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Prepared By: Uttam Agrawal http://www.abapmadeeasy.


Prepared By: Uttam Agrawal


1. What Are Smart Forms In SAP System?

SAP Smartform is a graphical user interface tool to create and maintain forms. SAP Smart
Forms supports printer, fax, e-mail or internet (XML) as its output medium.

SAP Smartform is a tool for the maintenance of forms on hich application data from the SAP
s!stem can "e output. #epending on the application, the num"er of forms to "e printed can "e
$er! high, and the! might ha$e to "e printed in a short period of time, in a mass printing.
%xamples of mass printing are monthl! in$oices sent "! telecom companies or salar!

Transaction Code to create and maintain forms is SMARTFORMS.

2. What Are The Differences et!een SAP Scri"ts # Smartforms?

Differences $et!een SAP Scri"ts and Smart Forms are%
Smart Forms are client independent and SAP Scripts are client dependent.
Multiple page formats are possi"le in Smart Forms hich is not the case in SAP Scripts.
&t is possi"le to ha$e a Smart Form ithout a main indo here as !ou create a SAP
Script ithout a main indo.
Smart Forms generates a function module hen acti$ated, hich is not the case ith
SAP Scripts.
SAP Scripts re'uire a dri$er program to displa! the output hereas in Smart Forms the
form routines can "e ritten so that it is standalone.
An integrated Form (uilder helps to design Smart Forms more easil! than SAP Scripts.
A )a"le Painter and Smart St!les to assist in "uilding up the Smart Forms hich is not
a$aila"le in SAP Scripts.
Smart Forms generates XML output hich can "e $ieed through the e".

&. 'o! Many Main Windo!s Can We 'a(e In A Smartform?

*nli+e SAP Scripts, in Smart Forms !ou can ha$e onl! one main indo. And that too its idth
should "e same in all the pages hereas height can "e $aried. ,nl! one main indo per
smartforms is alloed "ut !ou can ha$e -- su"-indos.

Main Windo! ) Smartforms * On+y 1.
Main Windo! * SAP Scri"ts * ,,.

-. Is It Mandatory To 'a(e A Main Windo! In Smartforms?

&t is possi"le to create Smartforms ithout a main indo also. &n case, confirmation of a mail
to client or customer is re'uired there is no need of main indo, this can "e achie$ed or done
Prepared By: Uttam Agrawal

Prepared By: Uttam Agrawal

through smartforms ithout main indo.

.. What Are The Ty"es Of Windo!s A(ai+a$+e In Smartforms?

Four )!pes of indos a$aila"le in Smart Forms. )he! are.

Main Windo!
Secondary Windo!
Co"ies Windo!
Fina+ Windo!

/. 01"+ain The Si2nificance Of Main Windo!?

asica++y3 !e 4se main !indo! !hen there is a need to dis"+ay te1t or data !hich can
co(er se(era+ "a2es. Sa! there is a re'uirement to displa! data of all the ros of a ta"le (a
ta"le in hich !ou are not $er! sure as to ho man! ro it has), in such cases e ala!s use
main indos.

As soon as a main indo is completel! filled ith text/data, the s!stem continues to displa!
the text/data in the main indo of the next page. It a4tomatica++y tri22ers the "a2e $rea5.

,nl! one indo can "e defined in a form as main indo. )he main indo can "e called in
other pages of the form "ut it must ha$e the same idth on each page, "ut can differ in

A "a2e !itho4t main !indo! m4st not ca++ itse+f as ne1t "a2e3 since this ould trigger an
endless loop. &n such a case, the s!stem automaticall! terminates after three pages.

6. 01"+ain The Si2nificance Of Secondary Windo!?

asica++y3 secondary !indo! is 4sed to dis"+ay te1t or data o4t"4t !ith a fi1ed +en2th.

Secondar! indos are used hen there is a need to displa! text and data in a predetermined
output area. )here is no flo text displa! ith page "rea+.

&f e position a secondar! indo ith the same name on se$eral pages, the s!stem displa!s
the contents of this secondar! indo on each page.

