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Tantramar Regional High School

Broad Based Technology 9

Design Process
Company President
(your name):
Taylor Wry

Pro!ect Title:
"inal Presentation
The Coffin Shop
The co##in shop mission is to insure your #riends and #amily
are $ept %ell so you don&t d%ell'
Did your #riend die( Stop )y The Co##in Shop today and *s'
Wry %ill )e sure to help
Design Brie#:
My company was made to make families feel secure when theyre picking
a casket for close friends or family. I wanted them to fell like they were
making the right choice.
- $enture &apital is a financial capital provided to early stage' high
potential growth startup companies.
(. )he top ten states for $& investment in 200* were: &alifornia'
Massachusetts' )e+as' ,ashington' -ew .ork' /ennsylvania' Maryland'
0lorida' -ew 1ersey' -orth &arolina.
2. In the last "! years' venture capitalists invested more than 233( billion
in over !*'000 companies in the 4nited 5tates.
". Minnesota and /ennsylvania were ranked third and fourth respectively
in venture capital investment in the medical device sector in 200*.
3. ,ashington and -orth &arolina were ranked fourth and fifth respectively
in venture capital investment in the biotechnology sector in 200*.
!. )he top five area codes for $& investing in 200* were 6!0' 30' !'
6(*' and 3(!.
Planning: - 7uring 88) 9 my company has developed a lot. I came up with a
logo' a company name' a mission statement and a slogan. Ive
made a website including my location and many any other things. I
have also made a game to advertise my company. I also made a
presentation on pre:i to tell people about my company. I used
google skethcup to remake my first clients house. My company has
come a long way since the beginning of 88) 9. Ive learned that
managing a business is a lot harder then what it seems. Most
importantly Ive had a lot of fun doing it

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