Loading A Pilot Key

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1) Dont put a key into the drive yet

2) Open Administrative Icon

3) On the first tab, click on Manage Pilot Records
a) Create Pilot (put in First Name, Last Name, 50 hours)
4) Click on Add Pilot (on right side) remember hours override date
5) Are you sure? Click Yes
6) Verify Pilots Name in the top of the list. Hi-light name it, if not
7) Click Select Pilot
8) Select Approved Mission Scenarios For This Pilot
9) On right side Mission Inventory select all missions
a) missions are:
1) the time of day: day flight or night flight
2) weather conditions, i.e. VFR or IFR
3) starting point
10) Click Approve
a) you must, Approve before you can scroll down
11) Click Return when you have selected all the missions you want
a) This will automatically takes you back to the first screen
12) Click Create Update This Pilot Key
13) Insert a blank pilot key
14) X out of any pop-ups
15) Once again, click on Create Update This Pilot Key
a) Screen will display message Working
b) When update is complete, screen will display message Remove Key
Redbird FMX Pilot Key Loading Procedure

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