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Upgrading of a low relaxation staili!ed strand prod"#tion line 1 $ % & ' ( $ 1)* existent
in TOT3 wor+s,op.
At this time in TOT3 there is a stabilizatin installatin AR! "# t$%e& !r'%% ma(e& %'t
int %eratin in )*+,.
The res%e-ti.e -inemati- s-heme is AR! "# / !.S. 0 A an( it is hereb$ atta-he(.
The -m%nents 1 the installatin are2
). 3a$411 1rm )# t bbbin
". 5ra6in7 -a%stan n )
3. 5ra6in7 -a%stan n "
8. H$(ra'li- s%lers& t6 %-s
9. Heatin7 .en
:. ;ater -ler
+. Tensmetri- -'%lin7
,. S%ler <im%r.ise(=
3resentl$& the t6 h$(ra'li- (ri.in7 s%lers ha.e been re%la-e( at TOT34ISCT 6ith an
im%r%er s%ler& (ri.en b$ an ele-tri- AC en7ine& the a(>'stment 1 the s%ler?s s%ee( is
(ne b$ means 1 a -hain .ariatr. The h$(ra'li- (ri.in7 s%lers are 'se( at this %int t
ta@e .er %rtins 1 nn4stabilize( stran(.
The eln7atin 1 the stran( bet6een %a$411 an( (ra6in7 -a%stan n ) is (ne b$
means 1 a me-hani-al brea@ 6ith %ne'mati- (ri.in7& beln7in7 t the %a$411. Ai1tin7
an( (es-en(in7 1 the )# tns bbbin is (ne b$ means 1 a 7eare( en7ine an( blt4n't.
In a((itin& the tra%%in7 1 the bbbin bet6een the %a$411?s mbile -nes is als (ne 6ith
a 7eare( en7ine an( blt4n't. The )# t bbbin trans1er 1rm the ta@e4'% 1 the stran(in7
installatin& '% t the !r'%% stabilizatin installatin %a$411 has nt been sl.e(.
The (ra6in7 -a%stan n ) is (ri.en b$ the +" !6 (.-.0)9## min
en7ine b$ means 1 a
belt transmissin 6ith a "):0399 rati& a 6heels transmissin :,0:,& a -ni-al an(
-$lin(ri-al 6heels 7ear re('-er 6ith i B
#:: . 8
an( b$ means 1 a 1inal %inin an(
6heel transmissin that -'%les 6ith the internal teeth 1 the (ra6in7 -a%stan n )&
6hi-h has i - 1.$11)
The (ra6in7 -a%stan n " is (ri.en als b$ the +" !6 (.-. en7ine b$ means 1 a belt
transmissin "):0399& a -$lin(ri-al 6heel transmissin i - /)$/)& a %lanetar$
transmissin 6ith i -1$%)& a -$lin(ri-al 6heel re('-er 6ith i -
#:: . 8
an( b$
means 1 the 1inal %inin an( 6heel transmissin that -'%les 6ith the internal teeth 1
the (ra6in7 -a%stan n "& 6hi-h has i -1.$11).
The %lanetar$ transmissin 6ith i -1$%) an( the -$lin(ri-al 6heel transmissin i -/)$/)
1rm the (i11erential re('-er thr'7h 6hi-h& 6ith the assistan-e 1 the 3+ !6 (.-. 0
ele-tri- en7ine& the (ra6in7 -a%stan n " 7ets a (i11erent <hi7her= s%ee( b$
-m%arisn t the (ra6in7 -a%stan n )?s s%ee(& (eterminin7 this 6a$ the eln7atin 1 the
stran( bet6een the t6 -a%stans.
;ith the eln7atin 1 the stran( bet6een (ra6in7 -a%stan n ) an( n "& the stran(
heatin7 als ta@e %la-e in the in('-tin .en <item 9= an( the -lin7 in the -ler <item
:=& (eterminin7 the l6 relaCatin stabilizatin 1 the stran(.
