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Philosophy before Socrates

The Break with the Mythic/poetic Mindset (muthos/logos)

The Milesians (Miletus in Ionia [Asia Minor, west coast of Turkey])
Thales (water)
Anaxiander (apeiron)
Anaxienes (air, rarefaction/condensation)
!ytha"oras (atheatics, etepsychosis)
#enophanes (reli"ious criticis)
$eraclitus (fire, logos, copati%ility of opposites)
The &leatics (&lea in Italy)
!arenides (ontolo"y)
!arenides' dis(unction) *(it) is, or (it) is not'
(existential *is,' predicati+e *is')
does not coe to %e or perish
one and continuous
,eno of &lea (paradoxes of otion, reductio ad absurdum)
Melissus (existential onis)
The !luralists
&pedocles (four eleents, lo+e and strife, ixture, etepsychosis)
Anaxa"oras (seeds, ind [nous])
-eucippus /.eocritus (atoos / *that which cannot %e cut,' +oid )
The 0ophists
!rota"oras (homo mensura, relati+is)
1or"ias (skepticis, rhetoric)
2ritias (nomos/phusis)

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