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Interpretao de Texto IV

Levi's Blue Jeans

Levi Strauss was born in
Germany in the mid 1800's and
immigrated to the United States as a
young man. He lived in New York
City and learned the dry-goods
business for several years. In 1853
he took his knowledge and his
dreams to San Francisco
(California., USA.) His dream to
succeed came true over the next 20
years as he became a very
successful businessman.

Many of Levi Strauss'
customers were cowboys and
miners. They needed clothing that
was strong and durable. Strauss
found a special fabric from France
that was comfortable and lasted a
long time. It was called "serge de
Nimes," which was later shortened
to the word denim.

Another man named Jacob
Davis bought large amounts of the
denim fabric from Levi Strauss. He
was a tailor who made pants for
hard-working men. One of his
customers was continually tearing
the pockets off his pants. So Jacob
Davis decided to put rivets on
certain parts of the pants to make
them stronger. The customer loved
the new pants so much that he told
all his friends, and soon Jacob Davis
was busy making lots of pants with

Jacob Davis soon realized that
using rivets was a great business
idea, and he didn't want anybody to
steal that idea. He decided that he
would need to get a patent. But
being a poor tailor, he didn't have
enough money to pay for the
patent. After thinking it over, he
went to the businessman Levi
Strauss and told him his idea. He
said, "If you agree to pay for the
patent, we will share the profits from
the riveted pants." Levi Strauss did
agree, and the new riveted pant
business was called Levi Strauss
and Company. Today Levi's jeans
are more popular than ever, and
Levi's name continues to live on.

De acordo com a leitura e
compreenso do texto acima,
marque a alternativa correta.

QUESTO 01- De acordo com a
tipologia, o texto :
a) descritivo
b) dissertativo
c) informativo
d) narrativo

QUESTO 02 -O jeans, inicialmente
foi criado para atender:
a) a atrizes famosas
b) a pessoas pobres
c) a vaqueiros e mineiros
d) a estudantes

QUESTO 03- Levi Strauss que
deu nome a uma marca
mundialmente conhecida, nasceu:
a) nos Estados Unidos
b) no Mxico
c) na Alemanha
d) n.d.a


QUESTO 04-Levi Strauss tinha
um grande sonho e para realiz-lo,
ele emigrou-se para:
a) Alemanha
b) Estados Unidos
c) Frana
d) n.d.a

QUESTO 05 -Strauss encontrou
um tecido muito especial que
durava bastante, o pas onde ele
encontrou tal tecido foi:
a) Estados Unidos
b) Alemanha
c) Frana
d) n.d.a

QUESTO 06- A maioria dos
verbos que encontramos no texto,
est no:
a) Simple Present
b) Simple Past
c) Present Continuous
d) Simple future

QUESTO 07 -() as a young
man (), o adjetivo grifado tem
como antnimo:
a) beautiful
b) new
c) old
d) sad

QUESTO 8-He lived in New
York City, na forma negativa, a
frase ficar:
a) He not lived in New York City.
b) He lived not in New York City.
c) He is not lived in New York City.
d) He didnt live in New York City

QUESTO 09- It was called
de Nim



negativa, a frase ficar:
a) It was called "serge de Nimes?
b) Called it was "serge de Nimes,"?
c) Was it called "serge de Nimes,"?
d) n.d.a

QUESTO 10-I. The customer
loved the new pants ()
II. Davis decided to put rivets ()
III. They needed clothing that was
De acordo com o processo de
formao do SIMPLE PAST,
marque a correta:
a) os verbos das frases I, II, III
obedecem ao mesmo processo
de formao.
b) Os verbos das frases I e II no
obedecem ao mesmo processo
de formao.
c) Os verbos das frases I e III esto
no simple present.
d) n.d.a

10 B



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