The eln7atin 1 the stran( bet6een the t6 -a%stans is a(>'stable b$ -han7in7 the 3+ !6
(.-. en7ine s%ee(& a(>'stin7 the eln7atin stren7th 1 the stran( an( there1re the (e7ree 1
l6 relaCatin. The eln7atin 1 the stran( is meas're( b$ the tensmetri- -'%lin7 <item
5e%en(in7 n the stran( size the eln7atin stren7th bet6een the t6 -a%stans is als
(i11erent& there1re the eln7atin 1 the stran( bet6een the %a$411 an( (ra6in7 -a%stan
n ) an( bet6een (ra6in7 -a%stan n " an( s%ler m'st als be (i11erent in r(er t
ens're the a(heren-e 1 the stran( n the (ra6in7 6heels 1 the t6 -a%stans.
Frm the same reasns& the n'mber 1 stran(e( 6hirls 1 stran( n the t6 -a%stans are
The 1eat'res 1 the eD'i%ment a--r(in7 t the ma-hine s%e-i1i-atin b@ are2
- stran( size s-%e2 E F 4 +0)#G
- maCim'm s%ee( B )"# m0min
- size 1 the %a$411 bbbin2
B ""8# mm
- %a$411 bbbin -a%a-it$2 )# t
- maCim'm 1r-e in the stran( bet6een the %a$411 an( (ra6in7 -a%stan n ) 2 )## !N
- maCim'm 1r-e in the stran( bet6een (ra6in7 -a%stan n ) an( (ra6in7 -a%stan n "2
"## !N <maCim'm 1r-e 1 stabilizatin=
- stran( eln7atin2 a%%rC. 9H 4 a(>'stable
B$ a(%tin7 the s%ler 6ith an ele-tri-al (ri.in7 in a.-.& the a(>'stin7 1 the bbbin s%ee(
is (ne b$ means 1 a -hain .ariatr. The %a-e 1 the stran( la$in7 -an als be a(>'ste(
'sin7 a -hain .ariatr.
). Bet6een the %a$411 an( the -a%stan n ) the eln7atin stren7th in the stran( is nt
a(>'stable a--r(in7 t -han7e in the size 1 the stran( -il that is 'nrllin7. This
(etermines a .ariable -'nter4%'llin7& in-reasin7 ('rin7 %eratin& 6hi-h lea(s t an
in-rease 1 la( in the +"!6 an( 3+ !6 en7ines& in-l'(in7 the stabilizatin 1r-e
". Bet6een the %a$411 an( the -a%stan n) the eln7atin stren7th is nt meas're(. This is a
(esi7n (e1i-ien-$& an eD'i%ment 0 en(6ment ne.
3. The meas'rin7 1 the eln7atin stren7th bet6een -a%stan n ) an( -a%stan n "& meanin7
1 stabilizatin 1r-e& is (ne .er$ in(ire-tl$& b$ means 1 tensmetri- -'%lin7 <item += an(
1r that reasn the %re-isin 1 the meas'rement is a11e-te(. The tensmetri- -'%lin7 is a
sensiti.e elementJ its mal1'n-tinin7 6ill st% the entire installatin
8. The stran( tensin bet6een -a%stan n " an( s%ler <item ,= -an be a(>'ste( 6ith the -hain
.ariatr an( the res%e-ti.e The -mman( 1 the is b'ttn %erate(.
Testin7 the tensin in the 6ire is relati.e an( man'all$ %erate( b$ the installatin %eratr.
In the 7i.en -n(itins& 6e -annt -'nt n a -nstant an( -rre-t 6ire tensin.
In r(er t a.i( the stran( slee%in7 n the (ra6in7 -a%stan n "& 6e nee( a -ertain 1r-e .al'e
in the stran( bet6een the -a%stan n " an( s%ler an(& t be able t ha.e an eas$ an( %re-ise
la$in7 & la$er4la$er & 6e nee( a (i11erent .al'e 1 the stran( 1r-e bet6een -a%stan n " an(
T maintain a -nstant tensin in time& it is ne-essar$ 1r the %eratr t be .er$ -are1'l an(
man'all$ -he-@ the tensin in the 6ire in r(er t ma@e the a(eD'ate a(>'stment.
The 'nrllin7 1 the stran( t the 'ser is (ne 1rm insi(e the -il& 6hi-h im%lies the stran(in7
1 the 1inishe( stran( la$er4la$er t the -il bbbin.
