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Robert Knechtel 1

Robert Knechtel
362 Stellar Drive, Kelowna, B.C. V1W 4K4
(cell) 250-300-9119
Languages: !l"ent in #ngli$h
Co!uters: %&obe 'hoto$ho(, aniation, e&iting gae$ )*i( + o&i,ie& gae$,
-ava$cri(t + e&ite& $erver$ an& co&ing li$t$, .icro$o,t /,,ice, Win&ow$ o(erating $0$te,
e1treel0 ,a$t t0(ing abilitie$. 2 have $everal 0ear$ o, e1(erience in b"il&ing co("te$,
&oing co("ter $et "(, (rograing $erver$, an& re$olving inor co("ter (roble$.
"ork ethic3 2 a able to "ltita$k. 2 a creative, a goo& co"nicator, an& high
energ0. 2 can work in&e(en&entl0 an& a$ (art o, a tea. 2 a a (eo(le (er$on. 2 en4o0
$olving (roble$. 2 a ver0 reliable an& &e&icate& to contin"o"$ learning. 2 (a0 attention
to &etail$ an& a a ,a$t learner.
%igh School &i!loa Se(teber 2515 6 C"rrent
Okanagan Mission Secondary, Kelowna, B.C.

Regional &istrict o( the Central )kanagan 7oveber 2512
Information Technology
2 have vol"nteere& with ta$k$ $"ch a$3 b"il&ing co("te$, &oing co("ter $et "(,
(rograing $erver$, an& re$olving inor co("ter (roble$.
*l+-in *ishing Ca!, Sasaginnigag Lake, )- Se(teber 2558 9 %"g"$t, 2515
Camp assistant
2 a$$i$te& the ca( lea&er with ta$k$ $"ch a$3 loa&ing &ock$, &riving a boat, $tacking
,irewoo&, an& aintaining the cabin$.
Robert Knechtel 2
2 en4o0 $nowboar&ing, $kiing, hocke0 an& $cootering. 2 en4o0 working with co("ter$
an& interacting with (eo(le.
/rian Knechtel
2: S0$te$ #ngineer
;DC/, Kelowna BC
0hone: (250) 215-0010

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