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Tantramar Regional High School

Broad Based Technology 9

Design Process
Company President
(your name):
Taylor Reid-llen
Pro"ect Title:
#inal Presentation
TT Technology Inc.
$ur purpose is to create ne%er &ersions o' old technology.
$ld to ne% in "ust a 'e%(
Design Brie':
My company is all about the new. We make new technology of all sorts and sell it
back to their original companies. We create and refine refrigerators, computers,
cell phones, televisions, dish washers, microwaves, and so much more. Were
always trying to focus on what we can do better within our facilities such as,
making the facility faculty friendly so people WANT to work here. We have good
communication within our employees, there is N!" a dull moment in the TT
Technologies #nc. facility.
- )enture capital $)C% is financial capital provided to early&stage, high&
potential, and growth startup companies. The venture capital fund earns
money by owning e'uity in the companies it invests in, which usually has a
novel technology or business model in high technology industries,
http())!enture*capital such
as biotechnology, #T and software.
- +rederictons "adian, and -. labs, two companies which recently sold for
nearly /. billion combined.
- With more than /. billion in current and planned investments and over 34
years of e5perience in venture capital, we focus on innovative #T, health
and energy)clean technology companies with high growth potential.
- With venture capital you can sometimes obtain large 'uantities of money,
and this money can help businesses with big start&up e5penses or
businesses that want to grow very 'uickly.
- The venture capital market in urope has, over the past thirty years,
produced some e5traordinary success stories. +rom the rise of global
companies such as 9kype and Autonomy, to the development of now&
ubi'uitous technology such as :luetooth, there is much to celebrate within
this industry
- #n my company we have accomplished so much in only 7 weeks. We have
showed our company to a classroom of people, weve presented our base,
weve presented our abilities to create a sleek, new interesting website that
people want to go on to find information about us. Weve also showed our
abilities to create a new game and display our product without making the
game boring and too long. A range of people have seen our company
since weve started and with the help of these 7 weeks, a classroom of kids
are even aware of what we do to benefit peoples everyday lives. Weve
showed our abilities to talk to people and inform, weve showed our ideas
of what we plan to do with our company and most of all we presented our
company as a whole.
*** +se this template e&ery time you ,egin a ne% pro"ect- .t is important to 'ully thin/ out e&ery
aspect o' your pro"ects so you create the ,est 'inished product you are capa,le o'( Don0t
'orget to delete all the te1t %ithin the ta,les and here( ***

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