&a2ine sine 83ate 9or 83a5, da2a6e and 6enera3 condition<
2 ;ith the sine 83ate in the down 8osition swee8 the entire sur9ace, the
indicator variation 2ust not e&ceed <0002<
Whalley Precision, Inc.
28 Hudson Drive Southwick, Massachusetts 01077
Phone: (413 !"#$1400 %a&: (413 !"#$1"""
Calibration Procedures: Mechanical
Calibration Procedure: WP-!%
Revision N/C
*te2 /o2enc3ature: (n63e *rons
Measure2ent Standard: Hei6ht Stand, <0001 *ndicator, Sur9ace P3ate
/ote: Aa6es not con9or2in6 to the 8rocedure wi33 7e withdrawn 9ro2 use and sent 9or
re8air or scra8< (cce8ta73e 6a6es wi33 have ca3i7ration stickers a99i&ed to the 6a6e<
1 ?isua3: 0&a2ine the an63e iron 9or da2a6e and 6enera3 condition<
2 Set the an63e iron on a sur9ace 83ate, check a33 sur9aces o9 the an63e iron 9or
8ara33e3is2< (ttach a 2a6netic s=uare and re8eat the a7ove 8rocess checkin6 9or
8er8endicu3arit5, a33 sur9aces 2ust 7e within <0002<
Whalley Precision, Inc.
28 Hudson Drive Southwick, Massachusetts 01077
Phone: (413 !"#$1400 %a&: (413 !"#$1"""
Calibration Procedures: Mechanical
Calibration Procedure: WP-!&
Revision N/C
*te2 /o2enc3ature: Dia3 +ore Aa6es
Measure2ent Standard: Master Aa6e +3ocks, Master Hei6ht Aa6es
/ote: Aa6es not con9or2in6 to the 8rocedure wi33 7e withdrawn 9ro2 use and sent 9or
re8air or scra8< (cce8ta73e 6a6es wi33 have ca3i7ration stickers a99i&ed to the 6a6e<
1 ?isua3: 0&a2ine dia3 7ore 8ro7es under 10& 2a6ni9ication 9or 93at s8ots,
check 8ro7es 6enera3 condition<
2 ,e9er to ;P$0" 9or ca3i7ratin6 the indicator<

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