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Module 1
u u uuu
r uru 1 4 3. A : What does Jack
want to do?
B : _______________.
a. He wants to write the
b. He wants to write his
c. He wants to read the
d. He wants to read the
4. A : ________________.
B : Its net to the book.
a. Whats that?
b. What colo!r is the
". A : What is Jack doin#? c. Whoses the pen?
B : _______________. d. Wheres the pen?
a. Hes readin# a book.
b. Hes writin# the letter to his !ncle. uuwr
uuru 5 10
c. Hes listenin# the radio.
Jack : Hello$ %om.
What are &o!
Tom : Hello$ Jack.
Im writin# the
letter to m&
Jack : 'm...I want
to write the
letter to m&
(ear (ad and )!m$
*ood mornin# m&
(ad and
)!m. I like m& new
school. )&
teachers name is )rs.
+ell. ,he
teaches -n#lish. ,he is
kind. I ha.e
/o!r /riends. %heir names
d. Hes drawin# the pict!re.
2. A : Who is speakin# with Jack?
B : _______________.
a. )ark
b. ,am
c. %om
d. Joe
0. A : Whoses this letter? uruur u
uru 11 - 14
B : _______________.
a. )ark b. %om
c. 1nne d. 2isa
3. A : Who does )ark send the letter to?
B : _______________.
a. His !ncle
b. His a!nt
c. His /riend "". A : Which
school does 4ate st!d&?
d. His (ad and )!m B :
5. A : Who is )arks -n#lish teacher? a. ,t.
6a!ls ,chool
B : _______________. b. ,t. )arias ,chool
a. )rs. Wood b. )rs. +ill c. ,t. 6eters ,chool
c. )rs. +ell d. )rs. 2isa d. )aria ,chool
7. A: How man& /riends does he ha.e? "2. A : How
man& pla&#ro!nd are there
B: ______________. in her school?
Im 4ate. I st!d& at
,t. )arias ,chool.
%here are man& trees and
a lar#e pla&#ro!nd. %he
hall is between the
classrooms and the
librar&. %he ca/eteria is
opposite to the m!sic
a. 8o!r b. 8i.e B : ______________.
c. ,i d. ,e.en a. 8o!r b.
9. A : What are their names? c. %wo c. :ne
B : ______________. "3. A : Where is the hall?
a. %om$ )ark$ 2isa and 1nne B : ______________.
b. %om$ Jack$ 2isa and 1nne a. Its between the
classrooms and
c. )ark$ Jack$ 2isa and 1nne the librar&.
d. %om$ Jack$ )ark and 1nne b. Its net to the toilets.
"0. A : What are the& like? c. Its opposite
to the pla&#ro!nd.
B : _______________. d. Its net to the
swimmin# pool.
a. '#l&
b. +orin#
c. 8!nn&
d. 8riendl&
"4. A : Where are the toilets?
B : _________________.
a. %he& are net to the hall."5. a. mat b. nose
b. %he& are opposite to the librar&. c. r!bber
d. pen
c. %he& are net to the swimmin# "7. a. #lass
b. chair
pool. c. shoe d. bab&
d. %he& are opposite to the trees.
"9. a. start b. nose
ru 15 16 ruuu uu
ru 17 18 ruuu uu
ru 19 20 ruuu uu
"0. a. pan b. hand c. book d.
c. cat d. do# 20. a. /o!r b. .isit
"3. a. #irl b. c!p c. #&m d. chair
c. ten d. si

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