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- Completa las frases usando un comparativo.

Ej. My flat isnt very big.- I want a bigger flat.

1. My motorbike isnt very fast. Id like .
2. My husband isnt very rich. I need .
3. Your computer is getting old now. You need .
4. His camera isnt very good. He needs .
5. It isnt very hot today. It was yesterday.
6. Im not very interested in football. Im in tennis.
- Escribe el comparativo
Ej. small - smaller
1. good
2. intelligent
3. old
4. dark
5. bad
6. large
7. narrow
8. new
9. easy
10. funny
Completa con la forma comparativa o superlativa del adjetivo escrito entre parntesis.
1. This computer is (new) than your computer.
2. Lisa is (old) than George.
3. George is (young) than Lisa.
4. Lucy is (young) in the class.
5. That car is (expensive) than this car.
6. That car is (expensive) in the market.
7. Your car is (fast) than this car.
8. Your car is (fast) in the race.
9. This house is (big) than my house!
10. This house is (big) in the neighbourhood.
1. William Shakespeare is (famous) writer in England.
2. The elephant is (big) than the lion.
3. Sergio is (old) than Malcolm.
4. Our house is (old) in the neighbourhood.
5. That book is (interesting) than the newspaper.
6. This cake is (delicious) than that one.
7. This is (bad) programme in television history.
8. That picture is (clear) than this one.

Completa con el adjetivo comparativo o superlativo de cada palabra. (Ejemplo:
good --> better o good --> best)

1. GOOD ---> ---> best

2. OLD ---> ---> oldest

3. HAPPY ---> happier --->

4. NICE ---> ---> nicest

5. SAD ---> sadder --->

6. SILLY ---> sillier --->

7. FAT ---> ---> fattest

8. EASY ---> easier --->

9. BAD ---> ---> worst

10. LAZY ---> lazier --->

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