9. The 6ater -lin7 1 the stran( is nt a(>'stable s that it is im%ssible t a(>'st the
tem%erat're 1 the stran( a--r(in7 t the en.irnmental tem%erat're in r(er t a.i( the
stran( Ci(izin7.
:. The la-@ 1 a -ntrl s$stem 1r the tensinin7 1r-e bet6een the %a$411 an( -a%stan n )
res%e-ti.el$ -a%stan n " an( la$er4la$er s%ler %r('-es har(shi%s in -rre-tl$ la$in7 the
la$er4la$er s%lin7 1 the stran(
+. The re-r(in7 an( mnitrin7 s$stem 1 %r-ess %arameters2
- stabilizatin 1r-e F <(aN=
- 6r@in7 s%ee( V <m0min=
- tem%erat're T <
is n ln7er %eratinal. This ma>r (isa(.anta7e ma@es it im%ssible the -erti1i-atin b$
the -'stmers 1 %r('-t 3C4stran( 6ith l6 relaCatin.
,. The installatin -an nt %erate a'tmati-all$
*. The la-@ 1 a 6el(in7 (ete-tr ma@es it im%ssible t %r('-e a stran( a--r(in7 t
internatinal %r('-t nrms& 6hi-h means n 6el( stran(.
The %r%se( b>e-ti.e is btainin7 3C stran( 6ith AR a--r(in7 t internatinal %r('-t
stan(ar(s <BS 9,*: an( ASTMA 8):= t ma@e %ssible enterin7 eC%rt mar@ets 6ith 1inal %r('-t
3C4stran( 6ith AR.
In r(er t a--m%lish this %'r%se& the man'1a-t'rers KCR& MFA an( HI45ra6 ha.e been
-nta-te(. Frm these -m%anies& 6e ha.e btaine( %reliminar$ 11ers& 11ers that 1ll6e( t be
-m%lete( te-hni-all$ an( -mmer-iall$ s%ea@in7. The sl'tin 1 '%7ra(in7 6ill be2
). The stabilizatin installatin itsel1 / -m%risin72 %a$411 an( -m%nents bet6een (ra6in7
-a%stan n ) an( (ra6in7 -a%stan n "& +" an( 3+ @; en7ines& -$lin(ri-al re('-ers&
transmissin sha1t& %lanetar$ re('-er& -ni-al4-$lin(ri-al re('-ers& (ra6in7 -a%stans / 6ill
be re'se( an( massi.el$ re%aire( b$ ISCT. The tensmetri- -'%lin7 6ill nl$ be 'se( as
transmissin -'%lin7. the +" an( 3+ @; (.-. en7ines 6ill be re%la-e( 6ith similar %6ers
en7ines& b't in a.-. 1e( 6ith 1reD'en-$ -n.erters.
ISCT 6ill -n('-t a -a%ital an( D'alit$ re1'rbishment& a--r(in7 t AC!NO;AE5KE ACT
n. C50),0"+.#"."##3& 1r the re'se( eD'i%ment.
". The meas'rin7 1 the tensin in the 6ire bet6een the t6 -a%stans& 6ill be (ne b$ a ne6 3
rlls s$stem an( tensmetri- (se %la-e( a1ter the (ra6in7 -a%stan n ). It 6ill re%resent a
ne6 s'bassembl$ (eli.ere( b$ the s'%%lier
3. The mbile heatin7 .en 6ill be a ne6 assembl$ (eli.ere( b$ the s'%%lier& 1'll$ eD'i%%e(.
8. The -ler 6ill be a ne6 s'bassembl$& 6ith the -ntrl an( a'tmati- a(>'stment 1 the
stran( tem%erat're at -ler eCit.
9. The -'rrent %a$411 6ill be eD'i%%e( 6ith a ne6 7eare( en7ine 1r -arr$in7 a6a$ the )# t
bbbin& 1r a'tmati- a(>'stment an( -nstant maintenan-e 1 the stran( eln7atin 1r-e
bet6een the %a$411 an( the (ra6in7 -a%stan.
:. Bet6een the %a$411 an( the (ra6in7 -a%stan n ) a ne6 6el( (ete-tr 6ill be installe(. At
the -ablin7 ma-hine& SRN :C,##& the 6el(s n in(i.i('al 6ires 1rm the -able( stran( 6ill
be mar@e( b$ ($in7. The 6el( (ete-tr 6ill -mman( the re('-tin 1 eln7atin 1r-e an(
heatin7 tem%erat're 1 the stran( bet6een the -a%stan n ) an( -a%stan n " ('rin7 %assa7e
1 the 6el( thr'7h the heatin7 .en.
