Ecology Study Guide - 7 Grade Science

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Ecology Study Guide 7

Grade Science
1. Define ecology. (p. 708) the study of interactions between the living and nonliving components of the
. Define ecosystem. (p.708) community of organisms that live in a particular area! along with their nonliving
". #hat are abiotic factors$ (p. 70%) & all the nonliving factors in an ecosystem
'. (onsumers that eat both plants and animals are called$ (p. 7'1) & )mnivores
*. #hat are the five levels of environmental organi+ation$ (p. 70,) )rganism! -opulation! (ommunity!
.cosystem! and /iosphere
%. #hat is the first organism in a food chain called$ (p.7'1) & producers
7. Define niche. (p. 7") an organisms role in the environment
8. Define generalists. (0otes) organisms with a broad niche
,. Define specialists. (0otes) organisms with a narrow niche
10. Define parasitism. (p. 7,) one organism benefits while another is harmed
11. Define mutualism. (p. 78) both organisms in the relationship benefit
1. Define commensalism. (p. 78) one organism benefits! while the other is unaffected
1". #hat is the 1ey theme of ecology$ (0otes) & 2nterconnectedness
1'. #hat are biotic factors$ (p. 70*) all of the living components in an ecosystem
1*. Define carrying capacity. (p. 717) largest number of organisms an area can support
1%. Define limiting factors. (p. 71%) any environmental factor that cause a population to decrease. 3imiting
factors also 1eep organisms from growing nonstop.
17. Define five defense mechanisms (p. 77) 4now the definition of mimicry! false coloring! warning coloring!
camouflage! and protective covering.
18. 5ood chains that overlap in the environment are called$ (p. 7') food web
1,. Define random sampling. (p. 71) counting organisms in a small area! then multiplying for the larger area.
0. #hen would 6ar1 and 7ecapture be useful when studying populations$ (p. 71") when studying animals that
move 8uic1ly such as fish! birds! etc.
1. (onsumers that eat only plants are called$ (p. 7'1) & herbivores
. 3ist several ways that a population can increase and9or decrease. (p. 71') birth and death rates! immigration
and emigration.

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