)ext 0 data that do not fit into the secondar! indo are truncated and not displa!ed.

7. 01"+ain The Si2nificance Of Co"ies Windo!?

(asicall!, Co"ies Windo! is a s"ecia+ ty"e of secondary !indo! for ma5in2 "a2es as co"y or
ori2ina+.)his indo t!pe is used to output data either on original, or on copies, or "oth.

&n simple ords, Co"ies !indo! is to $e 4sed !hen there is a re84irement to "rint co"ies of
the "a2es.

1opies indo is used to define an output area for the print output, hose content !ou ant
to appear either onl! on the cop! or onl! on the original. )his allos !ou to flag copies as
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Prepared By: Uttam Agrawal

copies hen the form is printed.

,. 01"+ain The Si2nificance Of Fina+ Windo!?

Fina+ !indo! is to $e 4sed !here there is a re84irement to sho!9dis"+ay detai+s that has to
$e "rocessed on+y at the end of the form "rocessin2.

)he indos in a page are processed from top to "ottom. So the execution first s+ips all the
Final indos and completes the processing of other indos. ,nce all the non-final indos
are processed, the Final indos are processed from top to "ottom.

For example if there is a re84irement to dis"+ay the tota+ (a+4e of a++ the items on the first
"a2e $4t the tota+ (a+4e is 5no!n on+y at the end of the form "rocessin23 e can use the
Final indo for displa!ing the total $alue. )he sum of line items is calculated in the MA&2

1:. What Is The Difference et!een Ta$+es # Tem"+ate ;ode?

Tem"+ate contains a fi1ed n4m$er of ro!s and co+4mns3 !here the o4t"4t is fi1ed !here as
a ta$+e can ha(e (aria$+e n4m$er of ro!s. Tem"+ates are a+so "referred !here there is a
need of "ro"er a+i2nment. )emplates are used to print ta"les hose la!out and ros are fixed
and +non "efore the application program runtime. %xample. )ax Forms

Tem"+ate is a static entity i.e. its dimensions cannot $e chan2ed at r4n time !hereas Ta$+e
is a dynamic entity i.e. its dimensions can $e chan2ed at r4n time. 3ence, "ased on the
data, it can last from one page to multiple pages. For line items displa!, normall! ta"le is used
"ecause one does not ha$e prior information a"out the num"er of line items and no of pages.

)a"le node has 4 components- 3%A#%5, &)%M and F,,)%5

The 'eader com"onent !i++ $e e1ec4ted once.
The Item com"onent can $e 4sed to "rocess9dis"+ay ta$+e contents.
At the end footer !i++ $e e1ec4ted.

)emplates can "e used to define the folloing.

;o. of ro!s and ce++
'ei2ht of each ro!
Width Of indi(id4a+ ce++s
Se"arators or frames to $e dis"+ayed or not
A+i2nment of the ta$+e in the !indo!

Ta$+es are 4sed to "rint dynamic data !hich is not 5no!n $efore the a""+ication "ro2ram
r4ntime. 01am"+e% Materia+ +ist Of P4rchase orders.

Ta$+es node to $e 4sed on+y in main !indo! and no such fixed height can "e set for ta"le
Prepared By: Uttam Agrawal

Prepared By: Uttam Agrawal

11. 'o! To Insert Or <"+oad =ra"hics In Smartforms?

6raphics node is used to insert compan! logos as ell as other graphics in an! part of the
smartform. (efore including a logo in a smartform, one m4st first 4"+oad the 2ra"hic from
the +oca+ PC system to SAP system 4sin2 S067 transaction. )he imported graphic/image must
"e of 7.(MP or 7.)&F extension.

12. Can >o4 Force A Pa2e rea5 Within Ta$+e ?oo" In Smart Forms? If >es3 'o!?

Create a +oo" aro4nd the ta$+e. P4t a Command node $efore the ta$+e in the +oo" that
forces a ;0WPA=0 on !hate(er condition yo4 !ant. )hen onl! loop through a su"set of the
internal ta"le ("ased on the conditions in the 1ommand node) of the elements in the )a"le

1&. 'o! Do >o4 Create # Maintain Font Sty+e # Font Si@e <sed In Smartforms In SAP?