+. T6 lar7e s%lers & ne6& in(e%en(ent& 1 )# t& 6ill be installe( a1ter (ra6in7 -a%stan n
"& t ta@e .er the entire D'antit$ 1 stran( 1rm the )# t bbbin 1 the %a$411. The
-nstant tensin in the 6ire bet6een -a%stan n " an( the t6 s%lers is ma(e b$ a
s$n-hrnize( s$stem 6ith a L(an-er armG.
The t6 )# t s%lers %erate alternati.el$ in a s%ler0%a$411 re7ime an( are eD'i%%e( 6ith
a rails trans1er me-hanism. The -arr$in7 a6a$ 1r trans1er is ma(e b$ the a.-. 7eare( en7ine.
,. The re4s%lin7 eD'i%ment 1r stran( int -il bbbins 6ith maCim'm 6ei7ht 1 9### @ils
6ill be in a %re-ise la$er4la$er la$in7. The a(>'stin7 1 the -nstant tensin in the 6ire
bet6een the )# t %a$411 an( the la$er4la$er s%ler is (ne b$ means 1 a s$n-hrnizatin
s$stem 6ith a L(an-er armG.
*. The -m%lete ne6 ele-tri-al (ri.e 1 the entire stabilizatin installatin <re'se( eD'i%ment
an( ne6 ne= 6ill be (eli.ere( b$ the s'%%lier an( 6ill be in a.-. 6ith 1reD'en-$ a(>'stin7.
The heatin7 .en 6ill be eD'i%%e( 6ith a stati- -n.erter 1 8## !6 me(i'm 1reD'en-$.
)#. The stabilizatin installatin 6ill %erate a'tmati-all$ als 1r 6el(s& t a'tmati-all$
a(>'st the three main %arameters 1 the te-hnl7i-al %r-ess2 F <(aN=J V <m0min=J T <
6ith the %'r%se 1 re('-in7 t minim'm the stran( 6aste in -ase 1 6el(in7.
The -m%lete ne6 a'tmatin 6ill be (ne 1r the entire stabilizatin installatin <'se( an(
ne6 eD'i%ment= an( 6ill be (ri.en b$ a ne6 %r-ess -m%'ter (eli.ere( 6ith the -rres%n(in7
The -m%'ter mnitr 6ill be %la-e( n the -ntrl (es@ an( 6ill mnitr all the %eratin7
te-hnl7i-al %arameters& ener7$ -ns'm%tin& mal1'n-tins& 't%'t& et-.
The stabilizatin 1r-e F <(aN=J the 6r@in7 s%ee( V <m0min= an( stran( tem%erat're at eCitin7
the heatin7 .en T <
C= 6ill be re-r(e( n %a%er an( C5. B$ means 1 the ne6 eD'i%ment an(
1reseen a'tmatins 6e 6ill btain 3C4stran( 6ith AR a--r(in7 t internatinal %r('-t
stan(ar(s& %r.i(e( that the material 'se( is 7(& hm7ene's& an( 6ith't 1la6s.
)). K'arantees2 Sh'l( ISCT -n('-t a ma>r an( D'alit$ re1'rbishment t the re'se(
eD'i%ment an( 6ill 7'arant$ it& the s'%%lier ta@es res%nsibilit$ 1r the entire installatin
1'n-tinin72 me-hani-al %art& ele-tri-al %art an( -rres%n(in7 a'tmatins.
)". The s'%%lier 6ill ( als ne6 %st41rmin7 hea( 1r the eCistent -ablin7 ma-hine in
TOT3 <SRN :C,## t$%e=
)3. ISCT t7ether 6ith the s'%%lier 6ill 1in( a sl'tin t the )# t bbbin trans1er 1rm the
-ablin7 ma-hine t the stran( stabilizatin installatin %a$411 & .er$ (e1i-ient '% t n6.
