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Web links for this program are listed below. Text-based resources are listed in the Program 10 Bibliography.

Harriet Beecher
The Classic Text: Harriet Beecher Stowe
Biographical information on Harriet Beecher Stowe, with an illustrated analysis of Uncle
Tom's cabin.
Harriet Beecher Stowe
A bibliography of Harriet Beecher Stowe with related links, including one to the full text of
Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Harriet Beecher Stowe - Mother, Reformer
A quote by Beecher Stowe on motherhood, with links to letters and documents on Uncle
Tom's Cabin.
The Women of The Hall - Harriet Beecher Stowe
A brief biography of Harriet Beecher Stowe.
Women in History - Harriet Beecher Stowe biography
Biographical information on Harriet Beecher Stowe, with a photo and links to other Stowe
Harriet Beecher-Stowe
A biography of Harriet Beecher Stowe.
Uncle Tom's
Harriet Beecher Stowe's 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'
The text of Uncle Tom's Cabin, with related links.
Africans in America - Slave Narratives and Uncle Tom's Cabin
Information on anti-slavery writings, including Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Today in History, April 16
A page about abolition in the District of Columbia, with reference to Douglass and an
excerpt from a speech as well as a link to six other speeches.
"What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?"
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Provides a link to the text of Douglass's speech, What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?,
with a summary, an analysis, a bibliography, a Douglass biography, etc.
Frederick Douglass (1818-1895)
A collection of Frederick Douglass literature links, including a list of Douglass works
available online.
A Short Biography of Frederick Douglass
A short biography of Frederick Douglass with links to three of his speeches.
Charles Sumner Charles Sumner, "The Crime Against Kansas"
The text of Sumner's speech, "The Crime Against Kansas."
Furman: The Crime Against Kansas, by Charles Sumner
The text of Sumner's speech, "The Crime Against Kansas."
The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson
A biography of Sumner with a photo.
Carte De Visite - Charles Sumner
A brief profile on Sumner with a photo and a reference to the speech, "The Crime Against
Africans in America/Part 4/Bleeding Kansas
The history behind "Bleeding Kansas," with a reference to Charles Sumner and his
speech, "The Crime Against Kansas."
Andrew Butler Butler, Andrew Pickens, 1796-1857
A brief biography of Andrew Butler.
Anthony Burns Africans in America Anthony Burns captured
The story of the capture of Anthony Burns. Provides links to a letter from Burns to the
Baptist Church, his speech in The Liberator, etc.
Charles Emery Stevens, 1815-1893. Anthony Burns: A History
The text of Charles Emery Steven's Anthony Burns: A History. Includes detailed
biographical information on Burns.
Dred Scott Case Africans in America - Dred Scott case: the Supreme Court decision
A background on the Dred Scott case with links to the text of the court ruling, a Dred Scott
biography and portrait, etc.
Dred Scott v. Sandford
The text of the Dred Scott v. Sanford court proceedings.
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USA: Dred Scott Case
Provides links to the Dred Scott case, the opinion of the court, concurring and dissenting
opinions, etc.
Ralph Waldo
IHAS Poet - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
An interactive site on Emerson, with photos, biographical information, a QuickTime video,
and related links.
Ralph Waldo Emerson Biography
An Emerson biography and portrait.
The American Scholar by Ralph Waldo Emerson
The text of The American Scholar, by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Ralph Waldo Emerson Biography
A biography with links on Emerson.
Emerson on
Mexican War
The U.S.-Mexican War (1846-1848)
A history of the war with a reference to Emerson as an opponent of the war, and a portrait.
Calhoun on
Mexican War
John C. Calhoun: The Marx of the Master Class
A paper by Richard Hofstader containing biographical information on Calhoun with a
reference to his "...forbidden fruit quote..."
John C. Calhoun Today in History, March 18
An illustrated John C. Calhoun profile with many related links, including one to the original
draft of Calhoun's speech against the Compromise of 1850.
Calhoun, John - John C. Calhoun in the U.S. Capitol
A tribute to John C. Calhoun with a biography, information on his political theory, and a
Daniel Webster Today in History: March 7
An illustrated profile on Webster with many related links, including one to the text of his
Seventh of March speech.
Daniel Webster Speech
The text of Webster's speech to the United States Senate, on March 7, 1850, with his
quote, "I wish to speak today, not as a Massachusetts man, nor as a Northern man..."
Henry Clay Henry Clay (1777-1852): An Introduction
A detailed profile of Henry Clay, with related links and a reference to his quote, "I know no
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Today in History: June 29
An illustrated profile on Clay with many related links including one to the text of the
Compromise of 1850.
Clay, Calhoun,
Webster on
Compromise of
American Treasures of the Library of Congress: Compromise of 1850
A scanned copy of the text of the Compromise of 1850 speech.
Africans in America: The Compromise of 1850
The context and history of the Compromise of 1850.
Politics and Sectionalism in the 1850s
Background and contextual information on the Compromise of 1850. Includes an outline of
its major ideas.
John Brown John Brown
History of Brown's antislavery activities, with links to images, his final speech, and
information about the Harpers Ferry Raid.
People in The West - John Brown
A biography and a photo of John Brown.
John Brown: The Conspirators
A portrait of John Brown. Provides links to a brief chronology of events, eyewitness
accounts, related links, as well as to information about the Brown family, the conspirators,
John Brown and the Pottawatomie Killings
A photo of John Brown and the story of the Pottawatomie killings.
John Brown's
Final Speech
John Brown's speech
A brief introduction and text of John Brown's final speech.
Alexander Boteler's Account
Recollections of the John Brown Raid by a Virginian who witnessed the fight. Includes
many illustrations.
African American Odyssey - Fugitive Slave Law
A brief background and the story of John Brown and the Harper's Ferry Raid. Includes a
scanned original of his final address.
Lincoln Home NHS Homepage
A Lincoln Home National historic site, with links to a Lincoln chronology, information about
Lincoln and slavery, etc.
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Abraham Lincoln
A portrait and biography of Abraham Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln's First Inaugural Address
The text of Lincoln's first Inaugural Address.
Abraham Lincoln
A portrait and a biography of Abraham Lincoln.
Lincoln's Letter to Stephens
A brief Introduction and the text of Lincoln's letter. Includes a link to Stephens's reply to the
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