We can 4se Transaction SMARTST>?0S. 3ere e can create and maintain Paragraph formats
and character formats as per the re'uirement.

8e can use our on custom SMA5)S)9L%S in our Smart Form. 8e can mention the Smart St!le
under the folloing path.

=+o$a+ Settin2s ))A Form Attri$4tes ))AO4t"4t O"tions ta$ ))A Sty+e.

1-. Why SAP Scri"ts Are C+ient De"endent # Smartforms Are C+ient Inde"endent?

Smart Forms create its o!n f4nction mod4+e so it doesnBt need to trans"ort the re84est
thro42h SCC1. As a++ the De(e+o"ment O$Cect are stored in c+ient inde"endent
ta$+es. 8hereas SAP Script doesn:t generate an! function module hile executing so e need
to transport the re'uest num"er through S11;. Sa" Scri"t is stored inside the c+ient
de"endent ta$+e as a T0DT. So SAP Scripts are client dependent and Smart Forms are client

Prepared By: Uttam Agrawal

Prepared By: Uttam Agrawal

1.. A SAP R9& System 'as 2 C+ients 1:: # 11:. >o4 Create An SAP Scri"t EFScri"t # A
Smartform EFSmartform In C+ient 1::. Wi++ oth EFScri"t # EFSmartform e A(ai+a$+e In
C+ient 11: As We++?

1lient ;;< ill ha$e =ust the Smartform >?Smartform and not the SAP Script >?Script. SAP)
Scri"t is c+ient de"endent !hereas SMARTFORM is c+ient inde"endent. ,ne ill ha$e to
manuall! import the SAP Script to ;;< through S11; transaction in SAP.

1/. 'o! Do >o4 Find The ;ame Of The F4nction Mod4+e For A Smartform? When Is This
F4nction Mod4+e Created?

The f4nction mod4+e for Smartform is created !hen the Smartform is acti(ated. 9ou can
find the name of the Function Module for a Smartform "! going to %n$ironment --@ Function
Module 2ame.

16. >o4 'a(e Created A Smartform In De(e+o"ment Ser(er. Then >o4 Trans"orted The
Smartform To Prod4ction Ser(er. Wi++ The ;ame Of The F4nction Mod4+e e Same In oth
The Ser(ers?

)he Smart Form that is created in the #e$elopment ma! not ha$e the same name in the
Production ser$er. So it is ala!s ad$ised to use the Function
Module GSSFFF<;CTIO;FMOD<?0F;AM0G to get the Function Module name "! passing the
Smartform name.

#A)A. fm?name )9P% rs4Al?fnam.

formname B C>SMA5)F,5MC
fm?name B fm?name
no?form B ;
no?function?module B D
others B 4.

&F s!-su"rc E@ <.
M%SSA6% &# s!-msgid )9P% s!-msgt! 2*M(%5 s!-msgno
8&)3 s!-msg$; s!-msg$D s!-msg$4 s!-msg$F.

1ALL F*21)&,2 fm?name
formatting?error B ;
internal?error B D
send?error B 4
user?canceled B F
others B G.

&F s!-su"rc E@ <.
M%SSA6% &# s!-msgid )9P% s!-msgt! 2*M(%5 s!-msgno
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Prepared By: Uttam Agrawal

8&)3 s!-msg$; s!-msg$D s!-msg$4 s!-msg$F.

,nce !ou transport the Smartform from #e$elopment to Production ser$er, a ne function
module name for the Smartform in generated in the Production ser$er. For a "artic4+ar
Smartform 3 2enerated f4nction mod4+e names are different in different systems.

17. State The Difference et!een Form Interface # =+o$a+ Definitions In =+o$a+ Settin2s Of

Form Interface is !here !e can dec+are !hat m4st $e "assed in and o4t of the
smartform (in from the print program to the smartform and out from the smartform to the
print program).