The %r('$ 1 the '%7ra(e( installatin 1r stran( stabilizatin 6ith l6 relaCatin !r'%%
t$%e AR!4"# 6ill ha.e t be the initial ne <at start4'% 1 the ri7inal installatin= min's )9H&
-nsi(erin7 -ertain 6ear an( tears 1 the re'se( -m%nents.
Frm the translatin 1 the ma-hine b@2
M FJ VB*#m0minJ 3
B ".8 t0h& 1r
B#.:# / %r('$ $iel(
Cnsi(erin7 the 'se( an( '%7ra(e( eD'i%ment a $iel( 1
B#.,9 is ta@en
B".8t0h C #.,9 B ".#8 t0hJ 3t0
B ".#8 t0h C 9,## h0$ B )),3" t0$
There1re& the %er1rman-e 6ill be as 1ll6s2
Strand Si!e 0rod"#tion
0ra#ti#al ,o"rl4 prod"#tion 0,
Ann"al prod"#tion 04
22 in#,es New e5"ip.
11 6-).7)3
Upgraded e5"ip.
11 x 8 66 -
11 -).73
11 x 8 -
3C3 :.9 )"# #.+) #.: 8)), 39##
+C".)) :.39 )08
+C3 *.93 30, )"# ).:9 ).8# *9+# ,)39
+C8."9 )".+ M *# ".8 ".#8 )3*"# )),3"
+C9 )9." :0)# :# "."9 ).*) )3#9# ))#+,
B #.: / interr'%tin in %r('-tin 7i.en b$ the te-hnl7i-al 1l6 1 the stabilizatin
installatin2 1ee(in7 6ith )# t bbbins& s%ee( re('-tins 1r 6el(s& re%la-ement 1 bbbins et-.
B#.,9 / the eD'i%ment ha.in7 an .er "# $ears a7e& 6e -annt -'nt n initial
Sta7e )2
a= The rehabilitatin 1 the stran( stabilizatin installatin !r'%% AR! "# t$%e has t be (ne
be-a'se the basi- eD'i%ment is in a te-hni-al -n(itin that all6s its re'se& 6ith the
-n(itin 1 a D'alit$ R!. The '%7ra(e( eD'i%ment 6ill als -m%rise the an-illaries s'-h
as2 stran( b'tt46el(in7 ma-hine& bbbins tilter& si7n(e t$in7 (e.i-e& ma-hine 1r testin7
the l6 relaCatin.
The la$4't 1 the '%7ra(e( stran( stabilizatin installatin is FK ""#39 <-m%lete( 6ith a
s$n-hrnizer bet6een -a%stan n " an( the t6 s%lers=
The AR! "# stabilizatin installatin /'%7ra(e( 6ill be ln7er than the ri7inal / the e11e-t 1
this sit'atin 6ill mani1est .er the nei7hbrin7 eD'i%ment in TOT3& %resente( in the la$'t
(ra6in7 n 3"A /::.
b= The '%7ra(in7 1 the stran( stabilizatin installatin attra-ts -m%'lsr$ the rehabilitatin
1 the eCistent (ra6in7 ma-hine Arb7a0+ <(e1i-ient 6ater -lin7 s$stem& 1la6s in the
-a%stans& mal1'n-tinin7 ele-tri-al %art et-.= t ens're the ne-essar$ (ra6n 6ire 1r
-= The rehabilitatin 1 the eCistent stran(in7 ma-hines SRN :C,##& SRN :C9## <" %-s= an(
%atentin7 b$ immersin .en n ) in TOT"
(= Als& the %rln7atin 1 the stabilizatin installatin 6ill im%se -ertain ere-tin an(
-nstr'-tin 6r@ 1r (issemblin7 an( rearran7in7 1 the nei7hbrin7 eD'i%ment
The 1irst sta7e -an be -m%lete( i1 there 6ill be the 99# @ils 6ire r( -ils 1 :4)" mm an(
7( D'alit$& i1 the ,## mm bbbins ha.e maCim'm -a%a-it$ 1 99# @ils.
A1ter -m%letin 1 the ne-essar$ 6r@s 1r %'ttin7 int %eratin at this sta7e& the %r('-tin
-a%a-it$ 1 the '%7ra(e( 3C4stran( 1abri-atin line in TOT3 6ill rea-h ,### t0$.
