11th Asian Schools Tenpin Bowling Championship

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Wed March 10, 2010
11th Asian chools Ten!in Bo"lin# Cham!ionshi!
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$o #old at Asian chools meet
26th May, Hong Kong: For the first time in ten years Malaysia ended the
11th Asian Schools Tenin !o"ling #hamionshi "itho$t a gold medal as
Misa%i M$%otani of &aan and 'im (ong S$ng of )orea emerged as Masters
+$r$l Ain$l A,$ -a.a%, "ho "as the only female in the Masters finals, and
Mohd A.iem A.emi ,oth finished 10th after the second eight games ,loc% on
T$esday* +$r$l of SM) P$teri Serem,an and a Team /old medalist in this
year0s 1ational 2nterstate #hamionshi, osted a total of 3334*
The national yo$th amassed 1554 and "inning si6th of yesterday0s eight
games "hile the 137year7old co$ld only "in t"o and osted a lo"er 1530
Singles and All 89ents gold medalist, Misa%i M$%otani "on her third gold
medal after she toseed, Sim :i &in of )orea 4517430 o9er the t"o7game
total infalls title steladder match* The &aanese yo$th edged Sim 2427224
in the first match and 2147205 in the second to gi9e &aan their si6th gold
medal of the chamionshi to emerge as o9erall chamion*
/irl0s Masters "inners, Sim :i &in,
Misa%i M$%otani and -e,ecca Whiting
The second7seed had easily defeated third7seed -e,ecca Whiting of A$stralia, 21171;1 in the the first match to
ta%e on the )orean*
Mean"hile, Mohd A.iem A.emi also finished tenth "ith 3451 from 131< in
the first ,loc% and 15;5 in the second* A.iem "on a total of si6 matches
o9er the t"o ,loc%s finals* Perfect gamer, M$hd Amirr$l Afif finished 11th
"ith 3354 and !ong )iho" 12th "ith 331;*
Malaysia sent only one team of 4 ,oys and 4 girls thro$gh Ma=lis S$%an
Se%olah Malaysia >MSSM? "here the layers "ere selected thro$gh a roll7
off* For the ast ten years, the Malaysian Tenin !o"ling #ongress has
al"ays send a team from their ool of national yo$ths*
!$t this year, MT!# failed to get the ,$dget aro9ed from the 1ational
Sorts #o$ncil and has therefore oted o$t on the chamionshi*
!oy0s Masters chamion, 'im (ong
'im (ong S$ng of )orea0s second team o$tclassed fello"7comatriot and toseed, Par% &ong Woo, 44073<4 in the
all7)orean title steladder finals to "in the !oy0s Masters gold and )orea their second in the chamionshi*
'im, "ho "as seeded third o$sted Team gold medalist, (ais$%e @oshida of &aan 243723< in the closely fo$ght first
match* The chamion totaled 3341 in the 157games Masters finals o9er t"o days to ad9ance into the steladder
&aan emerged as o9erall chamion "ith a con9incing medal ha$l of 57372 "ith )orea 17473* The gold medal "on
in the Masters did not co$nt to"ard the o9erall tally as it came from 'im (ong S$ng from )orea0s ! team*
Philiines finished third "ith 17172* The final gold medal "ent to A$stralia "hen they clinched the Team gold
yesterday againsts fa9o$rites &aan and )orea* Fifteen ,oys team and 10 girls team from 10 co$ntries articiated
in this year0s chamionshi* For detailed scores, clic% /irl0s Steladder and !oy0s Steladder*
Photos ,y Terence @a" in +ong )ong*
Malaysian youths make little head"ay
25th May, Hong Kong: Team sil9er medalist, Mohd A.iem A.emi, !ong
)iho" and M$hd Amirr$l Afif of Malaysia made little head"ay in the first
,loc% Masters finals of the 11th Asian Schools Tenin !o"ling #hamionshi
on Monday*
All 89ents ,ron.e medalist, M$hd Amirr$l Afif of Malaysia set a crac%ing ace
in the oening game of the ;7game first ,loc% !oy0s Masters finals "ith 254
,eating team7mate, !ong )iho" to earn the 10 ins ,on$s ,$t =$st 1 in
ahead of )orea0s 'im (ong S$ng*
T"o a"ef$l games of 155 and 133 sa" the Malaysian falling do"n the field
