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in company Upper-intermediate

Case study: A winning formula

headword pronunciation translation/notes example sentence
address (v)
First of all the C!" addressed the meeting#
afloat (adv)
$eep sth afloat
/kip sm
%& million is needed to keep the institution afloat#
approach (v)
' have already approached my (oss a(out a pay rise#
back down (phr v)
/bk 'dan/
)either side is willing to back down#
backer (n)
*e+re (usy preparing for a crucial meeting with our
financial backers#
backing (n)
*e have an excellent (usiness proposition, all we
need now is financial backing#
back seat (n)
ta$e a (ac$ seat
/bk 'sit/
/tek bk 'sit/
'+ll (e happy to ta$e a back seat when -o(in ta$es
bid to be sth (phr v)
/'bd t bi sm/
.hey+re bidding to be top of the league for a second
break away from sth (phr v)
/'brek we frm
/he+s trying to break away from the glamorous
image and prove she has (rains as well#
capitalise on sth (phr v)
0e is trying to capitalise on popular discontent with
the government#
catch up with sb (phr v)
/k 'p w
.he police will catch up with you sooner or later#
challenge (n)
challenge to s(+s authority
/'ln t smbdz
.his is the first time since he (ecame C!" that there
has (een a challenge to his authority#
character (n)
in character
/n 'krkt/
't+s very much in character for /imon to offer to help#
commitment (n)
' am delighted with the level of commitment you have
all shown#
communicator (n)
.he ideal candidate will (e an excellent
communicator with good '. s$ills#
company (n)
part company with s(/sth
/p#t 'kmpni w
After seven years Anderson has parted company
with the team and moved to 1iverpool#
confidence (n)
have confidence in s(/sth
/$% 'knfdns n
I have complete confidence in our chairman.
conflict (n)
.he management team is $een to resolve the conflict
over wages#
conscientious (ad2)
0e is a (right conscientious student who should
perform well in the exams#
conspiracy (n)
.here are rumours of a conspiracy against the party
control (n)
in control
/n kn'trl/
/ven managed to stay in control and not lose his
cost (n)
at no cost to s(
/t n 'kst t
*ill you (e a(le to (ring the venture to a close at no
cost to the investors3
creditable (ad2)
0e finished a very creditable fifth in the race#
debut (n)
Cooper made his debut at Covent 4arden in &565#
delegate (v)
0e always delegates (oring tas$s to his assistant#
dependency (n)
dependency on sth
/d'pendnsi n
'n Formula & there is almost a dependency on
determination (n)
0e has overcome his difficulties with courage and
easygoing (ad2)
"ur history teacher manages to (e fun and
easygoing (ut still $eep control of the class#
elude (v)
Financial success eluded him#
end (n)
to the (itter end
/t" ) bt 'end/
/he remained loyal to her hus(and to the bitter end.
expertise (n)
.he company is $een to develop its own expertise in
the area of computer programming#
explode (v)
.he tension which has (een (uilding all month finally
exploded yesterday.
faith (n)
have faith in s(/sth
/$% 'fe n sm/
'+m delighted to $now you have such faith in me#
financier (n)
Financiers are (eing more cautious a(out investing
large sums of money in 'nternet companies#
focused (ad2)
7ar$ was much more focused in his final year at
frequent (v)
.he suspect has (een seen frequenting a local (ar#
friction (n)
friction (etween
/'frk&n btwin/
.here is some friction between the various
get on (phr v)
get on with it
/'et 'n/
/'et 'n w t/
1et+s stop tal$ing a(out clearing up the office and 2ust
get on with it#
grudgingly (adv)
0e grudgingly accepted our help with carrying the
hands-on (ad2)
"ur team manager prefers the hands-on approach
and is happy to help out at (usy times#
harassment (n)
*e encourage anyone who has (een the su(2ect of
racial harassment to report it#
hire (v)
hire and fire
0is main responsi(ility is hiring and firing#
hold (n)
have a hold over s(
/$% '$ld %
!ver since she received that letter Ana has had a
hold over Carolina.
implement (v)
.he agreement was signed (ut its recommendations
were never implemented#
interpersonal (ad2)
.he successful candidate should have strong
interpersonal s$ills#
late (adv)
of late
/% 'let/
*e have not seen him of late#
layout (n)
.he user gradually (ecomes familiar with the layout
of the $ey(oard#
legitimate (ad2)
(opposite 8 illegitimate)
9id he have a legitimate excuse for (eing late3
line (n)
line of (usiness
/'lan % bzns/
*hat line of business is 9ana+s hus(and in3
lookout (n)
(e on the loo$out for sth
/bi n )
'lkat f sm/
:olice in ;righton are on the lookout for a gang of
car thieves#
low (n)
at an all-time low
/t n ltam 'l/
/hare prices are at an all-time low#
loyal (ad2)
(opposite 8 disloyal)
(e loyal to s(
/bi 'll t smbdi/
/he+s been loyal to her boss all through the court
maximise (v)
*e aim to maximise profits over the next year#
mentor (n)
All new employees are assigned a mentor to help
them settle in#
methodical (ad2)
<ou need to (e methodical when testing this
misinterpret (v)
0e insisted his views had (een misinterpreted (y his
mistrust (v)
(opposite 8 trust)
/he told herself she had no reason to mistrust him#
morale (n)
Morale is low and many people are disillusioned#
motivator (n)
After Alan retired we realised how important he had
(een as a motivator for the team#
mutterings (n pl)
'+ve heard mutterings that >i$tor is planning to resign#
mystery (ad2)
/he won+t tell us what the mystery ingredient is#
nepotism (n)
7i$e is (etter =ualified to (e technical director, it+s
nepotism to give the 2o( to the C!"+s grandson#
newsworthy (ad2)
?ournalists waited outside his house hoping for a
newsworthy story#
no-nonsense (ad2)
0er no-nonsense attitude has sha$en up the
department (ut it+s already getting results#
oppose (v)
(opposite 8 support)
.here was a ma2or campaign to oppose the (uilding
of a nuclear reactor#
paparai (n pl)
0undreds of paparai were waiting for them to come
out of the hotel#
parallel (n)
.here are many parallels (etween the two attac$s#
patriarchal (ad2)
.he chairman is a patriarchal figure who has (een
with the company since it was founded#
perfectionist (n)
Catherine wor$s very slowly (ecause she+s such a
picture (n)
out of the picture
/at % ) 'pk/
' could have as$ed /hane to help (ut he was out of
the picture (y then#
press (n)
go to the press
/' t ) 'pres/
.he president+s assistant went to the press with his
pride yourself on sth (phr v)
/'prad !self n
*e pride ourselves on the quality and
thoroughness of our wor$#
prodigy (n)
At fifteen the cellist is the latest musical prodigy#
promising (ad2)
.he foundation funds promising young artists#
prove (v)

