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ANC 6D Resolution in Support of Requesting that the Council of the District of

Columbia Oppose the Inclusion of the Fitness Ta! in its Final "u#get
$hereas% on May 28, 2014, the Council of the District of Columbia voted in favor of a
draft budget for 2015 that would imlement a 5!"5 ercent ta# on si# service$sector
businesses, including gyms, fitness clubs and yoga studios based in the District of
$hereas% by significantly increasing the customer&s re'uired costs to access fitness
activities, this new ta# has the otential to (eoardi)e the sustainability and viability of
small businesses that rovide health and wellness services and thereby laces an unfair
burden on these small business owners%
$hereas% many of these small businesses $ including M *treet +oga, District Crossfit,
DC,-it, .lite -itness /ros, Caitol 0ill +oga, and ,i1er ,arre $ serve our constituents,
and those small business owners reside in, and suort our neighborhood%
$hereas, fitness activities are already e#ensive and out of reach for many in DC, and
adding 5!"5 ercent to those costs will be a significant additional barrier to entry for
District of Columbia residents, many of whom in our community are on a fi#ed income%
$hereas% the District of Columbia is e#tremely divided on income and health lines, and
obesity and diabetes rates are much higher in lower$income areas%
$hereas% this is an e#clusionary virtue ta# that further segregates those that may need
fitness services most from accessing services that encourage a healthy lifestyle%
$hereas% it is imortant to send a message to District of Columbia residents that our
government values health and goes out of its way to suort fitness$related business
activity, rather than to burden it and ma1e it less accessible%
Therefore let it be resol&e# that 23C 4D, by a vote of 4 to 2 on 5une 6, 2014, voted to
e#ress its oosition of the newly roosed 5!"5 ercent sales ta# on fitness
establishments, including gyms, health clubs, and yoga studios! 7e as1 that this new levy
not be included in the final budget assed by the Council of the District of Columbia!

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