=+o$a+ Definition is !here !e dec+are data to $e 4sed !ithin the smartform on a glo"al
scope i.e. an!thing e declare here can "e used in an! other node in the form.

1,. In A Certain Smartform3 For T!o Different+y Confi24red Printers3 There Seem To e A
Difference In The O4t"4t Of Characters Per Inch HThe Distance et!een Characters Which
=i(es A ?ayo4t Pro$+em ) Te1t In T!o ?ines Instead Of One.

&t happens hen the to printers ha$ing different Printer 1ontrols. 8e can go to SPA#
)ransaction Menu (Spool Administrator Menu) here e can see the difference in the Printer
1ontrol and if e ma+e the Printer contro+ settin2 for $oth the "rinters as same then there
!o4+d $e no difference in the o4t"4t of characters "er inch. Also e ill ha$e to chec+ hat
is the de$ice t!pe used for "oth the output de$ices if the issue persist.

2:. 'o! Can >o4 Con(ert Smartforms O4t"4t To PDF?

Folloing steps needs to "e carried out to con$ert Smart Forms output to P#F.

Print the Smart Form to the s"oo+.
;ote the s"oo+ n4m$er.
Do!n+oad the PDF fi+e (ersion of the s"oo+ $y r4nnin2 Pro2ram RSTDPDFT- and
enterin2 the noted s"oo+ n4m$er.

3ere is one more and pro"a"l! the easiest a! to see P#F output for a Smartform.
Ty"e PDFI In the command "rom"t and hit enter $4tton.

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Prepared By: Uttam Agrawal

)o see the Smartform Print Pre$ie output as list output,
Ty"e S?IS in the command "rom"t and hit enter.

21. 'o! Wi++ >o4 Print On oth Sided Of A Smartform?

At the Page le$el in Smartforms, yo4 can find somethin2 ca++ed as Print Mode. Set the Print
mode to duplex to print on "oth sides of the Smartform.

22. 'o! Can One Insert Sym$o+s In Smartforms?

Select the )ext 2ode --@ 1hange %ditor --@ 6o to Menu ,ption C&nsertC --@ 1haracters --@ SAP

1hoose the SAP s!m"ol that !ou ant to insert.

2&. 'o! Can I Ma5e The Smartforms To Choose A Printer ;ame y Defa4+t?

&n the 1ALL F*21)&,2 of the Smartform Function Module (1ALL F*21)&,2 fm?name ), set
the o4t"4t o"tions "arameter to set the "rinter name. )he output option is of the t!pe
SSF1,MP,P hich contains the field )##%S). Set the TDD0ST fie+d to yo4r defa4+t "rinter

For %xample.

,*)P*)?,P)&,2S-)##%S) B CPrinter 2ameC.
Prepared By: Uttam Agrawal

Prepared By: Uttam Agrawal

2-. 'o! Can I Ma5e The Smartforms To Dis"+ay A Print Pre(ie! y Defa4+t Witho4t
Dis"+ayin2 The Po"4" For Print Parameters?

&n the CA?? F<;CTIO; of the Smartform F4nction Mod4+e HCA?? F<;CTIO; fmFname J, set
the ,utput ,ptions and 1ontrol Parameters as mentioned "elo.

control?options-pre$ie B CXC. H Print Pre$ie
control?options -no?open B CXC.
control?options -no?close B CXC.
control?options -no?dialog B CXC.
control?options -de$ice B CP5&2)%5C.

output?options-)##%S) B CP5&2)%5 2AM%C. KS"oo+% O4t"4t De(ice
output?options-)#2,P5&2) B CXC. K;o "rintin2 from "rint "re(ie!

formname B c?formname
fm?name B lf?fm?name
no?form B ;
no?function?module B D
,)3%5S B 4.

&F s!-su"rc E@ <.

1,2)5,L?PA5AM%)%5S B control?options
,*)P*)?,P)&,2S B output?options
F,5MA))&26?%55,5 B ;
&2)%52AL?%55,5 B D
S%2#?%55,5 B 4
*S%5?1A21%L%# B F
,)3%5S B G.