The %r('-tin 1 ,### t0$& at 9,## h is -m%se( 12
- 39## t0$ 2 3CS MG / 3CS :0)# L 4 (ra6n n Arb7a0+ / stran(in7 n SRN :C,##
- 3### t0$ 2 3CS 90):G / 3CS 30, L / (ra6n n U5OSA "9##0+ / stran(in7 n SRN
- )9## t0$ 2 3CS )08 L an( stran( 3C3<:.9mm= / (ra6n n U5OSA "9##0: an( stran(in7
n SRN :C9## <" %ie-es=
The %hases that ha.e t be -.ere( in r(er t -m%lete stage 1 are2
). Iss'e 1 1inal te-hni-al O11er ReD'est
In -har7e2 Cn-e%tin 5e.el%ment 5i.isin
Te-hnl7$ P'alit$ 5i.isin
3r('-tin 5i.isin
5ea(line2 N
". Cm%letin 1 Te-hni-al O11ers b$ -'ntersi7nin7 an( sele-tin
In -har7e2 Cn-e%tin 5e.el%ment 5i.isin
Te-hnl7$ P'alit$ 5i.isin
3r('-tin 5i.isin
5ea(line2 N
3. ReD'est 1r Cmmer-ial O11er
In -har7e2 Cmmer-ial 5i.isin
Finan-ial 5i.isin
Cn-e%tin 5e.el%ment 5i.isin
3r('-tin 5i.isin
Te-hnl7$ P'alit$ 5i.isin
5ea(line2 N
8. Bi((er Sele-tin
In -har7e2 Cmmer-ial 5i.isin
Finan-ial 5i.isin
Cn-e%tin 5e.el%ment 5i.isin
3r('-tin 5i.isin
Te-hnl7$ P'alit$ 5i.isin
5ea(line2 N
9. Elabratin b$ I3ROAAM 1 a 1easibilit$ st'($
In -har7e2 Cmmer-ial 5i.isin
Finan-ial 5i.isin
Cn-e%tin 5e.el%ment 5i.isin
3r('-tin 5i.isin
Te-hnl7$ P'alit$ 5i.isin
5ea(line2 N
:. Cn-l'sin 1 -mmer-ial -ntra-t
In -har7e2 Cmmer-ial 5i.isin
Finan-ial 5i.isin
Cn-e%tin 5e.el%ment 5i.isin
3r('-tin 5i.isin
Te-hnl7$ P'alit$ 5i.isin
5ea(line2 N
+. 3'r-hasin7 1 eD'i%ment& -nstr'-tin an( ere-tin 6r@ 1r the eD'i%ment& te-hnl7i-al
sam%lin7& 1inal re-e%tin 1 the eD'i%ment
In -har7e2 Cn-e%tin 5e.el%ment 5i.isin
Me-hani-s Ener7eti- 5i.isin
3r('-tin 5i.isin
Te-hnl7$ P'alit$ 5i.isin
5ea(line2 N
N The (ea(lines 6ill be set a1ter 1 the in.estment start4'%
Stage 8:
In the e.ent 6e btain in Sta7e ) 3C4Stran( 6ith AR a--r(in7 t internatinal %r('-t
stan(ar(s& able t enter the (mesti- an( eC%rt mar@ets an( the 3C4Stran( 6ith AR reD'ests
eC-ee( the %r('-tin -a%a-ities 1 the '%7ra(e( 1abri-atin line& the a-D'isitin 1 a ne6
1abri-atin line 1r 3C4Stran( 6ith AR is im%se(& -m%risin72
a= Cm%se( stran( -ablin7 an( stabilizatin line E L 4 +0)# L / (ra6in7 KCR FK ""#3)
b= 5ra6in7 ma-hine *##0, 6ith tastrllers <limite( tra.el rllers=& intensi.e -lin7 et-.
This ne6 1abri-atin line 6ill be %la-e( in the (e4tensinin7 se-tr / O%enin7 E4F& TOT "
6r@sh%& a--r(in7 t la$4't (ra6in7 n )3 A4*3.
