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Rachel Tran

Ignorance Allied with Power

Ignorance allied with power is the worst enemy justice can have. Ignorance itself is
already a horrible attribute and there is no excuse for irresponsibility. If an ignorant person
contains power, he or she will most likely use it unwisely. Irresponsible people do not care for
the consequences and will take advantage of their power without thinking about the impact on
themselves and others.
Animal Farm by George Orwell includes a character by the name of Napoleon who
contains both the characteristics of ignorance and power. His ignorance to the animals ideas, the
animals health and well-being, and the consequences of his actions led to the devastating
ending. Napoleon, a clever and ignorant boar, was not open-minded to different ideas.
Snowballs suggestions were well 0 though out and could have been a success without
Napoleons ignorance. Napoleon always disagreed to Snowballs ideas and never gave him a
chance. He did not care if Snowball died either because Napoleon set out dogs to murder
Snowball. Napoleon did not care for the other animals health and always manipulated them into
thinking he was more equal. In the end, he was no other than a cruel, selfish human being,
although the whole point of the rebellion was to get rid their original leader.
Ignorance is a terrible attribute to have and power should only be given to those who
have responsibility. People with power who are ignorant about consequences and others will
have detrimental impacts on society, the world, and even themselves.

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