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Evolution ed learns about evolution

Evolution is the theory that a creature can inherit and gain traits
through genetic mutations and through inheritance
What is evolution?
How are traits passed?
Traits are passed heretiairily through reproduction.
Well what about bacteria?
Bacteria reproduce asexually
And plants?
Reproduce vairyingly
And how does this affect humans?
Humans were the product of millions of years of
evolution and genetics
If we evolved from sh how are we related?
It's not really a relationship as much as it is a distant connection, tiktaalik evolved
into lizards that became mammals and evolved into humans. This happened
over millions of years and is a process called common dissent.
But how come we don't have all the ones that can't evolve for the
Many of the creatures on this planet that can't evolve died out
because those that had adapted through genetic mutation
reproduce and survive

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