2.. 'o! Can I Dis"+ay The Tota+ ;4m$er Of Pa2es In Smartforms?

*se SFS9-F,5MPA6%S to displa! the total num"er of pages in the Smartforms

#SFS>)PA=0# . 1urrent page num"er
#SFS>)FORMPA=0# . )otal num"er of pages in the currentl! formatted la!out set
#SFS>)LOPA=0# . )otal num"er of pages in the currentl! formatted print re'uest
#SFS>)COP>CO<;T# . ,riginal-;,;st cop!-D
#SFS>)DAT0# . #ate
#SFS>)TIM0# . )ime
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Prepared By: Uttam Agrawal

#SFS>)<S0R;AM0# . *sername

2/. Sometimes Whi+e <sin2 The Maria$+e SFS>)FORMPA=0S Or SFS>)PA=03 >o4 =et A Star GNG
Instead Of The Tota+ ;4m$er Of Pa2es Or C4rrent Pa2e ;4m$er. 'o! To Reso+(e S4ch

)here ma! not "e enough space in the indo to displa! the $aria"le, either increase the
indo dimensions or condense the spaces using 0SFS9-F,5MPA6%S(1)0 or using 0SFS9-
F,5MPA6%S(>1)0 or using 0SFS9-F,5MPA6%S(F>1)0.


G-G reser$es a four character ide output. (&t can "e set to an! $alue.)
GEG eliminates the leading Ieroes.
GCG 1ompress Spaces.

26. What Are The Mario4s Te1t Formattin2 O"tions In Smartforms?

Jarious text formatting options a$aila"le in Smart Forms are.

#sym$o+HEJ# % ,mit Leading >eroes
#sym$o+HSJ# % ,mit Leading Sign
#sym$o+HOJ# % #ispla! Leading Sign to the Left
#sym$o+HAJ# % #ispla! Leading Sign to the 5ight
#sym$o+HCJ# % 1ompress Spaces
#sym$o+H.;J# % #ispla! up to 2 decimal places
#sym$o+HTJ# % ,mit thousands separator
#sym$o+HRJ# % 5ight =ustified
#sym$o+HIJ# % Suppress output of the initial $alue

27. 'o! To Add A Standard Address In A Smart Form?

Address can "e printed 'uic+l! and smoothl! using the address node a$aila"le in smartforms.
)his node is "ased on 1entral Address Management (1AM). Addresses can "e of 4 t!pes.

Com"any 9Or2ani@ation address ty"e.
Wor5"+ace address ty"e.
Persona+ address ty"e.

In case if yo4 the address n4m$er or the "erson n4m$er is a+ready 5no!n3 then e =ust e
need to maintain the $alues in the options gi$en in the address node.

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Prepared By: Uttam Agrawal

In case if yo4 are fetchin2 the address n4m$er or the "erson n4m$er dynamica++y or d4rin2
r4n time, !ou can achie$e it "! passing the $aria"le as shon "elo.

2,. What Is The Conce"t Of Pa2e Protection In Smart Forms? 'o! Do >o4 Achie(e Pa2e
Protection In Smart Forms?

Pa2e Protection is 4sed to a(oid dis"+ayin2 the $ro5en contents of the "a2e and allo it to
displa! in the ne page from the "eginning after the pre$ious page.

Pa2e Protection attri$4te is to $e 4sed to determine !hether or not to dis"+ay a "ara2ra"h
com"+ete+y on one "a2e. Mar+ it if !ou ant to a$oid that a paragraph is split up "! a page
"rea+. &f on the current page (onl! in the main indo) there is not enough space left for the
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Prepared By: Uttam Agrawal

paragraph, the entire paragraph appears on the next page.

8hile one can use the P5,)%1) ..... %2#P5,)%1) command for SAP-Scripts, for Smart Forms
the Pa2e)Protection chec5$o1 can $e 4sed to ens4re "a2e "rotection.