Realizatin 1 the ne6 1abri-atin line 6ill be timel$ in -ase 1 %r-essin7 the STEAMORE
6ire r( in "### @il -ils. In this e.ent& the bbbins 1rm the -ablin7 ma-hine 6'l( be
-a%able 1 a--'m'latin7 "### @il 1 6ire. The (ra6in7 ma-hine 6ill be eD'i%%e( 6ith an
hrizntal s%ler 1r bbbins& "###49### @il -a%a-it$.
Stage 1
). Rehabilitatin 1 the AR! "# stabilizatin installatin
a= Ne6 eD'i%ment a%%rC. %ri-e E'r 9## ###
b= Ca%ital re1'rbishment 1 the re'se( eD'i%ment a%%rC. %ri-e E'r +9 ###
". An-illar$ en(6ments
- s%are %arts 1r " $ears
- si7n(e t$in7 (e.i-e
- bbbins tiltin7 (e.i-e
- stran( -'ttin7 (e.i-e
- stran( b'tt46el(in7 (e.i-e
- testin7 ma-hine 1r AR
a%%rC. %ri-e E'r "## ###
3. U%7ra(in7 1 the Arb7a0+ (ra6in7 ma-hine
a%%rC. %ri-e E'r +9 ###
8. Rehabilitatin 1 -ablin7 ma-hine SRN :C,## t$%e in-l'(in7 ne6 %st41rmin7 (e.i-e an(
)# t 4bbbins trans1er (e.i-e 1rm the -ablin7 ma-hine t the '%7ra(e( AR! "#
stabilizatin installatin
A%%rC. %ri-e E'r )"9 ###
9. CQE 6r@s& rearran7ements 1 (ra6in7 ma-hines
A%%rC. %ri-e E'r "## ###
:. Mis-ellane's A%%rC. %ri-e E'r "# ###
Esti2ated Total 0ri#e E"ro 1 1/. )))
Stage 8
+. Ne6 -m%se( -ablin7 R stabilizatin installatin
A%%rC. %ri-e E'r ) 3## ###
,. An-illar$ en(6ments
- s%are %arts 1r " $ears
- si7n(e t$in7 (e.i-e
- bbbins tiltin7 (e.i-e
- stran( -'ttin7 (e.i-e
- stran( b'tt46el(in7 (e.i-e
- testin7 ma-hine 1r AR
A%%rC. %ri-e E'r ""# ###
*. Ne6 (ra6in7 ma-hine *##0,
A%%rC. %ri-e E'r ,## ###
)#. CQE 6r@s
A%%rC. %ri-e E'r 3## ###
)). Mis-ellane's
A%%rC. %ri-e E'r ") ###
Esti2ated Total 0ri#e E"ro 8 7%1 )))
The en.irnmental iss'es are (is-'sse( in AnneC I <%a7e ))=.
The estimate( e-nmi- e11e-ts res'ltin7 1rm the rehabilitatin 1 !r'%% Aine
a3 E#ono2i# effe#t 4 infl"en#ing fa#tors
)= The in-rease 1 NR 3C4Stran( %r('-tin 1rm 3### t0$ t ,### t0$& b$
assimilatin 1 the ne6 %r('-t reD'este( 1r eC%rt& AR 3C 4 stran( 6ill (etermine
an in-rease 1 the t' 2 <,###43###= t0$ C 8+9 E'r0t B " 3+9 ### E'r0$
"= The s'%erir t'rnin7 t .al'e 1 the ne6 %r('-t AR 3C 4 stran( 1r a %ri-e 1 8+9
E'r0t& b$ -m%arisn t the -'rrent %ri-e 1 889 E'r0t 1 the NR 3C4Stran( 2
,### <8+94889= B "8# ### E'r0$
3= Re('-tin in n'mber 1 6r@ers 1rm 3 in the eCistent .ersin <!r'%%= t " in the
m(ernize( .ersin <insi7ni1i-ant re('-tin=
8= Re('-tin 1 metal -ns'm%tin 1rm )#*# @il0t t )#+9 @il0t& res'ltin7 in a
(e-rease 1 material an( %r('-tin -sts2
,### t0$ <)#*#4)#+9= @il0t C ":: E'r0t C )#
B 3" ### E'r0$
Ttal "R8 B <"8# ### R 3" ###= E'r0$ B "+" ### E'r0$
. S"22ar4 of e#ono2i# effe#ts
In(i-atr MU Estimate( .al'e
) Estimate( %r('-tin -a%a-it$ P T0$ ,###
" Unitar$ %ri-e 3 E'r0t 8+9
3 Estimate( %r('-tin .al'e V%BPC3 E'r0$ 3 ,## ###