as 'im s$rged ahead into the lead "ith another s$er, 2<3 and 233 "ith
comatriot, Par% &ong Woo in close comany* As M$hd Amirr$l failed to
reco9er, team7mate Mohd A.iem A.emi did "ell to ta%e $ fo$rth at the
half"ay mar%*
T"o si..ling games of 25; and 243 in the ne6t t"o games ga9e the All
89ents sil9er medalist, (ais$%e @oshida of &aan the lead, 21 ins ahead of
Par% "hile Mohd A.iem also s$ffered a set ,ac% to slid do"n the field*
Mohd A.iem A.emi ta%ing $ 4th
The final t"o games "itnesses the )orean d$o ,attling for the lead* Par% ended "ith a strong 254 to to the first
,loc% "ith 143<* 'im ga9e )orea a 172 finish in second "ith 1453, =$st ; ins searating them*
@oshida finished third "ith 1401 "ith Mohd A.iem t$rning o$t as the ,est Malaysian finalist in ninth "ith 134<*
!ong )iho", "ho started off oorly, fo$nd his line to"ards the end to finish 12th ahead of M$hd Amirr$l in 13th
Mean"hile, Malaysia0s sole female in the finals, +$r$l Ain$l A,$ -a.a% did
,etter than her male co$nterart ta%ing $ se9enth osition "ith 1324*
)orea0s second team mem,er, +an )yeo -ae snatched the lead of the /irl0s
Masters finals "ith 1;45 "inning fi9e of the ; games layed*
(o$,les gold medalist, Sim :i &in of )orean team 1 ga9e )orea a 172 finish
"ith 1;20, 25 ins off her team7mate* Team gold medalist, -e,ecca Whiting
of A$stralia, "ho led the field at the half"ay mar%, osted a oor 154 in the
final game to settle for third sot "ith 1;13, a f$rther 3 ins a"ay*
T"o gold medalist, Misa%i M$%otani of &aan, "ho got off the ,loc%s oorly,
reco9ered to finish a credita,le fo$rth "ith 1;03 follo"ed ,y Filiina,
)im,erly 'ao comleting the to < "ith 1355*
+$r$l Ain$l fairing ,etter in se9enth
The finalists "ill ,o"l another 3 games l$s a osition ro$nd tomorro" "here the to 3 "ill ad9ance into the
steladder finals for the final t"o gold medals*
&aan "ill most li%ely "in the o9erall title "ith a medal ha$l of <7371* )orea can ma%e a ,id for the title if their ,oys
and girls can "in the last t"o gold medals at sta%e* For detailed scores, clic% !oy0s !l%1 Masters and /irl0s 1st!l%
Photos ,y Terence @a" in +ong )ong*
ilver medal for Malaysia
2th May, Hong Kong: Malaysia finally landed their first medal at the 11th
Asian Schools Tenin !o"ling #hamionshi after Teh 'it Aing, !ong )iho",
Mohd A.iem A.emi and M$hd Amirr$l Afif "on the !oy0s Team sil9er medal*
The Malaysian B$artet had finished third ,ehind leader, &aan and
Philiines after the first ,loc% of 3 games "ere layed in the morning*
&aan0s (ais$%e @oshida, Ta%ahito F$%$da, +iro%i Ta%ada and Sh$sa%$
Asato toed the ,loc% "ith 2334, 103 ins ahead of Philiines*
The &aanese ,ro%e the one7game record of 433 set ,y their comatriots in
2004 "ith a si..ling 1003 to stretch their lead to a massi9e 234 "ith the
Filiino B$artet in second and Malaysia third*
A oor 350 ,y Philiines allo"ed Malaysia to gra, second sot after the
latter shot ;;2 "ith &aan $lling a"ay "ith a comforta,le margin of 25<
ins and loo%ing set to "in the gold medal "itho$t any threat*
Malaysia "inning the Team sil9er
Malaysia finished stronger to end "ith ;;1 and sealed the sil9er medal "ith
<145 "hile &aan claimed the gold "ith <<24* Philiines settled for the
,ron.e medal "ith <10< as A$stralia0s last ,id fell ,y the "ayside to end in
CWe are laying on 9ery high scoring lanes and any slight mista%e can cost
yo$,C e6lained the 137year7old Sara"a%ian, !ong )iho"* CAfter t"o fo$rth
lacings, 20m glad to finally "in a medal*C
C2 %ne" 2 had ta%en o9er the lead in the All 89ents after the fo$rth game ,y
4 ins and then 2 ins after the fifth game,C said M$hd Amirr$l Afif of )$ala
'$m$r* C2 made a small mista%e in the si6th frame ,y trying too hard* 2