For ten years he has (een fighting to prove his
prove yourself to s(
/'pr"% !self t
0e+s always tried to prove himself to his father.
publicity (n)
.he two stars arrived at the airport amidst a (la@e of
pull out of sth (phr v)
/'pl at % sm/
.he firm is pulling out of the personal computer
question (n)
in =uestion
/n 'kwesn/
.he photograph in question was ta$en long (efore '
met you#
! " # (n) (8 research and
*e+re need to spend more of the (udget on ! " # in
order to improve our (ra$ing system#
rankings (n pl)
slip in the ran$ings
/slp n ) Arnkz/
.he team has slipped in the rankings and may even
lose its place in the first division#
redeploy (v)
*e need to redeploy some of our sales reps to the
south-east region#
reluctantly (adv)
/he reluctantly decided to sell her home#
remuneration package (n)
.he post has an attractive remuneration package
which includes relocation costs#
resentment (n)
0is promotion caused widespread resentment among
the other lawyers#
rival (ad2)
.wo men were shot in a fight (etween rival drug
rivalry (n)
.here is friendly rivalry (etween the two teams#
seriously (adv)
ta$e s( seriously
/tek smbdi
Until .om negotiated this deal no(ody at the
company took him seriously#
sexist (ad2)
)ic$ has (een told off for telling sexist 2o$es#
shot (n)
a shot at sth
/ '&t t sm/
.his is her first shot at an international title#
shrewd (ad2)
0e+s a shrewd politician who was instrumental in
getting the peace treaty signed#
sight (n)
have your sights set on sth
/$% ! 'sats set n
Charles has his sights set on the role of financial
sign up (phr v)
(e signed up for sth
/san 'p/
/bi sand 'p f
*e+ve been signed up for the scheme for five years#
sleeve (n)
roll up your sleeves
/rl p ! 'sli%z/
*e+ve got a deadline to meet so it+s time to roll up
your sleeves and get to wor$#
smoke (n)
go up in smo$e
/' p n 'smk/
*ithout a scholarship her dreams of college would
go up in smoke#
spark (n)
spar$s flew
/sp#ks 'fl"/
$parks flew when the two women met#
step down as sth (phr v)
/step 'dan z
/andra stepped down as treasurer#
storm out (phr v)
/stm 'at/
4ianni stormed out (efore they could explain why
they+d made the decision#
struggle (v)
.hey+ve had to struggle with the painful process of
summarily (adv)
0e was summarily dismissed and told to leave the
office within an hour#
support (v)
(opposite 8 oppose)
!veryone came together to support him in his
campaign for 2ustice#
tension (n)
with tension mounting
/ w 'ten&n mant/
%ith tension mounting the two teams made their
way onto the pitch#
threatened (ad2)
feel threatened (y sth
/fil 'retnd ba
' feel threatened by the proposed restructuring of
the company#
thrill (n)
*inning in /ydney gave her the (iggest thrill yet#
undisclosed (ad2)
.he company was sold for an undisclosed sum#
venture (n)
.his is their first venture into e-commerce#
vow (v)
'+ve made a vow that '+m going to study harder#
wilfully (adv)
!laine feels that the sales director wilfully
misunderstood what she said#
wrong (n)
can do no wrong
/)" n 'r/
0is parents thin$ he can do no wrong#
wunderkind (n)
*e+ve ta$en on a BB year-old programming
ero (n)
from heroes to @eros
/frm '$rz t
.he team went from heroes to eros in three days:
first they won the championship then they were

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