F F Essay 1

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Carolina Tristan

4A 10-1-13
Freshman Fears
Every one has them, fears in reality can be rational or irrational, and everyone
experiences them !o"ever everyone harbors fears, re#ardless of "hether these concerns
are rational or irrational Trepidations ca$se brea%do"ns in body, that sic% feelin# in the #$t,
s"eat on bro", sha%in# of the hands, and hyperventilation The effects of these anxieties
creates stress and hesitation They also foster limitation&s to someone&s life, "hich tri##ers
one to be p$shed o$t of their comfort 'one d$e to the excessive amo$nt of stress (hen this
happens to a st$dent their state of mind is ta%en over physically, ca$sin# them to react as
they "o$ld if they became completely lost, b$t only if this fear is not confronted Freshman
become anxio$s to discover if all the r$mors of hi#h school are indeed tr$e )n the eve of the
first day of school, freshman be#in to have ni#htmares that %eep them a"a%e, leavin# them
The ne" environment provo%es a freshman*s fear of hi#h school, and a ne" b$ildin#
ind$ces panic in $nderclassmen beca$se of ne" s$rro$ndin#s that are different from middle
school +n a ne" b$ildin# it is easy to #et lost beca$se freshman do not %no" the layo$t and
the location of their classrooms ,$e to conf$sion ca$sed by layo$t, st$dents ris% "al%in# into
the "ron# classrooms -eca$se everyone is lost tryin# to find their class, the hall"ays are
cro"ded The $pperclassmen also #et st$c% in the halls, beca$se the halls are filled "ith
teachers and st$dents all tryin# to find their "ay in s$ch a short period of time This %ind of
stress stim$lates academic problems for the st$dents A lot more responsibilities be#in to
b$ild, they need to be able to %eep $p "ith time mana#ement, especially the athletes "ho
are in bet"een sports, school, and family They m$st not allo" themselves to fall behind, if
they do become disor#ani'ed and are not able to find the material they need to st$dy, then
their #rades drop severely
-eca$se of a ne" b$ildin# and ne" people, $nderclassmen be#in to #ro" "orried
abo$t m$ltiple thin#s in school For instance $nli%e $pperclassmen, it is diffic$lt for freshman
to decide "ho to sit "ith at l$nch They are no lon#er "ith their old friends, and they are no
lon#er in their old school .any times st$dents are /$d#ed by "hat they "ear, this ma%es
them feel $ncomfortable to the point that they believe they need to ad/$st themselves in
order to fit in, and ma%e friends To become a favorable freshman st$dents "ill #ive into
stran#e thin#s, "hether it be han#in# o$t "ith the "ron# cro"ds, b$llyin# others, or #ettin#
into fi#hts They be#in to foc$s so m$ch on these thin#s to avoid bein# labeled, or bein#
b$llied themselves, that they for#et abo$t "hat really matters +n some cases st$dents "ill
#ive into peer press$re and they "o$ld ma%e decisions that chan#ed their life forever, and
they "o$ldn&t even %no" it They thin%, 0"hat harm co$ld possibly come from han#in# o$t
them1, b$t "hat st$dents do not %no" is that, that "o$ld be the first step into many
mista%es -oth $nderclassmen and $pperclassmen attempt thin#s to #ain attention, even
tho$#h it "o$ld mean actin# foolish
2inth #raders $s$ally become terrified, the day before the first day of school They
hope that the stereotypes of hi#h school "ill soon become real once they ad/$st to the school
and have ta%en their first steps 3t$dents be#in to face ne" challen#es and obstacles, "hich
be#in to affect their ability to mana#e time )n the contrary, dealin# "ith a ne" social
environment is diffic$lt for freshman to do There "ill al"ays be peer press$re, therefore
st$dents m$st be prepared )nce these $nderclassmen experience the d$ties, fears, social
hesitation, and hardships All of those conflicts "ill be follo"ed behind them, next they "ill be
con/$rin# ne" sit$ations that "ill be even more terrifyin# then freshman fears

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