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Kurama Mountain Experience

"Birthplace of Reiki"
It's Tuesday the 6th of December and I am sitting in the car on my way to Kyoto and
Mount Kurama, the bithplace of Reiki I am kind of relie!ed because I ha!e finished
my workshop and last healing sessions and can now "ust be a tourist
#i!e days before, my daughter $a"a and I took the long "ourney from Denmark to
$agoya, the third largest city in %apan I was going to teach a healing workshop there
and perform some healing sessions &e were fortunate to stay with a !ery hospitable
%apanese family
&hen we arri!ed in Kyoto 'ity, we spent some time at the (an"usangen)do temple
with its *,++* wooden statues, all made of %apanese cypress ,ery impressi!e- Then
we proceeded to Mount Kurama &e "ust sat in the car and en"oyed the scenery
outside as we dro!e by
.bout eight and a half kilometres from Mount Kurama I suddenly felt a pleasant
sensation in my heart centre I took notice of it and then decided to dismiss the
feeling and "ust rela/ and en"oy the dri!e 0ut the sensation "ust continued to stay
with me and then it actually increased in intensity the closer we got to our
destination During those eight and a half kilometres I felt !ery emotional and almost
cried twice for no reason
This is when I began to ponder my purpose for going to the mountain &as
something going to happen here1
&e arri!ed to Kurama and started to go up the mountain 0ecause of the sensations I
had in the car pre!iously, I was more energetically 2on guard34 instead of "ust
being in 2tourist mode2 .ctually, it is impossible for me not to notice a greater shift
in energy around me because I am so sensiti!e to energy (ometimes I ask myself if
this is a gift or a curse Despite this, I always end up thinking it's the first
&e continued up the mountain, !isiting shrines, the 5onden temple and other
monuments, until we reached the peak of the mountain at the Kinone Michi, a uni6ue
sight of e/posed intertwing roots of old cedar trees I noticed that the energy felt
higher here so I "ust stayed for a while and en"oyed the energy
I had really no intention of going any further I "ust talked back and forth with my
host 7oshiko and then it was like I heard this !oice in my head saying, 27ou won't let
go that easy2 I had gone so far up the mountain already 5ad I still not reached the
point where I would find what I came for1 &hat did I come for1
(o, I decided to go *++ meters more to the place where 8sui supposedly meditated for
9* days and recei!ed Reiki &ith no real e/pectation of anything I continued to walk
and finally reached the place
I was surprised This little place had tremendous energy (o much stronger than
anywhere else on the mountain, and actually of any place that I had e!er been-
I "ust stood there in the middle of the place feeling the energy pour into my body It
began to instil its essence into my heart centre and I "ust en"oyed the silence and
.fter only about *+ minutes I said to my daughter that we could go on and that my
purpose of this !isit was done I said these words without thinking about it, but
immediately felt the truth in it (he asked me what I meant by this :n the way down
the mountain I ga!e her e/plinations about energy, Reiki and Mikao 8sui and how he
supposedly recei!ed an energy transmission at that same place I told her that it
seemed that somehow daddy had recei!ed the same thing
:n the way down the mountain my hands became burning hot and I was "ust bu;;ing
with this lo!ing energy
.s we dro!e home I decided to interpret this as 2"ust another e/perience,2 and not
put that much into it
The ne/t day I decided to do healing sessions for my hosts, 7oshiko and Dai"iro, as I
promised I would I started the session as I usually do and suddenly, out of nowhere,
the energy from yesterday "ust emanated in the room, like it was saying, 2I am still
here and I can be used for healing2, like a little reminder saying, 2do you recall
yesterday1< &e noticed this and continued with the session
During the second session there was some pain left in 7oshiko's arm, which "ust
wouldn't go away and was !ery stubborn I simply could not remo!e it with the
method I normally use Then, for fun, I suggested, 2:k, let's try this energy from
yesterday2 (o, for the first time I actually conciously in!oked the energy I recei!ed
the day before
. lo!ing warm energy began to fill my heart and hands, and in only a few minutes
the pain "ust melted away The energy was clearly tangible and it worked-
It was first at that point that I began to take the e/perience really seriously There
was something here that I could not "ust ignore
&hen I first came to %apan I had absolutely no intention of going to Kurama
Mountain, only Kyoto 'ity I "ust somehow got there I had no intention whatsoe!er
to recei!e anything on Kurama Mountain that day, but it was "ust planted right there
in my hands anyway
More to come
In lo!e and gratitude
:le =abrielsen
*9th December 9+**

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