8 Minim'm estimate( rate 1 %r1itabilit$
H )## x
R =
H +.)9 N
9 Krss %r1it 3bBV% C R E'r0$ "+" ###
: Minim'm net %r1it
H +9 min Pbx P
= E'r0$ "#8 ###
+ Estimate( .al'e 1 in.estment Vi E'r ) )*9 ###
, 5'ratin 1 re-.erin7 the in.estment b$
means 1 net %r1it
Dr =
$ears 9.,9 N
N The real %r('-tin -a%a-it$ 1 the '%7ra(e( stran( stabilizatin installatin is 1 )"### t0$&
1r -able 1 M L& a--r(in7 t %a7e +. The interr'%tin 1 the te-hnl7i-al 1l6 1rm the
%int 1 .ie6 1 the labr %r('$ is 1r the -ablin7 ma-hine SRN :C,##& in the -n(itins
that the eCistent en(6ments are @e%t. In the e.ent enterin7 n internatinal mar@et 6ill be
s'--ess1'l& 6ith the AR 3C4Stran( btaine( n the '%7ra(e( stabilizatin installatin an( a
%r('-tin hi7her than :9## t0$ 6ill be reD'este(& a ne6 -ablin7 ma-hine 6ill be %'r-hase(
CAR )""#0: t$%e& t be %la-e( in line 6ith the '%7ra(e( stabilizatin installatin& 1rmin7 a
-m%se( -ablin74stabilizatin line at a minim'm ann'al %r('-tin 1 )" ### t0$. there1re&
this '%7ra(in7 in.estment 6ill 11er %ssibilit$ 1r eC%ansin.
Sh'l( the D'antit$ 1 AR 3C4Stran( reD'este( n the (mesti- an( internatinal mar@et
in-rease <in the meantime= .er )" ### t0$& the in.estment 1reseen in Sta7e " 6ill be
The (e.el%ment 1 the 1reseen in.estment 6'l( lea( t2
). The %r('-t 3C4Stran( 6ith AR& E L 4 +0)# L& 6ill -n1rm t internatinal %r('-t
". The %r('-t 3C4Stran( 6ith AR 6ill be -m%etiti.e& in r(er t -nD'er eCternal mar@ets&
%r.i(e( that the 6ire is Stelmre in "### @il -ils
3. In Rmania there is n ther %r('-er 1 3C4Stran( 6ith AR& this in.estment im%sin7
there1re as a %ririt$.
In -n-l'sin& the %resent in.estment is strate7i- an( is -nsi(ere( a--r(in7l$.

The eD'i%ment -m%rise( in the 1abri-atin line -n1rms t the en.irnmental le7islatin in %la-e.
The '%7ra(e( stran( man'1a-t'rin7 installatin !r'%% AR! "# t$%e is an inte7rant %art 1 the l6
relaCatin stran(s man'1a-t'rin7 line& an( the ne6 r '%7ra(e( eD'i%ment %art 1 it are
en.irnmental 1rien(l$ an( ( nt ha.e a ne7ati.e im%a-t n the en.irnment& -n1rmin7 t the
en.irnmental le7islatin.
The main en.irnmental iss'es sl.e( b$ the '%7ra(in7 1 the l6 relaCatin stran( %r('-tin line
a= Mana7ement 1 the ne-essar$ res'r-es 1r man'1a-t'rin7 the ne6 %r('-t 6hi-h 6ill ens're
(e-rease in 1abri-atin -sts b$ means 12
- re('-tin 1 metal s%e-i1i- -ns'm%tin b$ )9 @il0t
- re('-tin 1 ener7$ s%e-i1i- -ns'm%tin b$ 9 @;0t
b= The h'man im%a-t btaine( a1ter (e.el%in7 the stran(s %r('-tin line 6ith l6 relaCatin
-nsists 1 im%r.in7 the 6r@in7 -n(itins b$ a'tmatin 1 sme %eratins& mnitrin7 1
%r-ess %arameters an( in-rease in labr %r('$.

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