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Name: _________________________ Date: ________________

Symbolism Exit Ticket

SWBAT analyze symbolism within a text.

Read the passage, and answer the questions in complete sentences.

Olivia was really nervous to go to her new school. She had just moved to
Chicago and did not know anyone. She missed her best friend from her old school so
much that she had a hard time holding back her tears. Olivia and her best friend Sam
always did everything together. They went to the park together, were on the soccer
team together, and worked on projects together at school. How would Olivia ever find
another friend like Sam? Olivia started to feel really scared about school again. Just
then, she felt the friendship bracelet in her pocket. She and Sam had made the
bracelets together, and Sam gave her the one she made on Olivias last day in Chicago.
Suddenly, Olivia didnt feel so nervous anymore.

What did Olivias friendship bracelet symbolize? ________________________

How do you know? _______________________________________________

Why did this symbol make Olivia feel less nervous? _____________________

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