co$ld see that the &aanese "ere stringing a lot os stri%es*C
M$hd Amirr$l settling for the All 89ents
,ron.e medal
C2 "as only ma%ing s$re that 2 don0t ma%e more mista%es and try to finish at least second or third ,$t 20m still
hay to "in a ,ron.e in the All 89ents,C added M$hd Amirr$l* M$hd Amirr$l, !ong )iho" and Mohd A.iem made
the to 15 Masters finals e6cet 'it Aing "ho finished 30th osition*
Mean"hile, A$stralia $staged the fa9o$rites &aan and )orea to "in their
first gold medal in the /irl0s Team e9ent "ith <114* 'eader after the fifth
game, )orea osted a oor final game to dro o$t of the to 3*
&aan settled for second and the sil9er medal "ith <044 "hile Philiines
finished strongly to claim the ,ron.e medal "ith <04; "ith )orea ended $
fo$rth on a total of <040* Malaysia0s 1$rafid.a, Siti 1$r 1adia, Siti Aisha=an
and +$r$l Ain$l finished se9enth "ith 4543*
Singles gold medalist, Misa%i M$%otani "on the /irl0s All 89ents gold "ith
4253 follo"ed ,y Sim :i &in and )im &i @eon >!? settling for the sil9er and
,ron.e medals "ith 404; and 344< resecti9ely*
Malaysian girls team finishing se9enth
+$r$l Ain$l is the only "ho made the Masters finals in 15th osition "ith 3513 "hile Siti Aish=an finished 20th,
1$rafid.a Amran 24th and Siti 1$r 1adia 33rd osition* The -o$n7-o,in Masters finals "ill ,e staged o9er t"o days
on Monday and T$esday* For detailed scores, clic% !oy0s Team 2nd!l% and /irl0s Team 2nd!l%, !oy0s All 89ents and
/irl0s All 89ents*
Photos ,y Terence @a" in +ong )ong*
Malaysian shoots !erfect #ame
2!rd May, Hong Kong: Malaysia0s M$hd Amirr$l Afif shot the to$rnament0s
first erfect game ,$t missed the odi$m to finish fo$rth in the !oy0s
(o$,les at the 11th Asian Schools Tenin !o"ling #hamionshi "ith
artner, !ong )iho"*
M$hd Amirr$l ,lit.ed the lanes "ith the chamionshi0s first erfect 300 and
!ong )iho" osted a si..ling 23; to set a ne" one7game record of <3; en7
ro$te to ta%ing the lead as 30 airs started their second e9ent*
!$t their 40 in c$shion "as immediately red$ced to =$st 1 in after &aan0s
(ais$%e @oshida and Ta%ahiro F$%$da osted a s$er, 443 in the second
game* M$hd Amirr$l and !ong ,o$nced ,ac% "ith another high game of 4;;
to stretch their lead ,ac% to 51 ins at the half"ay mar%*
(esite %noc%ing do"n =$st 412 in the fo$rth game, the Malaysian air still
held a decent 2; ins c$shion after the fo$rth game* !$t lady l$c% "as
simly not on their side as the d$o s$ffered a ma=or set ,ac% managing only
Perfet gamer, M$hd Amirr$l "ith !ong
The oor fifth game sa" the air t$m,ling do"n to si6th as @oshida and F$%$da s$rged ahead for the lead follo"ed
,y &aan0s second air of +iro%i Ta%ada and Sh$sa%$ Asato in second, 4 ins searating the t"o airs*
M$hd Amirr$l and !ong fo$ght on galantly to reel in <01 in their final game in the hoe of landing at least a medal
"ith 2334 as the second &aanese air finished strongly to end the 5 games "ith 2351 and snatching the 9ictory*
)$"ait0s (hari Al7!ishi and Ali Salem also finished strongly to clinch the
sil9er "ith 2343 "hile @oshida and F$%$da managed to i the Malaysian
air for the ,ron.e medal "ith 234<*
CWe "ere $nl$c%y to come across a air of lanes "here ,oth of $s str$ggled
and $na,le to co9er each other,C said national yo$th, M$hd Amirr$l* CThe
"ay "e started, "e tho$ght "e "o$ld at least "in a medal*C
C2 had to cancel my tic%ets to A$stralia for the Araf$ra /ames after ,eing
selected for this chamionshi and 2 had trained 9ery hard,C said the
Sara"a%ian !ong )iho"* C2 missed a medal yesterday and 2 missed one
today again*
Teh 'it Aing and Mohd A.iem finishing
The other air of Teh 'it Aing and Mohd A.iem A.emi, "ho after the fifth game "as third ,$t a oor ending of 33;
