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Background Information on the Symposium

Greek Pederasty (erastes, eromenos)
Dramatic Setting/Dramatic Structure
Learning as contact (1!d"e)
Praise of Eros (encomium, anthropomorphism)
Phaedrus# Speech (generation, impro$ement)
Pausanias# Speech (%common and hea$en&y 'phrodite,( )etterment of one#s sou&)
*ry+imachus# Speech (eros as a genera& force)
'ristophanes# Speech (eros as &ack)
'gathon#s Speech
'gathon and Socrates
Socrates# 'ccount of Diotima#s ,nderstanding of *ros
-ature of Eros
.unction of eros (/to use )eauty to )eget and )ear offspring,# 012e)
Ladder of Lo$e/'scent to the .orm of Beauty
'&ci)iades# *ntrance and Speech (encomium of Socrates)
Socrates and P&ato

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