;ote% >o4 ha(e Pa2e)"rotection "ro"erty on+y for Te1t 0+ements in the Main Windo!.

&:. Can >o4 Mo(e A Smartform From One SAP System To Another Witho4t <sin2

9es, this can "e achie$ed using the *pload/#onload feature for Smartforms. ,ne can
donload the Smartform from one s!stem and sa$e it as an XML file. ,nce that is done, the
XML file can "e used to upload the Smartform in another s!stem.

&1. Why Pa2es # Windo!s ;ode Are Re84ired Or Mandatory Whi+e Creatin2 A Smart Form?

)he Page represents the la!out of the Page that is printed on and the items to "e printed on
the Page are contained in 8indos. )he page together ith the indos defined on the page
determines ho the print ill appear and the contents of the print.

&2. 'o! Can >o4 Find The =enerated F4nction Mod4+e ;ame For A Smart Form?

First acti$ate the Smart Form. 6o to %n$ironment -@ Function Module 2ame and get the
automaticall! generated function module for the Smart Form.

&&. 'o! Do >o4 De$42 A Smart Form?

(! Putting a "rea+ point on the generated function module of the Smartform, one can de"ug it.
For more information, 5efer the lin+ mentioned "elo.


Prepared By: Uttam Agrawal

Prepared By: Uttam Agrawal

&-. What Are The Different A41i+iary ;odes A(ai+a$+e In Smart Form?

Auxiliar! nodes help to control and format the print "ut do not print an! contents "!
themsel$es. Folloing are the different auxiliar! nodes a$aila"le in Smart Form.

Ta$+e% ,utput of a ta"le containing application/d!namic data.
Tem"+ate% output of a ta"le containing static data.
Pro2ram ?ines% %xecutes A(AP 1ode.
Fo+der% 1om"ines successor nodes to logical groups.
?oo"% Processes successor nodes repeatedl!.
A+ternati(e% (ranches depending on conditions.
Command% %xecutes Special 1ommands.

&.. What are the Te1t Ty"es a(ai+a$+e in Smart Form?

)here are F different t!pes of )ext a$aila"le in Smart Forms. )he! are.

Te1t 0+ement
Te1t Mod4+e
Inc+4de Te1t
Dynamic Te1t

&/. What Are Te1t Mod4+es In Smart Forms? What Are The Ad(anta2es Of <sin2 Te1t

A Te1t Mod4+e acts as some sort of container of te1t3 !hich ma5es re4se of te1t easier.
There are te1ts that fre84ent+y a""ear in different forms. )ext Modules can "e used to store
these texts centrall! in the s!stem. )his detaches text maintenance from form maintenance,
ith the result that there ill "e no need to call the Form (uilder to edit indi$idual texts.

Te1t mod4+es can $e maintained 4sin2 smartforms transaction. )he text module is
maintained exactl! li+e the )ext element. )ext literals as ell as fields can "e ritten in the
text module. Fields of the )ext module ta+e $alues from the Smart Form from hich it is
called. Since a )ext Module is a separate entit!, it has its on Management (Attri"utes) screen.

The main ad(anta2es of 4sin2 a Te1t mod4+e are%

Centra+ stora2e and maintenance of te1ts% 1ommonl! used texts li+e )erms and
1onditions, Address line on footer, etc. do not ha$e to "e t!ped and maintained on e$er! Smart
Form "eing made. Also, changes made to the text at one place can "e cascaded to all Forms
here it is used if the 1op! option is not used.
?an24a2e s"ecific maintenance% )ext modules can "e maintained in different
languages. )hus, "! referring to the same )ext module name, Smart Forms in different
languages pic+ up the text of the corresponding language.
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Prepared By: Uttam Agrawal

C+ient inde"endence% )his is an ad$antage o$er &nclude texts that are client
Can $e assi2ned to CTS% An ad$antage o$er Standard )exts that are not assigned to a
)ransport S!stem "! default.
Can $e trans+ated to other +an24a2es thro42h the transaction S0/&.

For more information, refer the lin+ mentioned "elo.