in the final game droed the air into si6th osition "ith a score of 2550*
Mean"hile, Malaysian girls contin$ed their ,elo" ar erformances "ith
+$r$l Ain$l A,$ -a.a% and 1$rafid.a Amran managing only to finish 11th
"ith 2342 in a field of 21 (o$,les airs* Siti 1$r 1adia and Siti Aisha=an too%
13th osition "ith 2323*
Singles sil9er medalist, )im &i @eon >!? and ,ron.e medalist, Sim :i &in of
)orea, made no mista%e this time to claim the (o$,les gold medal "ith
23<5* Philiines0 )im,erly 'ao and (yan #oronacion clinched the sil9er "ith
The other )orean first team0s )im @eo &in and )im &i @eon >A? snatched the
,ron.e medal "ith 2<;2 ahead of &aan0s +ar$na 1o=ima and Singles gold
medalist, Misa%i M$%otani in fo$rth "ith 2<<3*
+$r$l Ain$l and 1$rafid.a ending $ in
11th osition
+$r$l Ain$l occ$ied last and 15th sot in the All 89ents after 12 games contested* Masa%i M$%otani toed the
ta,le "ith 2;44 follo"ed ,y )im &i @eon >!? and Sim :i &in second and third "ith 235; and 2315*
Malaysia0s ,oys are in a ,etter osition "ith !ong )iho" >tie <th?, M$hd Amirr$l Afif >3th? and Mohd A.iem A.emi
>11th? in the to 15* Teh 'it Aing is 14th and only <0 ins from the 15th*
)orea0s #hoi Tae Se$ng led the ,oy0s standings "ith 2352 follo"ed ,y Sh$sa%$ Asato of &aan and another )orean,
'im (ong S$ng second and third "ith 23<3 and 23<2 resecti9ely*
#ometition "ill res$me "ith the Team of Fo$r tomorro" o9er layed t"o ,loc%s of 3 games each* The to 15 ,oys
and to 15 girls ,ased on the 247game total in the All 89ents, "ill B$alify for the -o$nd7-o,in Masters finals on
Monday and T$esday* For detailed scores, clic% !oy0s (o$,les and /irl0s (o$,les*
Photos ,y Terence @a" in +ong )ong*
Malaysian misses !odium
22nd May, Hong Kong: #hamionshi de,$tant, !ong )iho" of Malaysia
missed the odi$m ,y 3< ins finishing fo$rth in the !oy0s Singles e9ent of
the 11th Asian Schools Tenin !o"ling #hamionshi $nder"ay at +ong
)ong !o"ling #ity*
(esite a good start in the oening game "ith 22<, !ong )iho" fo$nd
himself in 13th osition as &aan0s (ais$%e @oshida set the ace "ith 2<4*
!ong0s team7mate, Teh 'it Aing osted a 244 and had to tie in se9enth in a
high7scoring condition*
!ong contin$ed "ith 233 and 201 in his ne6t t"o game, the Sara"a%ian
droed o$t of the to 10 as +ong )ong0s 147year7old Tony Wong s$rged
into the lead "ith Filiino, &omar &$maao in second, 3< ins adrift*
The Malaysian had t"o slits in the fo$rth game ,$t managed to stri%e
home for a s$er, 221 "hich ga9e !ong the confidence to reel in t"o strong
games of 241 and 243 and ended the Singles "ith 135;*
!ong )iho" finishing fo$rth in the
+o"e9er, the strong finish yeilded nothing as !ong only too% fo$rth sot as &$maao stormed home to ta%e 9ictory
"ith 1455 to "in his first gold medal after fi9e re9io$s attemts "ith &aan0s Ta%ahito F$%$da ta%ing the sil9er
"ith 1404*
Singaore0s de,$tant, Pa$l @a +enDhong, "ho led after the fo$rth game, fi..led off to settle for the ,ron.e medal
"ith 1403* Malaysia0s M$hammad Amirr$l Afif ,o"led a,o9e a9erage ,$t ended $ in eighth "ith 1342*
Teh 'it Aing slid do"n to 12th osition "ith 1303 "hile Mohd A.iem A.emi ,o"ling his his second chamionshi,
erformed ,elo" ar to finish 24th lace "ith 12<5*
Mean"hile, Malaysian girls dre" ,lan% in the S2ngles contested in the
morning* 1ational yo$th, +$r$l Ain$l A,$ -a.a% "as Malaysia0s ,est female
finishing 20th "ith 11;1 in a field of 43 cometitors*
1$rafid.a Amran tied 21st osition "ith 1150 "hile Siti 1$r 1adia and Siti
Aisha=an too% 35th and 33th ositions resecti9ely* &aan0s Misa%i M$%otani
snatched the gold medal "ith 1413, =$st t"o ins ahead of ace7setter, )im
&i @eon of )orea, "ho settled for the sil9er "ith 1411*
Another )orean, Sim :i &in claimed the ,ron.e medal "ith 1313 ahead of
