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2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc.

POE Activity 2.3.2 Tensile Testing SIM Page 1

Activity 2.3.2 Tensile Testing SIM

Tensile testing provides engineers
with the ability to verify and
establish material properties
related to a specific material. This
verification process is critical in
ensuring that the selected material
will meet design specifications. In
this activity you will interpret and
make sample specific calculations
related to the material properties
of a dog bone test sample.

Computer with access to Virtual Tensometer and Adobe Flash
Material Testing Formula Sheet
You will use a tensile test simulation to observe how the test is performed and how
the force displacement graph is created during the test. You will perform calculations
using the graph to better understand the graph and important data.

1. Go to the Virtual Tensometer.

2. Click Enter to begin the simulation.

2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
POE Activity 2.3.2 Tensile Testing SIM Page 2
3. Choose Want to try?

4. Click on the image of the Virtual

5. This should bring you to the Virtual
Tensometer for testing.

6. Four materials are available to test.
All but cast iron will create usable
data for this activity. Check with your
instructor to determine which
material you will test. A sampling of
each material should be tested
among the class.

7. Test the material by dragging it into the clamps and pressing Start.
8. Upon completion of the test, enlarge your browser window by using Ctrl + so
that the graph is large.
2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
POE Activity 2.3.2 Tensile Testing SIM Page 3
9. Take a screen shot of the browser, paste it into the Proportional Limit table
below, and then crop out all but the graph. Copy the cropped image and
paste it into the remainder of the tables.
The original diameter of the specimen is 5mm or 0.20 in. and the original
length is 75mm or 2.95 in.

Test Sample Calculations
1. Proportional Limit Stress
The greatest stress that a material is capable of withstanding without deviation from
straight line proportionality between the stress and strain. If the force applied to a
material is released, the material will return to its original size and shape.
Tensile test results graph (Insert test graph)

Locate the proportional limit on the test graph.
Solve for the proportional limit stress: = F/A

2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
POE Activity 2.3.2 Tensile Testing SIM Page 4
2. Yield Point Stress
The point at which a sudden elongation takes place while the load on the sample
remains the same or actually drops. If the force applied to the material is released,
the material will not return to its original shape.
Tensile test results graph (Insert test graph)

Locate the Yield Point on the test graph.
Solve for the Yield Point stress: = F/A

2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
POE Activity 2.3.2 Tensile Testing SIM Page 5
3. Ultimate/Tensile Stress
The point at which a maximum load for a sample is achieved. Beyond this point
elongation of the sample continues, but the force exerted decreases.
Tensile test results graph (Insert test graph)

2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
POE Activity 2.3.2 Tensile Testing SIM Page 6

2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
POE Activity 2.3.2 Tensile Testing SIM Page 7

Locate the maximum load location on the test graph.
Solve for the Ultimate/Tensile stress: = F/A

2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
POE Activity 2.3.2 Tensile Testing SIM Page 8
4. Breaking/Rupture Point
The maximum amount of stress that can be applied before rupture occurs. The
specimen fractures in the necking region where the material reduces in diameter as
it elongates.
Tensile test results graph (Insert test graph)

Locate the Breaking/Rupture Point on the test graph.
Solve for the Breaking/Rupture Point stress: = F/A

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POE Activity 2.3.2 Tensile Testing SIM Page 9
5. Modulus of Elasticity
A measure of a materials ability to regain its original dimensions after the removal of
a load or force. The modulus is the slope of the straight line portion of the stress-
strain diagram up to the proportional limit.
Tensile test results graph (Insert test graph)

Solve for the Modulus of Elasticity:
2 1 0
2 1
(F -F)L
E =
( - )A

2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
POE Activity 2.3.2 Tensile Testing SIM Page 10
6. Modulus of Resilience
A measure of a materials ability to absorb energy up to the yield point. This modulus
is represented by the area under the stress vs. strain curve from 0-force to the yield
Tensile test results graph (Insert test graph)

Solve for the Modulus of Resilience: U
= (


2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
POE Activity 2.3.2 Tensile Testing SIM Page 11
7. Modulus of Toughness
A measure of a materials ability to plastically deform without fracturing. Work is
performed by the material absorbing energy from the blow or deformation. This
measurement is equal to the area under the stress vs. strain curve from its origin
through the rupture point.
Tensile test results graph (Insert test graph)

Solve for the Modulus of Toughness: U
= 1/3 (
+ 2

Conclusion Questions
1. Test and observe the graph created when testing cast iron. What does the
graph tell you about the hardness of cast iron? Describe an application where
the hardness of cast iron would be an advantage.

2. Compare the difference in the size and shape of the material if the test is
stopped before or after the yield point.

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