&6. What Is The <se Of Command ;ode In Smart Form?

Command ;odes can $e 4sed to achie(e "a2e $rea5. (! using 1ommand 2ode, one can
manuall! control the num"ers of records to "e displa!ed per page "ased on some condition.

For More information, 5efer the lin+ mentioned "elo.


&7. Can One Restrict The Trans+ations Of Smart form To S"ecific ?an24a2es?

9es, one can restrict the translations of Smart forms to specific languages "! creating a super
set of languages for hich !ou ant to allo the translations. =o to form Attri$4tes ))A
=enera+ Attri$4tes ))A ?an24a2e Attri$4tes ))A Into Se+ected ?an24a2e.

Select all the languages for hich !ou ant the translation to happen.

&,. 'o! Can >o4 Trans+ate A Smart Form From One ?an24a2e To Another?

&n smart forms, if !ou ant a user to see the text in other languages (other than language in
hich smart form is created) , in 6lo"al settings ,e need to select radio "utton &nto Selected
languages and maintain the )ranslations in that particular language using S%K4.

There is no other !ay to a4tomate this "rocess $4t to maintain trans+ations !ith h4man
inter(ention for se+ected +an24a2es.

In S0/& transaction3 *se path )ranslations -@ A(AP o"=ects -@ ,ther Long )ext. 1lic+ on Forms
and St!les 0 Select Forms.

Please gi$e o"=ect name in 1AP&)ALS. Also select Source and target language from FF help.

For more information, refer the lin+ mentioned "elo.


-:. 'o! Do >o4 Assi2n Trans"ort Re84est To Trans+ations For Smart Forms?

Prepared By: Uttam Agrawal

Prepared By: Uttam Agrawal

,nce !ou are done ith !our translation and !ou ant to push the translation to !our target
s!stem, !ou need a transport re'uest. R4n the transaction code S?DT or "ro2ram
RSF?D0FR0CORDFTORD0Rfor creation of transport re'uest.

For more information, refer the lin+ mentioned "elo.


-1. What Is The <se Of Fo+der ;ode In Smart Form?

Fo+der o"tion is 4sef4+ for "+acin2 a++ the contents into a sin2+e "+ace !hich !e ca++ as
+o2ica+ 2ro4"in2.&f e ant to put a condition on a group of text elements or templates e can
place them in a folder and appl! the condition once to the folder.

Folder option allos !ou to place all the contents into a single place. )his is "asicall! useful
hen !ou ha$e num"er of indos and ith each indo !ou ha$e different graphics, texts,
ta"les, templates used. So to differentiate "eteen D indos e generall! go for folders and
place all contents of one indo in a folder and ise $ersa.

Page Protection propert! of Folder control ill "e used in order to displa! text in the same
page ithout separating it into to different pages. &f there is not enough space for a text
node, or a group of text nodes, a group of ta"le ros, etc. the items ill "e displa!ed as a
group on the next page ith maintaining the integrit! of these items.

&n SAP Smartforms documents fre'uentl! it is a re'uirement to print data in same page. For
example in a Smart Form ta"le, some of the ta"le ros are re'uired to print in same page
together. &f the empt! space is not enough it is preferred to print those ta"le ros in folloing
page together. In s4ch cases Smartforms Fo+der contro+ he+"s AAP de(e+o"ers creatin2 SAP
Smartforms doc4ments. Fo+der contro+ is the 5ey for "a2e "rotection in Smartforms.

SAP Smartform Folder control has the Page Protection attri"ute hich can "e used "! SAP
Smart Form de$elopers as a sitch for +eeping items in the same page.

-2. 'o! Do >o4 <se arcode in Smart Form?

First go to S06& SAP Scri"t Font Maintenance to create or displa! the s!stem "ar codes.

)hen go to SMARTST>?0S transaction, create a ne character format and assign the "arcode
name that !ou ha$e created in it. )hen !ou can use the character format in !our Smartform
here$er !ou ant the "arcode to "e displa!ed.

For more details, refer the lin+ mentioned "elo.


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