t"o Filiinas, )im,erly 'ao and )ri..iah Ta,ora ma%ing $ the to < "ith
1243 and 12;3*
The ,oys "ill res$me cometition "ith the (o$,les in the morning sB$ad
Malaysia0s ,est female finisher, +$r$l
"hile the girls "ill contest their (o$,les in the afternoon* For detailed scores, clic% !oy0s Singles and /irl0s Singles*
Photos ,y Terence @a" in +ong )ong*
Malaysia re!resented by one team
2"#t May, Hong Kong: Malaysia "ill ,e reresented ,y one team
comrising of fo$r ,oys and fo$r girls in the 11th Asian Schools Tenin
!o"ling #hamionshi "hich "ill %ic% off Friday at +ong )ong !o"ling #ity
in )o"loon !ay*
Malaysia has in the ast, fielded t"o teams 7 one from the Malaysian Tenin
!o"ling #ongress >MT!#? and the other from Ma=lis S$%an Se%olah Malaysia
>MSSM? and has garnered 32 gold, 22 sil9er and 23 ,ron.e medals since
144; and leading the medal tally th$s far*
At the re9io$s meet, also in +ong )ong in 2003, Daid 2.lan and M$hd 1$r
Aiman cat$red the gold and sil9er in the oening ,oy0s singles e9ent "hile
Sin 'i &ane too% the sil9er in the girl0s singles*
!oth the ,oys and girls "on the Team ,ron.e medals and Wan 1$r AtiBBa
and Datil 2man dominated the girl0s masters finals "inning the gold and
sil9er medals* With only one team from MSSM articiating in this year0s
chamionshi, Malaysia may ,e faced "ith stiffer cometition*
Team Malaysia at the oening
Ten co$ntries, "hich are fielding 1< ,oys team and 10 girls team, comrised of A$stralia, #hinese Taiei, &aan,
)orea, )$"ait, Malaysia, Philiines, Singaore, Thailand and host +ong )ong*
)orea, "hich =oined the chamionshi in 2003, has t"o f$ll teams and are the strong fa9o$rites for medals* At the
last meet, they "on 4 gold, 3 sil9er and 3 ,ron.e medals to emerge o9erall chamion "ith Malaysia in second "ith
The final osition in the medal tally are =$dged from the first team
nominated ,y the articiating co$ntries and in the ast, Malaysia0s first
team are those fielded ,y MT!# "hich consisted of ,o"lers from the
national yo$th sB$ad*
Enly three from Malaysia0s team are from the national sB$ad, the rest "ere
selected thro$gh a roll7off cond$cted ,y MSSM at the end of Aril and had
=$st t"o "ee%s to reare for the chamionshi*
The ,oys are !ong )iho", Mohd A.iem A.emi, M$hd Amirr$l Afif, Teh 'it
Aing and the girls are +$r$l Ain$l, 1$rafid.a Amran, Siti Aisha=an +$ssin
and Siti 1$r 1adia* 8nci% 1orhanim Mohd A%hir is the team manager
assisted ,y 8n* Wan 1ora.man and coach Samson Shahi,ol*
Wan 1ora.man and 1orhanim Mohd
A%hir at the meeting
With the ma=ority of the Malaysian yo$ths ma%ing their de,$t, it "ill not ,e easy for them to "in hono$rs ,$t if
they do, it "ill ,e B$ite an achie9ement gi9en the stiff cometition from co$ntries li%e A$stralia, Singaore and host
+ong )ong aart from )orea*
The team araded "ith the rest of the co$ntries d$ring a colo$rf$l and traditional ceremony today d$ring the
official oening* Efficial ractice "as held earlier in the day in "hich all teams had a chance to ga$ge the lane
The chamionshi %ic%s off tomorro", 22nd May "ith the Singles e9ent for ,oth the ,oys and girls di9isions di9ided
into t"o sB$ads >gro$s of layers?* The chamionshi consists of Singles >indi9id$al?, (o$,les >team of 2? and the
Team of < e9ents* A total of < gold medals for each di9ision "ill ,e contested*
The chamionshi "ill end on the 25th May "ith the restigio$s Steladder /rand Finals after the t"o ,loc%s of
Masters Finals >; games each ,loc%? are contested on 2<th and 25th May*
Photos ,y Terence @a" in +ong )ong*
#oyright F Malaysian Tenin !o"ling #ongress
1445 7 2004 All -ights -eser9ed*
+osted and maintained ,y $etMedia %er&i'e#

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