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1024 S. Mill Street Plymouth, MI 48170 734 / 416-3010 FAX: 734-414-8158 Email: Michael.Giromini@pccsk12.


June 6, 2014

To Whom It May Concern:

It is with great enthusiasm that I write to you on behalf of Erin Byrge. I had the pleasure of
working with Erin from the fall of 2007 until the summer of 2012, during which time she was
both my colleague in the science department and later a teacher I supervised in my role as
associate principal at the International Academy (2009-2012). She is consistently
professional, driven, and focused on her content and what is best for student learning. I
deeply respect her, and I know she will make an excellent addition to your building and
district staff.

Erin demonstrated her strength of and passion for chemistry through both her work in
industry as a chemical engineer and during her time at the International Academy as a
chemistry teacher. As her evaluator, I personally watched her work incredibly hard to ensure
that she understood the content in such a way so as to make it accessible to students
something that is not always an easy task. The students at the International Academy are
particularly motivated, and thus demand a great deal of content knowledge and teaching
talent from the staff. I was continually impressed with Erins ability to take challenging
concepts and turn them into something not only learnable but also fun for students. Both
her dedication to instructional technology and her ability to reflect carefully on her practice
contributed to her success as a professional educator.

Erin also proved herself as a leader. Although she was not the most experienced science
teacher at the International Academy, we quickly turned to her to fill the role of science
department chair in the fall of 2010. As expected, she was able to bring together the biology,
chemistry, and physics teachers so that they were working to create a positive and coherent
science experience for all of our students. As you may know, it is not always easy to bring the
sub-departments together, but she did so with finesse.

Erin Byrge has my highest recommendation for a position in your school/district. I have
every confidence that she will continue to be successful with students, parents, colleagues,
and administrators, and I know she will help to raise the quality of your team. Should you
have any questions about Erins qualifications or experience, please do not hesitate to contact
me personally at or 734-395-7655.


Michael Giromini

Michael Giromini
Curriculum Coordinator
Math, Science, World Language

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