BBT Final Project

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Tantramar Regional High School

Broad Based Technology 9

Design Process
Company President
(your name):
Sam Alard
Pro"ect Title:
#inal presentation
Save The Poison Dart Frog
Our mission is to raise enough money to
save the poison dart frog
Save them dont smoke them
Design Brie$:
- My company sells poison dart frogs. We also reproduce
poison frogs. Save The Poison Dart Frog company also is a
fundraiser to sponsor frogs. My company tries to get the
young children interested in new species. We also try to
provide the public with information about the species.
- Venture apital is investing in a company with a substantial
amount of ris! with your own money.
- "n the #$ years venture capitals invested more than %%&
billion dollars in the 'S(.
- The average venture capital in )**+ was +.+million.
- ,very one dollar of venture capital investment between &-+*
and )**. created /$..* of '.S. revenues in )**..
- 0ne out of every five deals in )**+ had a corporate venture
capital investor.
- There are fewer than 1** venture capital firms in the 'nited
- http233blog.seattlepi.com3venture3)**13*)3*$3#$4facts4about4
Planning: - During 55T - technology we have accomplished in creating
a website. We made a video game for advertising our
company. We managed to get a sponsor from hipflip for
&*6 of their profits. My company has gotten sponsors and
donations. We accomplished to raise the amount of money to
start reproducing poison frogs. We also raised the amount of
Poison Dart Frogs in 5ra7il. We accomplished to hire a
employ to reproduce the frogs. My company also e8panded
on to my head office. My company managed to fund enough
money to buy the recourses we need. Finally my company
raised money to move further into the rain forest.
%%% &se this template e'ery time you (egin a ne pro"ect) *t is important to $ully thin+ out e'ery
aspect o$ your pro"ects so you create the (est $inished product you are capa(le o$, Don-t
$orget to delete all the te.t ithin the ta(les and here, %%%

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