Harris Burdick Story 2

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Mr Lindens Library

He had warned her about the book.

Now it was too late.
Ella was terried, she had no idea where the tunnel would take her. Why had
decided to disobey Mr. Linden and go snooping anyway? After her parents
had died a mysterious death two years ago, she found herself to be
rebellious, especially around her new strange and secretive guardian Mr.
Linden. As the tunnel was pitch black, Ella could only feel around for a sense
of direction. Shockingly she felt a door nob, the only thing she thought to do
was to turn it and give the door a little push
Ella had found herself in a room that looked a lots like a library, the only thing
that made her think differently was a very peculiar thing, there was only one
book. Curiosity, having got the best of her, she wanted to read the book.
Suddenly, before Ella had a chance to look a the book, she heard Mr. Linden
calling her upstairs. Ella was so curious, that she decided to take the book
with her. So excited about her discovery, Ella decided to show the book to Mr
Linden. Not know that book being from his library Ella shows the book to Mr.
Lindens. Mr. Lindens looking really furious he scolded Ella. He said where are
you going dont read the book. Ella crying went to her bedroom and slammed
the door shut. Ella slowly opened the book at started reading it page by page.
Sabeeh Khan Tuesday, 10 June, 2014 2:01:03 PM Hong Kong Standard Time

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