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Rubik's Cube turns 40
Its been four decades since Hungarian inventor and architect Erno Rubik created his best-
selling puzzle cube. To celebrate the anniversary, the !-year-old has paired up "ith the
#iberty $cience %enter in &ersey %ity, 'e" &ersey, for a special e(hibition.
It houses the "orlds )ost e(pensive Rubiks %ube ever )ade. %reated by *ia)ond %utters
International, its an +, karat gold cube set "ith +,-. /e"els, esti)ated to be "orth 0.1 )illion
2.$. *ollars.
The Rubik's Cube Masterpiece, made up of 1,360 jewels, considered to be the world's most
epensi!e cube, is on displa" as part of #ibert" $cience Center's newest ehibit, %&e"ond
Rubik's Cube,% openin' on $aturda"( )Reena Rose $iba"an*The +erse" +ournal(,
3If you have a fa)ily you have the fa)ily. 4nd naturally part of "hat your fa)ily is doing, you
are loving it, you are criticizing it and you try to )odify. 5ut its your fa)ily. $o you cant say
you are not part of your fa)ily. $o )y relationship "ith the cube is that, the cube is )y oldest
child,3 said Rubik.
Titled 65eyond Rubiks %ube, the e(hibit e(plores the puzzles hu)ble beginnings, its first
prototypes )ade out of "ood and rubber bands.
The cube "as first launched in +!78 in 5udapest. $ince its international release in +!,., an
esti)ated -1. )illion cubes have been sold "orld"ide. 4bout one in seven people have
played "ith the fa)ous puzzle.
The ehibit will mark the -0th anni!ersar" of the Rubik's Cube(
Rubik said9 3Its a very interesting thing. Everybody has it at ho)e. $o its hard to sho" the)
so)ething else, so)ething different. 5ut "e "ere able to do that because the cube has so
)any different sides. 'ot only si( that are in practice. 4nd the cube has )ade lots of
inspiration all around the "orld.3
:or the artistic-)inded, a )ural installation has visitors create specific patterns "hich can be
put on the "all to create a 3cube painting.3 Theres also a robot that can take over and solve
your cube "hen it gets too hard, sho"ing every step it takes on a )onitor. The ulti)ate goal is
to use the Rubiks %ube to sho" visitors that the boundaries bet"een science and art are not
clearly defined.
The e(hibit "ill be open to the public for seven )onths at the 'e" &ersey location, before
heading out on a global tour.
.rno Rubik, the in!entor of Rubik's Cube

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