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Following World War I, large numbers of ex-soldiers from Australia, along with a

number of British veterans, took up farming within Western Australia, often in

marginal areas. With the onset of the Great Depression in 1929, these farmers we
re encouraged to increase their wheat crops, with the government promisingand fai
ling to deliverassistance in the form of subsidies. In spite of the recommendatio
ns and the promised subsidies, wheat prices continued to fall, and by October 19
32 matters were becoming intense, with the farmers preparing to harvest the seas
on's crop while simultaneously threatening to refuse to load the wheat.
The difficulties facing farmers were increased by the arrival of as many as 20,0
00 emus. Emus regularly migrate after their breeding season, heading to the coas
t from the inland regions. With the cleared land and additional water supplies b
eing made available for livestock by the West Australian farmers, the emus found
that the cultivated lands were good habitat, and they began to foray into farm
territoryin particular the marginal farming land around Campion and Walgoolan. Th
e emus consumed and spoiled the crops, as well as leaving large gaps in fences w
here rabbits could enter and cause further problems.
Farmers relayed their concerns about the birds ravaging their crops, and a deput
ation of ex-soldiers were sent to meet with the Minister of Defence, Sir George
Pearce. Having served in WWI, the soldier-settlers were well aware of the effect
iveness of machine guns, and they requested their deployment. The Minister readi
ly agreed, although with conditions attached: the guns were to be used by milita
ry personnel, and troop transport was to be financed by the Western Australian g
overnment, and the farmers would provide food, accommodation, and payment for th
e ammunition. Pearce also supported the deployment on the grounds that the birds
would make good target practice, although it has also been argued that some in
the government may have viewed this as a way of being seen to be helping the Wes
tern Australian farmers, and towards that end a Fox Movietone cinematographer wa
s enlisted.

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