Design Process

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Tantramar Regional High School

Broad Based Technology 9

Design Process
Company President
(your name):
Taylor Reid-llen
Pro"ect Title:
TT Technology Inc.
#ur purpose is to create ne$er %ersions o& old technology.
#ld to ne$ in "ust a &e$'
Design Brie&:
- In the spolder project it was made up of 3 stages and 5 levels. You
were to put your product into the game or incorporate it in anyway.
- In MMO Everquest II you are a!le to order pi""a from pi""a hut
straight from the game#
- In $urnout %aradise O!ama had put his voter campaign in the game
on !ill!oard signs he also did this with &'( &)( and &$* games
as well.
- In +ames %ond, codename -o!ocod while playing there was a .
second ad for %enguin $iscuits a European candy which after the
game released outsold /it /at#
- *lso in +ames %ond . the protagonist in the game !lows up
everything on the east coast0 !ut su!way1s still open.
- In the metal gears series you are a!le to eat 2oritos the sna3es
could drin3 %epsi and Mountain 2ew *&2 to replenish your health
you could spray yourself with *4e !ody spray
- http,55listverse.com5.6735685695:0strange0product0placements0in0

Planning: -

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