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Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory is one of theories of motivation.

The theory is about peoples

needs. Managers can apply this theory in order to motivate the employees. Needs were categorized
as five levels of lower order to higher order needs. Motivating an employee depend on knowing at
what level that employee is on the hierarchy.
First and second levels are basically what the lower level order needs. The manager has to help
employees fulfils these needs. The first level is Physiological needs. The most basic needs which
includes salary, food, clothes, water and home. The example is some of organization provides their
employees house and car as facilities. Second level is Security where by employees need security
and protection from physical and emotional harm as well as assurance that physical needs will
continue to be met. SOCSO and EPF are example for this level. When the employees feel secure,
they will motivate to work.
Higher level order needs are social, esteem and self-actualization. These three levels are support by
environment of working. Social needs are the third levels of the hierarchy. A persons needs for
affection, belongingness, acceptance, and friendship. Employees will feel more motivate to work if
there are good team atmosphere and have a friendly supervision. Manager plays the role to make
sure the employees are working in pleasure, not in pressure environment. In example, the manager
creates a sense of community via team-based project and social event.
Forth level is Esteem needs. Internal esteem factors such as self-respect, autonomy and
achievement. External esteem factors such as status, recognition and attention. The examples are
manager appreciates the employees by giving the award to best worker and help them to get
The last level is Self-actualization. This is the level employees needs for growth, achieving potential
and self-fulfilment. As manager, it is important to help employees to find this. Otherwise employees
will become dissatisfied, restless, and unproductive and may even look for satisfaction elsewhere.
The conclusion is, even though the employees may be satisfy with their achievement, they still need
motivation from manager. By helping the employees, the manager also help themselves to improve
and develop too.

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