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Evaluation by Cooperatin !ea"#er

Dire"tion$% To provide feedback on the candidates performance, please mark the appropriate number on the Likert Scale at
the right of each category below using the following descriptors: 1= Inadeuate! 2 = "merging! & = #roficient! ' = $istinctive%
I& '$$ITI(&, for each category, please comment on the candidates strengths or areas in which s)he can improve% *hen
possible, please provide specific e+amples or comments to support your view%
,% -onducts self in a professional manner .e%g%, attendance, preparation, respect/% , 0 1 2
.$ispositions: 3espect, 3esponsibility, -ommunication/
4ellie shows great professionalism and is prompt every time she comes to 5ill 6alley%
0% "ncourages development of a positive self7image in learners .e%g%, gets to know students, , 0 1 2
positive interactions with students/% .$ispositions: 3espect, -ollaboration/
's a sophomore, 4ellie demonstrates high level of ability in getting to know students both personally as well as their
academic and behavioral strengths and areas of opportunities%
1% Interacts effectively with students, colleagues, administrators, parents% , 0 1 2
.$ispositions: 3espect, -ollaboration, -ommunication/
4ellie interacts in a very effective way with all parties involved in school% She did e+perience a short time period where
sutdents wanted to 8hang8 on her or snuggle up ne+t to her, and she handled herself in a professional way to set
appropriate boundries without offending young students%
2% $emonstrates effective pre7professional teaching skills% .e%g%, planning, implementing , 0 1 2
lesson/ .$ispositions: 3espect, 3esponsibility, 3eflection, -ollaboration, -ommunication/
4ellie asks many e+cellent uestions and takes all feedback using it to improve her lessons% She is well beyond a typical
sophomore in her understand of planning and preparing for lessons%
9% -ommunicates effectively through speaking, writing, and listening .e%g%, gives clear , 0 1 2
directions, listens to students, uses media/% .$ispositions: 3espect, -ommunication/
"+cellent communication skills both verbally and written%
Final Co((ent$)Sue$tion$ for Can*i*ate%
+ellie i$ *oin an e,"ellent -ob preparin for a "areer in e*u"ation. S#e /ill be an a$$et to any $taff. I /el"o(e
#er to return for any future pla"e(ent$ in (y "la$$roo( if *e$ire*.
Date% '02101& Can*i*ate Na(e% +ellie 2u$t
t ra*e Cooperatin !ea"#er% 4r$. 4i"#elle 5uen$tel
S"#ool% 4ill 6alley Ele(entary7 4u$8eo7 5I
U:\ED\ED215-R\PreprofessionalFieldExperiencesFor.-- 0310

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