Final Kindergarten Math I-Can

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I can...

1. count to 100 by ones and 10s.
2. count on from any number up to 100.
3. write numbers from 0-20 and show how many.
4. count up to 20 objects.
5. tell which group has more, less, and the same.
1. group objects in tens and ones.
2. sole word problems using objects or drawings.
3. put objects together to add and ta!e objects away to subtract.
4. use different numbers to ma!e 10.
5. add and subtract to 5.
". copy, continue, and create a pattern.
1. follow directions to put an object aboe, oer, under, between, in,
out, below, ne#t to, behind, and in front.
2. name these shapes$ circle, s%uare, triangle, and rectangle.
3. tell if a shape is flat or solid.
4. find the sides and corners on shapes.
5. ma!e and draw a shape.
". use shapes to ma!e other shapes.
Measurement and Data
1. sort objects by si&e, shape, and color.
2. tell which objects are longer or shorter, heaier or lighter.
Fall 2012
Kindergarten Math Expectations
Kindergarten Math Essential Skills and Concepts
apsie !alley Community Schools

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